“Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you've got a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies-"God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
-Kurt Vonnegut.
Wow, looks like you're fully exploiting and enjoying your college life, huh? I never did the Spring Break thing so I suppose I can be a little envious, heh. Either way, sounds like you had a LOT of fun.
Are you talking to anyone new now, or just single filin' it? ;)
I traveled to India, Amsterdam, and Paris. The last two were very brief, but still, enjoyable. I'm planning another vacation later on this year, but still unsure where I want to go. Other than that, my life is - likewise - not very noteworthy. I've been writing a lot more fiction nowadays, and trying to hone my writing more (proactively), but really that's it. What are you getting up to this summer? Anything fun?
Hey girl. I've been well. Just the same ol'. I was travelling a lot in the beginning of the year, but now my life's excitement has come to a halt and I'm back riding the stale waves of corporatism. How about you? What's new with you?
Well, I enjoy alcohol for the literal taste and have been enjoying various flavors of beer, wine, and liquors while expanding my palette. IPA's is just what I've currently been drinking. You should give some a try, I can recommend some if you'd like. Though it's interesting that my actual alcohol intake has decreased significantly relative to before, heh.
That sounds great. I'm glad you're enjoying life and meeting cool people. Any progression on the current like-situation? :P
Do you have anything fun planned for the holidays?
Yeah, a new job in an old city. It's quite exciting though. I'm really enjoying my new position, colleagues, and work place (which usually takes me some time to adjust, forget like).
Holiday season is always good since I get to indulge in almost everything I like. I will be traveling a lot starting at the end of December for various weddings, events, etc. International travel - as exhausting as it is - is so much fun.
What kind of beer do you like? Any favorites? I've been getting into IPA's lately.
What else is new with you? Love life? Lust life? ;)
Hey girl. Hope you've been well. Gettin' ready for the holidays?! Ahh, sorry to hear that about your GPA drop, but you're still doing really well, so no worries :)!
I apologize for this extreme delay in response as I've been ladled with new responsibilities and work. I started a new job, moving (AGAIN!), and other tedious happenings so I've been just in a rut of never-ending shit to do. But yea...enough of that! It seems like you're having a good time. Good for you for staying above the influence (though the same can't be said for myself D:) and doing your thannnng.
I do drink and I've been very drunk (on numerous occasions - but I prefer to just enjoy drinking rather than getting frat-boy drunk. It's not fun for an old lady like me anymore :P). I'm relatively more affectionate, but I do become way more talkative and "open" in terms of conversation. It also depends on what I'm drinking. What's your favorite drink?
Hey gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl. Just wanted to respond *something* since I've been MIA. I'm on my phone, so I'll write you a huge R+ post next time, but until then! Hope you've been well. Feel free to share what's been up with you.
Ha, everybody here calls uni uni and college college. I do wonder why they blend the two terms together elsewhere though. Kinda like american football vs football. Like c'mon now....
A 4.0, especially as a first year, is amazing, damn! Quite unlike my first year though. My grades were decent, but the number of friends I made is in the negatives. I wasn't able to tell whether that was an issue of mine, but I guess it probably is. Oddly enough, I became increasingly reclusive in uni, almost a 180 from my relatively outgoing high-school self. It's strange; but I enjoy my own company, so I guess it's not a bad turn of events...
I've always been curious about living away from home (my uni's only a half-hour bus ride away, so I had no need to move). Must be quite the adventure ;)
I'm in Uni, second year... I'm a bit of a wanderer, actually. I started out pursuing a degree in marketing, but I got outta there within a semester (my plans were a mess, since I had no idea what I wanted to do prior to entering uni haha). My love for reading/writing was resuscitated, then I went into journalism for a year - and it went very well, but I'm changing my mind again, and I'll probably be going for an English major starting next semester, alongside another, currently unknown, major. Parents weren't too happy, but neither was I, so it's gotta be done!
Check out some. I'll recommend a few if you're interested, but just be aware of its properties as should be evident by "ero-guro".
It's a little weird for me, since my father is such a rarity (in my opinion). His personality, character, intellect, approach, methodology (etc. etc) all solidly indicate him as a "left-brained"/xNTJ type 100%. I can say that without a doubt. However, he also possesses numerous artistic talents such as painting, singing, playing instruments - and he does all of them extremely well. I mean he comes from an engineering + hard sciences (physics) background so that should be self-explanatory hah. My mother on the other hand, I'd classify entirely as a "right-brained" individual. She much more absorbed into spirtiual/artistic/etc aspects of life and thinks and acts accordingly. It's definitely interesting...
Oh, that's great. Is that taking into account utilities + water + all the other expenses that are not included? I hope it works out great for you. No more morons to live with, so that's always a start! :D
That sounds like humanity. I'm not even surprised. Phallic addiction is too real. I think people should start taking Freud seriously again, let's be r3@l here. Speaking of, do you read ero-guro stuff?
I used to be really into art and all things related. I come from a very artistic family, so it was just a part of my upbringing. I was no good at sports, but art and music was something I attached myself passionately to for majority of my childhood. I'm not great or anything (especially not now), but it's something that helps me unwind and feel good. Creativity is a trait that I think is somewhat inherent or reflected in all artists - it's sort of the force that produces, rather than "art" itself, but yeah, if you let your creativity manifest, I'm sure you'd be surprised at how artistic you just might be ;).
Ahh, good work. Apartments > dorm (not financially, but still, best option).
I've been pretty busy lately, but nonetheless, it's been relatively chilled. I've been trying to network a lot more (which is something I've been forcing myself to do more and more. I'm pretty good with communication, but it just takes a little push for me to engage. However, networking is absolutely essential nowadays so I can't escape it D:). Other than work and attending conferences, I've just been relaxing, reading, and trying to get back into painting.
Hopefully your new roommate won't be a scandalous moron. One can only hope...
You should be flattered ;) It's great to meet you too. I'm Adrian... not Adriano. Ha.
So I mean, how's it going? How do you find your first year of uni?
Please forgive me for my inability to continue conversations after the initial greeting... such generic questions are pretty terrible, I agree :(
I'm sure you'll love it and excel at it. Have you read/studied any philosophy before or have any particular points of interest within philosophy?
I took something similar a while ago. Like you, I used to be fairly interested in these psychological/sociological - based tests that are supposed to be self-defining. My father is the one who actually told me to take a test similar to the one you just asked about (and this has got to be during uni at some point). Though, I must confess my interest in most of these matters is similar to how I view horoscopes, as in, they are fun to talk/hypothesize about but nothing to use a point of reference in evaluating a person as a whole. Of course, these tests/surveys are far more credible than astrology and such (to a debatable extent, at least). There has been a considerable rise in companies inquiring about certain personality tests, but I've never seen it be a big enough factor to make/break a decision (and I've interviewed lots of candidates and been interviewed by a good number of companies).
I think the only test that is (or was) taken seriously is the IQ test and that too, in small doses, since it's also very limiting in how it tests for intelligence (mainly a definitive issue and consequently, an evaluative one). Both my father and two uncles are MENSA members and even they agree with me on how inconclusive, "accurate" and "meaningful" the test is when applied to actual practical skill/intelligence ~ (once again falls in definition/semantics).
TL;DR: I don't blame you. I also was, once upon a time, interested in these things (and still am to some degree).
Speaking of your very nice roommate, she reminds me of someone I had to deal with on a daily basis for years in university. I actually still to this day, do not know how she graduated (considering the amount of time she spent with all kinds of things in her mouth versus academics - the correlation just doesn't match up!). I didn't dislike her because of her lifestyle choices though, because I'm of the camp that people should be able to live how they deem fit, but they should also be ready to deal with the consequences that come after. I disliked her because she was a dishonest, ungrateful piece(s) of unholy matter. Maybe your roommate and her related? I wouldn't be surprised.
Definitely do let me know. Would love to have you on-board, especially since I've lost so much motivation to write, but I don't want my blog to rip. tehehehe. Allocation of proper resources to right resources is very crucial right now :D
What interesting life things have you been busy with?
I've been in Chicago for the past 3 weeks, and probably will be here for another one. My parents did not want me to leave, and I am grateful that west coast work culture is so LAX and I can remotely work without any serious repercussions. Phew.
Thanks for the friend request. Naturally, I'd accept! ;)
I took a lot of philosophy classes during my undergrad and would recommend doing the same. I can probably hypothesize why the reason for that is. Philosophy at its core challenges you to think in multiples, or at least in "twos" at a time. It forces you to accept, challenge, discard all sorts of ideologies while simultaneously teaching you how to systematically mantle and dismantle x,y,z. (or the aforesaid). This helps in numerous ways, the biggest being that it strengthens one's critical thinking & analytic skills exponentially, which is pretty much what is required to do well in LSAT's (an extremely logic-based exam as there is no quantitative section here, but rather logic based word problems which are extremely easy if you can think mathematically and have the critical thinking/analytic skills - both assets philosophy classes can teach you [from Logic to x-ism/theory]). I don't have any numbers to back up what I'm saying or any sources, so don't take my word for it, but it's something that seems - at least on face value- acceptable, as to why that trend might be present.
Yes, the law market is and has been in rapid decline for some time. It also depends on what kind of law you want to practice. You do have a while, so no sweat right now. Enjoy your college life, don't get pregnant (shoutout@your roomate), and work hard - the rest will fall into place :).
I was just wondering. If you ever do want to write or are interested in being a part of a blog for writing, let me know (no pressure or anything :P). I don't generally ask people, but you write well, have great capacity for reason and thought, and can express yourself fabulously. Figured, I'd ask.
Yes, let me know how you like Marie. It's really great. Did you progress on Erin?
All Comments (30) Comments
Are you talking to anyone new now, or just single filin' it? ;)
I traveled to India, Amsterdam, and Paris. The last two were very brief, but still, enjoyable. I'm planning another vacation later on this year, but still unsure where I want to go. Other than that, my life is - likewise - not very noteworthy. I've been writing a lot more fiction nowadays, and trying to hone my writing more (proactively), but really that's it. What are you getting up to this summer? Anything fun?
Well, I enjoy alcohol for the literal taste and have been enjoying various flavors of beer, wine, and liquors while expanding my palette. IPA's is just what I've currently been drinking. You should give some a try, I can recommend some if you'd like. Though it's interesting that my actual alcohol intake has decreased significantly relative to before, heh.
That sounds great. I'm glad you're enjoying life and meeting cool people. Any progression on the current like-situation? :P
Do you have anything fun planned for the holidays?
Yeah, a new job in an old city. It's quite exciting though. I'm really enjoying my new position, colleagues, and work place (which usually takes me some time to adjust, forget like).
Holiday season is always good since I get to indulge in almost everything I like. I will be traveling a lot starting at the end of December for various weddings, events, etc. International travel - as exhausting as it is - is so much fun.
What kind of beer do you like? Any favorites? I've been getting into IPA's lately.
What else is new with you? Love life? Lust life? ;)
I apologize for this extreme delay in response as I've been ladled with new responsibilities and work. I started a new job, moving (AGAIN!), and other tedious happenings so I've been just in a rut of never-ending shit to do. But yea...enough of that! It seems like you're having a good time. Good for you for staying above the influence (though the same can't be said for myself D:) and doing your thannnng.
I do drink and I've been very drunk (on numerous occasions - but I prefer to just enjoy drinking rather than getting frat-boy drunk. It's not fun for an old lady like me anymore :P). I'm relatively more affectionate, but I do become way more talkative and "open" in terms of conversation. It also depends on what I'm drinking. What's your favorite drink?
A 4.0, especially as a first year, is amazing, damn! Quite unlike my first year though. My grades were decent, but the number of friends I made is in the negatives. I wasn't able to tell whether that was an issue of mine, but I guess it probably is. Oddly enough, I became increasingly reclusive in uni, almost a 180 from my relatively outgoing high-school self. It's strange; but I enjoy my own company, so I guess it's not a bad turn of events...
I've always been curious about living away from home (my uni's only a half-hour bus ride away, so I had no need to move). Must be quite the adventure ;)
I'm in Uni, second year... I'm a bit of a wanderer, actually. I started out pursuing a degree in marketing, but I got outta there within a semester (my plans were a mess, since I had no idea what I wanted to do prior to entering uni haha). My love for reading/writing was resuscitated, then I went into journalism for a year - and it went very well, but I'm changing my mind again, and I'll probably be going for an English major starting next semester, alongside another, currently unknown, major. Parents weren't too happy, but neither was I, so it's gotta be done!
It's a little weird for me, since my father is such a rarity (in my opinion). His personality, character, intellect, approach, methodology (etc. etc) all solidly indicate him as a "left-brained"/xNTJ type 100%. I can say that without a doubt. However, he also possesses numerous artistic talents such as painting, singing, playing instruments - and he does all of them extremely well. I mean he comes from an engineering + hard sciences (physics) background so that should be self-explanatory hah. My mother on the other hand, I'd classify entirely as a "right-brained" individual. She much more absorbed into spirtiual/artistic/etc aspects of life and thinks and acts accordingly. It's definitely interesting...
Oh, that's great. Is that taking into account utilities + water + all the other expenses that are not included? I hope it works out great for you. No more morons to live with, so that's always a start! :D
I used to be really into art and all things related. I come from a very artistic family, so it was just a part of my upbringing. I was no good at sports, but art and music was something I attached myself passionately to for majority of my childhood. I'm not great or anything (especially not now), but it's something that helps me unwind and feel good. Creativity is a trait that I think is somewhat inherent or reflected in all artists - it's sort of the force that produces, rather than "art" itself, but yeah, if you let your creativity manifest, I'm sure you'd be surprised at how artistic you just might be ;).
Ahh, good work. Apartments > dorm (not financially, but still, best option).
I'm glad!
How was tunnel exploring? Find anything fun ;).
I've been pretty busy lately, but nonetheless, it's been relatively chilled. I've been trying to network a lot more (which is something I've been forcing myself to do more and more. I'm pretty good with communication, but it just takes a little push for me to engage. However, networking is absolutely essential nowadays so I can't escape it D:). Other than work and attending conferences, I've just been relaxing, reading, and trying to get back into painting.
Hopefully your new roommate won't be a scandalous moron. One can only hope...
How are you finding Asano's latest work?
So I mean, how's it going? How do you find your first year of uni?
Please forgive me for my inability to continue conversations after the initial greeting... such generic questions are pretty terrible, I agree :(
I took something similar a while ago. Like you, I used to be fairly interested in these psychological/sociological - based tests that are supposed to be self-defining. My father is the one who actually told me to take a test similar to the one you just asked about (and this has got to be during uni at some point). Though, I must confess my interest in most of these matters is similar to how I view horoscopes, as in, they are fun to talk/hypothesize about but nothing to use a point of reference in evaluating a person as a whole. Of course, these tests/surveys are far more credible than astrology and such (to a debatable extent, at least). There has been a considerable rise in companies inquiring about certain personality tests, but I've never seen it be a big enough factor to make/break a decision (and I've interviewed lots of candidates and been interviewed by a good number of companies).
I think the only test that is (or was) taken seriously is the IQ test and that too, in small doses, since it's also very limiting in how it tests for intelligence (mainly a definitive issue and consequently, an evaluative one). Both my father and two uncles are MENSA members and even they agree with me on how inconclusive, "accurate" and "meaningful" the test is when applied to actual practical skill/intelligence ~ (once again falls in definition/semantics).
TL;DR: I don't blame you. I also was, once upon a time, interested in these things (and still am to some degree).
Speaking of your very nice roommate, she reminds me of someone I had to deal with on a daily basis for years in university. I actually still to this day, do not know how she graduated (considering the amount of time she spent with all kinds of things in her mouth versus academics - the correlation just doesn't match up!). I didn't dislike her because of her lifestyle choices though, because I'm of the camp that people should be able to live how they deem fit, but they should also be ready to deal with the consequences that come after. I disliked her because she was a dishonest, ungrateful piece(s) of unholy matter. Maybe your roommate and her related? I wouldn't be surprised.
Definitely do let me know. Would love to have you on-board, especially since I've lost so much motivation to write, but I don't want my blog to rip. tehehehe. Allocation of proper resources to right resources is very crucial right now :D
What interesting life things have you been busy with?
I've been in Chicago for the past 3 weeks, and probably will be here for another one. My parents did not want me to leave, and I am grateful that west coast work culture is so LAX and I can remotely work without any serious repercussions. Phew.
Thanks for the friend request. Naturally, I'd accept! ;)
I took a lot of philosophy classes during my undergrad and would recommend doing the same. I can probably hypothesize why the reason for that is. Philosophy at its core challenges you to think in multiples, or at least in "twos" at a time. It forces you to accept, challenge, discard all sorts of ideologies while simultaneously teaching you how to systematically mantle and dismantle x,y,z. (or the aforesaid). This helps in numerous ways, the biggest being that it strengthens one's critical thinking & analytic skills exponentially, which is pretty much what is required to do well in LSAT's (an extremely logic-based exam as there is no quantitative section here, but rather logic based word problems which are extremely easy if you can think mathematically and have the critical thinking/analytic skills - both assets philosophy classes can teach you [from Logic to x-ism/theory]). I don't have any numbers to back up what I'm saying or any sources, so don't take my word for it, but it's something that seems - at least on face value- acceptable, as to why that trend might be present.
Yes, the law market is and has been in rapid decline for some time. It also depends on what kind of law you want to practice. You do have a while, so no sweat right now. Enjoy your college life, don't get pregnant (shoutout@your roomate), and work hard - the rest will fall into place :).
I was just wondering. If you ever do want to write or are interested in being a part of a blog for writing, let me know (no pressure or anything :P). I don't generally ask people, but you write well, have great capacity for reason and thought, and can express yourself fabulously. Figured, I'd ask.
Yes, let me know how you like Marie. It's really great. Did you progress on Erin?