| Notes |
All my rankings are personal and come from my own perceptions... Only in my opinion,
there is a notable difference between my favorite anime and my best anime..
Both are defined by my preferences only one,
the favorite is defined with the heart with what the anime makes me feel and the other
the best is defined with the reason according to my judgement, and my criteria...
My favorite anime may not be the best anime of all time but may be my heart anime, the one that I like the most..
and the note I give to an anime is a balance between the heart and the reason
Moreover, we watch animes at different times of our lives, in different contexts and states of mind, which influences our perception.
I change the rating or define the rating of an anime by the evolution of my criteria, but my impression remains that of the time,
I'm just using my memories to re-evaluate it.
So, if I were to watch an anime today, it might be different from my perception at the time.
I don't appreciate or watch anime in the same way, it has evolved and will evolve over time and with each viewing.
Likewise, my notes have a personal significance. A seven will not necessarily mean the same thing to you.
Everyone perceives and awards a mark according to different criteria.
This reflects my psychology.
Take care ⚘
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I can see you're a Ghibli fan! It's not everyday you see someone who appreciates Hisaishi's music.
How are you?