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Days: 71.4
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- Total Entries238
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- Episodes4,175
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Days: 15.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries20
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- Chapters2,776
- Volumes90
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All Comments (6) Comments
Same, my favorite supporting character is also Janos, he was great:3
I definitely agree, there are only few RPG's for PS3 and 360 that I enjoyed like: Tales of Vesperia, Valkyria Chronicles, Resonance of Fate, Folklore, FF13(It was ok, but not as good as the older FF games) hope that FF13-2 will be improved. MagnaCarta II, Eternal Sonata.
ohh you own Suikoden 2!? :O I want this game so bad hehe>.< I've played through Suikoden 2 a long time ago & even thought I've only played it once, it's still my favorite in the series.
btw, I see that you played the Ys games for PSP are they any good? and also The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky looks interesting.
Starting on acoustic:) oh i'm just a beginner so i'm learning some easy songs to get me started xD but i love rock, metal, folk, classical music... It dependet on my mood really^^ That's cool! i'm the only one in my family that is interested in music. How about you? do you play any instruments?
Same, it's always been about the story, awesome characters, dialogue, superb voice acting etc. (and nostalgia/childhood memories for me as well, with my brother x) ) I've played the Blood Omen games, enjoyed the second one a lot. The first wasn't really my thing, the gameplay that is... i find it to be quite annoying, repetitive, pretty hard as well...if i died i had to repeat the same stage from the beginning, it just got really boring after a while.... but story was great and it kept me going somehow.... But it did take me a while to finish this game xD so, who is your favorite character? :P and what other games do you like? any RPG's? :D
Thank you^^ so are yours:)
So, you're a fan of the games too i presume? :]