All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 44.4
Mean Score:
- Watching6
- Completed224
- On-Hold155
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch778
- Total Entries1,163
- Rewatched0
- Episodes2,928
All Comments (64) Comments
Pecu sam vidio jedno jutro u gradskom prevozu (busu) kada sam išao za Vršac. Vraćao se s posla. Nisam ga prepoznao ali on mene jeste pa smo se poslije na fejsu čuli.
Pozz za oboje :*
Želim vam srećan Božić (i ovaj i onaj) i Novu godinu!! ;3
Ps: baš mi je krivo što ste prekinuli. Laku noć, kasno je. Sutra radim, moram ići u krevet. zZz
Sutra su izbori. 'oćete li glasat?
edit: pozdrav za preživjele od korone! Sledi drugi talas!
you have old account
just think first before you telling me that -_-
do I look like rich?
A normalno je to moj posao.
Čuvajte se tamo u Beogradu, gdje god da ste
Kako je u karantinu???? op op op
Muhyo is great. It may not seem like it but I actually am interested in like scary stuff but at the same time my head creates these unwanted fears to prevent me from enjoying certain things.
Hyouka is great. Remember the episode where their in that hotel type thing and the second floor of the other side has a room where someone hung themselves? That episode spooked me. XD
The new anime are great.