Rating system
10 = As close to perfection as humanly possible.
9 = Nearly a masterpiece, but either has slight flaws or doesn't live up to it's full potential in all areas.
8 = Excellent in one or several areas, but has notable flaws.
7 = Good in most areas or very good in one area, but is either not the best of it's field or has some flaws that are either minor but numerous or a handful of glaring ones.
6 = Stands out as being above average in at least one area.
5 = Roughly equal amount of pros and cons or just a mediocrity.
4 = More cons than pros, but not by a staggering amount.
3 = Filled with glaring flaws or a low effort work, but somewhat tolerable in one way or another.
2 = Filled with mountains of problems to classify it as a trainwreck, though has a few merits to warrant it's existence.
1 = Completely worthless, be it through it being so heavily flawed, mediocre enough there's nothing to gain from watching it or just being a cashgrab.