The first thing you may notice about me is that my mean score is incredibly high. This is because I tend to only rate shows I really enjoyed. This law is not absolute, but it stands most of the time.
It should be noted that the way I rate shows is not too scientific. If I enjoyed it, if it made me happy, sad, or feel any kind of emotion at all, it did well. I tend to go by overall feel of the show, and how bittersweet of an aftertaste it leaves once I finish it.
As such I tend not to nit-pick the details, I leave that for when I actually write full reviews
I've probably not entered even an eighth of all the shows I've watched in the past years so my repertoire as you see it is much smaller than it aught be.
I'll make a proper biography someday, but until then this is all you get. :P
What can I say except you're welcome.
All Comments (3) Comments
Back when I had just gotten into anime I had this "phase" of sorts where I watched lots of harem/ecchi type shows , idk why but I just did and I remember enjoying the hell out of them , looking back it seems dumb cause it's just random girls having sexually suggestive occurrences with the protagonist which seems nothing to me now but back then those where the shows that soothed my mind :'3
I tried reading the manga but couldn't find any proper source to read from after chapter 25 . I really wanted to know the ending cause I think there is more to the manga than the anime .