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Mendokusagari Danshi ga Asa Okitara Onnanoko ni Natteita Hanashi
Jan 10, 2022 3:26 AM
· Scored
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Anyways I wanted some anime recommendations. If possible recommend me some anime which you love a lot.....
Ya we surprisingly have pretty similar taste looking at your anime list! I'll definitely research those out then. But if they're battle manga then I probably won't have the tolerance to read that.. But ya this might just be a good reason to get back into manga. I need a break from reading Chinese novels anyways.
Ohoho I should say the same to you. Never woulda expected you to have seen Saraiya Goyou considering it only has 20k scores. If I wasn't doing the decade watching, I woulda never heard of it
I guess I started again because of I'm trying to find myself again..? LOL it sounds cheesy but like, as the years go by, I as a person has changed so much since 4 years ago when I graduated from high school that I can't seem to remember what I was like before, my ideologies and such. Part of me feels lost and since anime was a big part of my life as a teen, maybe I can remember what I was like before I suppose?
Oh mate i'm having a blast ahaha. Got around to finishing durarara. My taste changed now and I'm really into dark, gritty realistic struggles like gang violence and such. I also found out about hidden gems like Saraiya Goyou and tatami galaxy
Eh that's true but with gundam, it's pretty disconnected. I don't want to get too into it but basically there are different universes in the gundam series. The one I mentioned is a universe of it's own so it's not a sequel of any sorts. BUT most people would say to go check out the first one
I recently got back into watching anime so i'm going through all the anime that I disregarded in the past decade. Starting with 2010, I saw a gundam series I never watched and so I just decided to watch "all" of them to get familiarized once more aha
I'm currently going through most of the gundams as well so good luck on the mech journey
I have some people with >80% affinity