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Days: 105.0
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- Completed414
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- Plan to Watch185
- Total Entries646
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- Episodes6,088
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Days: 28.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries394
- Reread3
- Chapters3,973
- Volumes462
All Comments (304) Comments
I remember when I frequented this profile...
81.1% :)
It's too personal. Far too personal. You're speaking in a tone that's similar to that of talking with anime buddies. You make some valid points and back them up (sometimes), but the way you convey them makes me want to sigh.
I know you can write fantastic reviews. That's what led me here in the first place. However, I feel like your more recent reviews are lacking in both quality and overall effort to that of your earlier reviews. I'll be cheering for you.
I found quite a few spelling errors in your review. That really put me through a loop. Your review is well written, however, you tend to focus too much on the characters and not enough on any other aspect of the show. Where's the plot? What makes it so depressing? What is the plot? I don't know anything of what's going on, and all you tell me is that it's episodic and it has fifteen characters. Remember to even out every topic for a title as much as you can, so that the reader doesn't tire out before reading the rest of your review.
I know you're capable of writing fantastic reviews. That's what brought me here in the first place. Though your latest review pales in comparison to said review. Also, if you ever need a proofreader, I'm your guy. I'm very articulate about my grammar and what-not, so I'd be more than happy to check any reviews for errors. And thank you for taking time out of your day to listen to my horrid demands of removing any and all spoilers from your review (though, the review guidelines state that you can't have spoilers in there anyway). I truly appreciate it, and I enjoy reading your reviews. Just keep working on it.
I want to read it WITHOUT SPOILERS!
Completely devoid of any spoilers whatsoever!
It'll ruin the anime for me if I do, and I don't want that. :[
No one has commented on your profile about your Disappearance review at all? No one? Seriously? I have no hope for this site...
To put it quite frankly, your review was certainly well-versed. Some of the most emotionally spirited and charged combinations of words built into a few paragraphs I've seen in a long time. This certainly doesn't sound like your first time reviewing, but if it is, I want you to tutor me. I want you to become my reference partner, to recommend what is recommendable to you. For you to accept a series in which you previously didn't hold dear before watching something else it has to offer is something I don't see a lot of people do. Your review not only re-kindled the emotions I had while watching the movie, but also the feelings I had for every anime that was able to speak to me through sheer passion and constructive innovation. I commend you for your review.
Another quick note, based on what you've said about the characters, about how you begin to miss them after you initially find them somewhat irritating, reminded me of myself when I watched Waiting in the Summer. In case you don't know, Waiting in the Summer is a fairly uneventful/melodramatic anime that is only good because of its ending. Basically what you've mentioned there, can be concluded within that anime as well.
I sincerely hope this isn't the last review from you. I would certainly like to read more from you in the near future. Until then, happy reviewing!