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Days: 115.4
Mean Score:
- Watching12
- Completed464
- On-Hold57
- Dropped123
- Plan to Watch49
- Total Entries705
- Rewatched2
- Episodes7,029
All Comments (2158) Comments
anywho, if you think to look here, Im gonna go to sleep XD I will retype that summary when I wake up! am devastated that I lost it LOL
where am I
who is this
who am I
I saw in my email: "New comment on your MAL profile" and I was like huh??? hahahaha
I assume you know *why* Im watching it lmao
Its cute so far, enjoying it for what it is, but its so freakin old. Like, its 2001, but looks and sounds like a show from '94 or something. Its like Sailormoon and HxH '98 level quality hahaha. Im intrigued by all the score 9s and 10s reviews that say that the sport isnt the interesting part but the story is and that they dont want to spoil it so Im waiting to see what could possibly go down in this show that would make it so good.
And NO I cant believe it!!!!!!!! You silly!
I cant add Laphicet to mine cause he doesnt exist on MAL ;A;
Yeah I totally agree; its been so long and yet a lot of things are still very much the same. D'aw, Im grateful to have met you too bruh!!!!!!! ;A; We get along so well that its always fun talking to you! :D
Bruh I remember so well about how the first things we talked about was Tales/Abyss and Symphonia :love: Tales is truly a great series since we bonded over it (and da cute shota boy from Clannad! LOL) in the beginning and still do so today! :yay:
Also I just saw your profile change x'D I LOVE IT
The new event is a Valkyrie Anatomia collab :0 They have a diamond useable step up banner for the collab character Lenneth :0 Normally step up banners are gem/pay only :0 The steps guarentee different things like 4 stars and her 5 star on certain steps and then the 5th step guarentees you her gMA. All 5 steps are 265 diamonds for one fully geared character who is rainbow anima so its a pretty good deal. I've done steps 1~3/spent 90 diamonds on it already and dont really want to put anymore into it since I'd rather save for Tales characters I actually like :< A lot of people have gotten Lenneth's gMA on early steps but I havent gotten her yet :/ Meh. Oh and her getting her gMA is the only way to recruit her.
The event itself is like a raid boss set up. You fight the boss over and over and you accumulate individual points for set rewards (no event shop this time) and everyone accumulates points together to defeat the raid bosses. The first one is already beaten xD I can beat the first boss, Jade, on the unknown difficulty, but it just took me like 8 resets to finally get a good enough round going to defeat the second boss on unknown difficulty :||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| That sucked. Nevar again D|
So since I'll have a whole month worth of saving diamonds coming up, I did two more pulls on the Berseria banner :0
First one was a disappointment D|
SECOND ONE TOTALLY WORTH IT AAAAAAAAA 8D Muahahahahaha 8DDD In my 18 multis in the worldwide version, I only ever got that one single copy of Laphicet's gMA x'D Now I have 2 copies out of 6 multis! Much better |D And with those two other gold weapons that one is maxed out. His base power is 3400 currently xD So on a brown anima themed mission, he accounts for 6800 of the team powerlevel ||||||||||||D Best boi can't be beat!
The end makes sense now! 8D Or at least, I think thats what he meant. Like, they're both onlooking in disappointment of sorts xD I guestimated on that last one :/ It reads "Omae mo taihen da na." I guess I'm not really sure how to work that "taihen" into a sentence since I don't know enough grammar yet. All I get for "taihen" is stuff like "serious, terribly, awfully, very, greatly". Maybe he's asking if she isn't feeling good either?