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Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode X: Rokkenjima of Higurashi Crying
Nov 26, 2009 6:25 AM
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Wanted to wish ya a Merry Christmas
Hope things are well, maybe get lots of pressies. Still think of ya often even if you're not around ^_^
Take care
Dont worry about my last request, I've sorted it out, found an english patch and its working ^_^, guess I not a total noob ^_^ But I did think I'd have more problems O_O
Yay for Iso hunt and google ^_^
Hiya, I am trying to download Touhou Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, tho I not sure what I am doing. So I curious to ask, if I need some help or if you know a better way to do it, you dont mind if I ask for help ? just you know alot more in that area O_O me = noob!
Think I found something on ISO hunt, but if it doesnt work, I'll need help! O_O
Yeah, I guess ^_^ It's my really reallly not so awesome creativity ^_^
You must be pretty familia with the languge by now O_O I've tried learning a little japanese but is slow progress. My uncle wants to take me over seas for a trip, I been spending time with him alot recently, its a real complicated story which is probably boring. Out for dinner and stuff. Nothing real important.
You think it is a bit too much ? Well I did axe a few things but I still wanted to keep a few little anime interests of mine, plus maybe a little of myself too. I have little tallent when it comes to artist like things, if not none at all. But I didn't want it to be boring.
I know noone visits, but I still want it to look/feel alright ^_^ as I visit it all the time O_o
I asume you are still in Greece O_O
kicking back on the beach ? ^_^
noooo, its all good. I merly been thinking about changing the 2nd image, Yukari.I just pondering over the replacement I have, Shes sorta related to person who I already have on my favourit list.
I happy with the one you made. I went with it ^_^
ah I see. Well guess you had some fun changing it. Was thinking of adding a change myself recently. Tho I still pondering over it.
keke welcome back ^_^
oh I see new profile picture! Plus staring your favourit character too ^_^
Cierra! if I havent said already. Really thankful for the new profile pic!. I did right ? ^_^
I've added it onto my page and now just adjusting things.
I want to ask but, if its possible to change the bottom picture. It's not that I don't like it, don't get the wrong idea! Rather than having Suigintous face/portrait looking like at the bottom, but using the picture I already had on my site and maybe have the final words go down the right side. The one with her lying across on her hand. If its a simple task changing. Then that be good ^_^. But!!! if it's not simple and would take ages to do again or even worse, having to start all over!. Ima happy to leave it how it is. You'd spent enough time on it already in that case! :o
Take care!
Chibi-talia!! ^_^
- I just downloaded some more Hetalia O_O
I sorta wanted to add! In episode 3, I sorta almost cryed. I actually had to put effort in holding back <.< Guess I love it when people sing their heart out.
So I guess that *almost* makes us even now :o
Guess I really really really am enjoying it, even if its silly.