About me, eh?
I don't like writing about myself.
I do like anime.
I do like video games.
I like manga, but don't read a whole lot.
I like monkeys, the noble platypus, the majestic moose, and cats.
I don't like real life drama.
I don't like mean people.
I do like playing my bass guitar. I need to find some other musicians to play with.
I do like making chain maille and scale maille.
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. Which is rather unnerving since I'm straight. If you're a guy, please don't hit on me.
If you're a girl, please do hit on me.
If you're a cat, stop walking on the keyboard, you're pissing your owner off.
I don't care much for politics.
I'm smart. SMRT smart!
I need friends who will go to conventions with me. My convention going group has been shrinking too much lately.
I like table top rpgs. Right now, I'm playing D&D with The Guys and Tasha. Thank you The Guys and Tasha.
I shower at least once a day.
I don't like stinky people.
I wear a lot of black.
I'm not goth, vamp, or emo.
I like to highlight my hair with either dark red or purple streaks.
Sometimes I accidentally highlight my hair green.
I don't like wearing earth tones, such as green.
When I run out of things to say, sometimes I'll just admit that I've run out of things to say.
Korben Dallas!!!
I'm out of things to say.
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