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Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
Sep 11, 2018 5:31 PM
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It's that time again for all you budding admirals out there wanting to collect cards for your favourite fleet girls.
Should anyone else wish to join the club, feel free to click the above image to be directed to the Kantai Collection Fanclub.
If you have a secondary claim for prior editions please ensure to go through their respective dropcanvas galleries listed below.
First Press Editions can be found here:
Second Press Editions can be found here:
Kai Edition claims can be found here:
Kai Ni Edition cards can be found here:
Christmas Edition cards can be found here:
Just as a reminder to everyone that if you haven't claimed 4 (5, if Limited Edition) cards in total from me you are more than entitled to go through to claim them now. Just leave a message in the forum stating your other claims, and then send me a personal message.
If I have missed any prior claims please do send me a personal message as well!