Hey! I noticed it's my first time commenting on your profile. I hope everything is well with you. Is anything interesting going on? Have you read anything? I've just finished reading all four physical omnibuses of Blade of the Immortal that I own. As far as samurai manga goes, it's a goldie!
Yeaah, Cate killed it with her performance. That scene is great, I agree. The one I would point out is when she's talking to the class about a certain musician that was accused of many horrible things he has done, but she's explaining that even though those accusations were true, he was an astonishing musician. It's kind of a great foreshadowing moment, plus she was clearly projecting.
Whatever suits you the best, honestly. I managed to organize my time well-around so I can watch movies before / after work. Unfortunately, after my shift was changed due to a new month, it's getting harder to find free time. Usually I am too tired to watch anything afterwards.
Even that being said, I am going to watch TÁR for sure once I get home, way too existed for some time to see it.
Woah, now that's impressive. I also managed to watch bunch of movies since the beginning of the year. As my letterbox indicates, 82 since the beginning of 2023
Also, where did you watch TAR? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
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What. A. Film.
Even that being said, I am going to watch TÁR for sure once I get home, way too existed for some time to see it.
Also, where did you watch TAR? I can't seem to find it anywhere.