Formerly Watermaiden15 ( but lost access to the e-mail that account was linked to.
I am the creator of the Anime Bath Scene Wiki and archive bathing scenes in anime, manga and other related media.
I rate anime and and manga based off of bathing scene quality and my ratings have nothing to do with the plot, pacing, production, ect.
I don't watch every anime/manga but do quick skims through alot of them to look for the bathing scenes.
Status System:
Watching = Current running series that I am skimming for bathing scenes as they are being released.
Completed = Series I actually fully watched/read
On-Hold = Series I fully skimmed through for bathing scenes and haven't actually watched/read
Dropped = Series I skimmed through that I have no plans of fully watching.
Plan to = Series I have not fully skimmed or only skimmed a random portion of a bathing scene but plan to eventually do atleast a full skim of.
Rating System:
1 = No Bathing of any kind
2 = Bathing is only mentioned in some way
3 = Only a bathing facility is shown or implied to be used
4 = Only has one really shitty and brief bathing scene
5 = Has more than one really brief bathing scene
6 = Has one solid bathing scene
7 = More than one solid bathing scene or one good bathing scene
8 = Has a multiple good bathing scenes
9 = Has atleast one bathing scene that is a work of art
10 = One of the greatest bathing scenes in the medium
My Biases:
I have some biases that will unfairly make a rating higher or lower based on these preferences:
Bonus Point for:
* Clawfoot or Slipper Bathtubs
* Bubble Bath
* Neighboring Tubs
* Washtubs/Sitz Baths
* Adaptation Exclusive Bathing Scenes
Reduce Points for:
* Adaptation skipping a bathing scene that was in the source material.
* An adaptation changing a clawfoot bathtub into something that isn't a clawfoot.
All Comments (9) Comments
* Maruyu no Yu
* Nyuuyoku Yankees
Just learned about one more manga that might belong in the onsen stack - Noyu Girl.
Thanks for being committed to the bit. I restacked your manga interest stack and I wanted to suggest including these three manga set in sento:
* Undercurrent
* Shitamachi Sentou Kazoku
* Hiru no Sentozake
But don't take it so hard, there's much worse out there. Gambatte ne! *thumps up*