Anime has been a constant part of my life ever since I was a little girl. I was so crazy about Sports and Adventure animes ever since I was so young. Although my interest in Sports anime isn't as high anymore but I still go back to them every once in a while.
Detective Conan is the only anime that I've been watching for 18 years now, I think my grandchildren will be the lucky ones to finish it.
My favourite anime genres are: Shounen, Adventure, Action and Sports.
My least favourites are: Drama and Shoujou although I watched my share back in the days.
It could take me a while without watching any anime but now, I decided to include anime watching in my daily routine. There are thousands of interesting animes out there and I am determined to restore my passion for animes.
In case you haven't noticed, I am not a proclaimed manga reader, I prefer watching anime instead.
I am not that active on MAL and I don't visit it that much but I always come to update my list.
All Comments (10) Comments
but still easy than 100 episodes kdrama but i just need a timing for it =)
gogogo the first 30 episode is nothing compared to what is after that haha
you havent finish hxh yet?
i hope theres more.. since the world for it is so vast
the manga artist who made it is lazy
How have you been? Watching any interesting anime? I find myself trying to power through some major drama, anime, and Asian Movie slumps. Aigoo! I better snap out of it soon or I will not complete my challenge.