well then say that m8, lol look at you blaming me when you're the one making yourself be misunderstood easily. it's fine if you didn't enjoy it like that though. you very clearly made it look like that was your main reason think abt how people percieve what you say.
how unfortunate you let your enjoyment be ruined just for something small like that, I thought it was a little contrived and then brushed it off and massively enjoyed te rest. also you cannot make the argument there was a plot twist just for the sake of it when it had huge reperecussions for the characters and story which actually mattered a lot. it was about as significant of an event if not more of one as most of the other large events in the story. the difference is it was kinda contrived and seemed to come out of nowhere for a lot of people, not really me I was internally screaming at him to not say anything stupid with his lenses out before it happened because I had a bad feeling lol, things were clearly going a little too well and this was not that kind of story. he should have really been more carefull when he knew his geass was growing stronger and it could have ended up like mao's.
the thing is though, this kind of "coincidence" happens all the time, the biggest difference between what is seen as "nonsencial and contrived" and "a valid plausble coincidence" is usually wheter or not the audience actually likes it happening. if they don't *want* to suspend their disbelief for it, they won't. and in the case of code geass this probably wasn't even the most unlikely coincidence that happened before that point, but almost noone noticed the others or cared.
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the thing is though, this kind of "coincidence" happens all the time, the biggest difference between what is seen as "nonsencial and contrived" and "a valid plausble coincidence" is usually wheter or not the audience actually likes it happening. if they don't *want* to suspend their disbelief for it, they won't. and in the case of code geass this probably wasn't even the most unlikely coincidence that happened before that point, but almost noone noticed the others or cared.