My Kemono Friends pacman mod
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I am not interested in stuff, which can't be converted into digital form.
Nagato Yuki is love
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All Comments (44) Comments
Romance doesn't count as Cute Things. Most of KyoAni and J.C.Staff stuff are usually more emotional. Oh, and they've got quality animation as well.
My profile picture doesn't count as CGDCT because obviously, it's not doing anything cute.
That's the normiest anime I've been memed into watching lately, with its only redeeming point being the ED by Mingosu.
A perfect example of how putting everything into pretty visuals leaves nothing to place behind them. Looks like a show doesn't have to be about school to still feature the same set of unbearable cliches.
The thing that bugs me the most about android-themed series is that often the android characters are made too human-like because the creators couldn't put more effort into thinking through the peculiarities of an artificial being. This show has hit a solid 100 in this regard. I thought DimensionW had it bad with Four being more of an android than the MC, but at least that one had story, action and a non-beta protagonist. Here, you could switch that "android" with a terminally ill girl and literally nothing would change.
Why the sci-fi baiting then?
Well, I should have known better than following the recommendations of a romancefag.
really grateful here
Totally unobtrusive multiculti propaganda. "They're like us" and shit.
I wonder if this is connected to recent changes to immigration laws, the young population is getting "readied" for diverse future.