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Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou
Feb 11, 2021 12:02 PM
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ahhh gotcha! yeah I only watch korean dramas...I guess more because they're all good looking and I did try some japanese movies, and I'm sorry they can't act so that's probably an impression that I should stick to korean dramas haha! but if you recommend me a different asian drama then I can give it a try....I did hear about love me if you just finished correct? how was it? I also did watch a thailand drama only because it was a remake of a korean drama....the couples were cute, but sorry they can't act either...teehee yep I realized that I guess crime dramas aren't particularly up in my priorities, but watched it just for joo sang wook! right now I'm rewatching I hear your voice again! you should definitely give it a try if you didn't because it's definitely one of the best dramas out there! haha yeah I find korean osts and anime OP and ED all beautiful!!! <3
yesssss Hunter x Hunter is super duper good! you'll never regret watching it....but I feel you....really wanted to try Hunter x Hunter a lot earlier, but I wanted to watch it where I could watch it all in one go, so had to wait a month basically after thanksgiving break just so that I can watch it all at once during winter break and so glad I did that cause it had a lot of suspense in there! but yeah I would give it a chance once summer break approaches! ahhh I see I think I remember you telling me about how school works over in that was still different from how it operates in the US, but it was interesting! you can do it!!! XD
did you watch good doctor? it was one of those dramas that had me tearing so hard....I normally don't cry, but this one had my tears rolling down my face....haha I put age as a second priority....I kinda put the looks, acting, and personality altogether as a top priority! and joo sang wook is one of those that meets my requirements! then I checked his age....dang he looks sooooo much younger than he actually is....he's apparently 37, but I literally thought he was in his late 20's/early 30's! if you also know so ji sub....joo sang wook's looks are probably a bit better than him, but his acting and personality is all top notch as well! just recently finished a drama with him and shin min ah in it...did you watch oh my venus? one of the best rom-com dramas ever!!! as for american series....unfortunately I don't really watch any of them other than korean dramas and animes...I did watch like disney channel and those kid series when I was young, but that's about it....but from my friends...they would recommend friends or if you like medical stuff...I think it's called grace anatomy if you want to give those a try...just saying ones that I hear a lot from my friends! :D
ahhh yeah it picked up kinda slow in the beginning, but it slowly got better! yeah I'll let you know if there's any improvements by then...for now I gotta catch up on the latest chapters...I've been on hiatus from the shounen mangas so I can catch up all at once so I don't forget what happens before... :P
btw, are you watching any animes that'll air in the winter...there's already a handful airing since yesterday or the day before I believe...I'm watching a couple right now, but not really any good ones right now...I think the only one I'm looking forward to is akagami no shirayuki-hime second season...have you watched the first season? O.o
haha it's understandable though....we all have busy lives and such, so wouldn't blame y'all! tbh I go back and forth with mal and mdl! btw...have you been going on mdl these days? it looks like you made updates, but it's just different comparing to mal about knowing whether your friends updated stuff or not...but yeah tbh....I have break for like a month and I've been catching up on k-dramas this whole time so you're not the only one who stopped watching animes for awhile! I think majority of the times...I only watched seasonal animes that were currently airing...the ones I happen to remember that I was really looking forward to watching was Hunter x Hunter? have you ever watched it? if you enjoy watching shounen animes...I really recommend this one...I honestly feel like HxH and fairy tail are kinda on top notch with each other...and even though HxH have that kiddish's kind of a darker anime than people think it is! but again...I would give it a try cause I absolutely loved it to the point I wish it had continued! <3
ohh so what dramas have you watched that you particularly really enjoyed? I caught up on quite a lot during winter break, and I think I was mostly watching ones starring joo sang wook cause I've been obsessed with him since watching him in good doctor around thanksgiving break and finished giant with him couple weeks ago and just couldn't stop having my eyes off of him! I was thinking about watching special affairs team ten with joo sang wook and the high ratings for it, but I heard there's going to be a third season so I'm debating if I should wait or just watch it anyways...if not I was going to go right on watching bridal mask with joo won in it (also an amazing actor)! XV
ahh I see! I still haven't gotten to K yet, but I have been catching up on mangas during the break as well...I think I finished kuroko no basket the day before and about to read either inuyasha or tokyo ghoul next! have you been reading any that excites you? :3
lol that's interesting...wouldn't really be surprised since every season they air anime...I would watch a good 20-25 of them and additional ones that already finished...then that would make sense...but a good half of the seasonal animes...I end up skim watching either cause it wasn't as great as I thought or there were just better ones that prioritize out of all the ones I watch...ohhh yeah fairy tail! are you caught up with it? it's getting better, but I'll have to agree with your cousin that the first sequel is better! in between they decided to put in a filler arc which took up quite some time to finish and then it started to get slowly just finished the recent arc and about to head to next one if you want to try it out! although this arc I was a bit overwhelmed when I read it in the manga cause it's another time skip, but for now they'll be airing fairy tail zero soon! have you read it? it's about the story with the first master of fairy tail which will be exciting! :)
im doing pretty good. college just started up for me so things are going by pretty fun.
hahaha thanks. howre you doing?
and its good haha!wb to mal!and its totally its the other way around for me...well more like i only watch dramas over breaks and i wanted to try out more animes to watch, but i've been super duper busy with school so these days i've only been able to watch the ones that are currently airing and read manga whenever i have the time!right now i just started lovely complex and its similar to the anime so far!hopefully it goes further than where the anime is! :3
wow you must have had a blast haha!its almost kinda like a road trip or something!how was it overall?totally worth it despite not liking spicy food haha?well even so...yeah kimchi is like a traditional food in korea, but pretty sure theres just as much as other variety of food they serve there!apparently i heard theres soooo much good food over there that i would go all the way to korea just to have some of the food! XD
lol those topics are starting to pop up in my head!thats quite a lot we talked about there teehee!but it was definitely interesting stuff we were talking about! CX
wow really?!thats a surprise...where do you live again?well if its outside of the US....i guess it would be understandable!but they're good...places like taco bell i enjoy it a lot even though all the mexican people are like they don't serve real meat and all that, but i still like ite!yep so you would be a junior in high school if you're 16!im 17 right now so that would make me a senior!omg less than a year and im already off to college...kinda scary, but anxious about it! XD
and i guess it depends...if you failed the grade then that would have you repeat the year again so that can happen!but theres gonna be a point where you're gonna get kicked out and have to eventually go up to the next grade...i think age 22 is the highest for a person to stay in high school and if not then they would be officially kicked out of high school or something...idk im not too familiar with that! :O
oh really?well i think shes pretty good from my opinion!ill admit i can't say all the videos she posted were perfect, but definitely have to respect her talent there!she sure made a variety of impressions so i enjoy watching her videos!and no i haven't checked out any of them, but i will get to them sooner or later! :D
after watching so much helped me to understand at least the basic conversations they have like greetings and such...but if it involves like an explanation of something like when they're explaining how to perform this in shounen animes or something...imma have to read the subtitles all the way!and thats awesome!if you're taking spanish then how many languages do you know then?and if its something i could help with then definitely i would love to! XV
yay awesome!lol yeah it was sorta weird at the end since after 3 years they've seen each other...they already just kiss especially in the big crowd and it said something about him disappearing more, but the gap where he sees her lessens and all so it was alright...overall though was really good so really enjoyed it!have you watched i can hear your voice?not sure if i asked you this, but if you liked my love from another star....i can hear your voice is similar where it involves all that dramatic situations with having to kill people for their own ambitions, but at the same time its like those times between the main characters!soo good! >_<
and i watch dramas from should try out the dramas you want to watch there!pretty sure it should have all asian dramas on there...and the whole episode doesn't show all at once, but in parts so that can help you a bit when you want to come to a stopping point! :)
yes of course!fairy tail is an amazing anime!along with one piece...both my top favorites!all the top popular shounen animes are really good, so you should try them out when you have the time!i see your updates from back then when you started fairy tail...there should be around 20 episodes now so theres a lot of episodes for you to catch up on teehee!and i finished the first opening for fairy tail (2014) within the first week the first episode of it came out!i've been wanting to try the second opening or something, but all my favorite ones i can't find on google so im sad.... T-T
i actually added some backgrounds to my anime and manga page from help from a friend!although its not my custom made...its still really good and it takes time to make your own so might as well pick out the ones others made and were willing to share them teehee!have you checked them out?my anime page is one piece and manga page is SAO...well the manga page...this is basically the only one i could find and its not bad so thats what i did! :D
and yep last'll go by soooo slow yet sooo fast!and not really...i just went on a beach trip we normally go to with the church every year which was really nice!and rest of the summer its either hang out with the church, work on summer assignments, and theres some volunteer events i volunteered for!and thats about it...just a typical summer...hopefully ill have more time next year in the summer to catch up on animes since im super busy this year with my classes and gonna get even busier with college applications etc etc.... -_-
little bit intimidating.
But hey whats up? I just saw that you sent me a friend request (although this was a while ago)
Just wanted to drop in and say hi :)
fast food restaurant?hmm...i don't have like a number 1 favorite but i do enjoy eating at taco bell and certain things i like in each places like whopper at burger king and smoothies at mcdonalds...thats fascinating!even i myself haven't met the president in person so you should be feeling lucky now haha!don't really get to see that much famous people you know!but dang...that sounds so heartbroken...people who live in the same building don't even get the chance to see his face...i feel sad now... :(
the system at belgium is definitely differently to how our system works in the US...ours is preschool(5), elementary(6-10), middle(11-13), high(14-17), then its college then university which is 18+!thats definitely a difference there then haha but after sending me the link about how it works in belgium...i can imagine it better now but i guess since im used to mine...really not used to how it works for you guys...seems like you guys would jump all over the place haha but its still unique! :)
lol thats not surprising these days since technology is getting better and better day by day!won't be surprising if he chooses to work with technology for the rest of his life!jung sungha is definitely awesome!and nope never heard of them but ill check it out thanks!do you happen to know who brizzyvoices is?she can impersonate all sorts of characters and things whatever you name it!you should definitely check it out especially with the pokemon and disney character impersonations! XD
dang you must be dedicating yourself to dutch that much then teehee!i admire that!i really want to dedicate myself to learning japanese but reading and writing probably won't work so just learning how to speak and understanding it is good for me which animes are there to help me!haha im not that fluent with spanish myself but if its anything i can do within my capabilities then sure i would love to! >_<
oh yeah sorry maybe its your first time hearing it!konglish is just what we say for korean and english so yep you're right!like in a sentence we would speak korean and english together!and you're right again!kospanglish is korean, spanish, and english together but that doesn't happen too frequently!its mostly konglish or spanglish or individually! :D
ohh thats pretty hard...well i never really heard what italian sounds like but i have a feeling it'll be fun to learn as well!i would probably go for a language you have less likely to counter with in the probably between spanish and italian would work!what im thinking is that you can learn korean in korean dramas and japan in animes so that'll help you save time and have you learn variety of other languages you know!it'll be hard without learning to read and write them but at least you can speak and understand korean and japanese that way!im not that fluent in korean but i know the basics but just watching korean dramas help me learn more so just giving you my opinion about it!but if i were you...i would choose between spanish and italian!but ill say that spanish is really similar to english so it might be easy to learn it since theres a lot of words that sound similar!only the grammar stuff is different but i would think it'll be easy for you to learn since you know how to speak english! :D
awesome!tell me how it went when you finish then!lol it wasn't that long was only last week so it was practically recent!but yes my love from another star was a great korean drama!in some content...not the plot but it still reminded me of i can hear you voice quite a bit with the variety of genres they put into the plot so if you enjoyed my love from another'll enjoy i can hear your voice as well!to the beautiful you was good as well!glad i was able to find a site to watch it...nowadays you can't find some dramas that only came out a year ago in variety of sites...but finally found one for it so enjoyed it! CX
OMG OMG OMG YES YES YES!fairy tail is going perfectly right now!couldn't ask for anything more especially after having to wait over a year to have it air again...have you started it yet?you should totally start it right away when you get to it!the opening and the ending are amazing itself!currently practicing the opening on the piano right now!im able to play it if its just chords but i still decided to give it a try to practice the original out which is gonna take awhile but definitely possible to complete! XD
haha well can't guarantee that ill be making it in the summer but least i have a mindset to do it so high chance for me to do it in the summer!hopefully it turns out good myself...but im debating whether i should have my profile page full of shounen animes or my top favorite comedy romance animes...its gonna be really hard...its either i make one on my profile page and another on my list page but its still gonna be hard to decide... XO
im sure it definitely is!in korea...its actually common to see famous people there since especially in korean variety shows...they would air it in the urban cities where a lot of people are around so you can practically see a lot of famous people everyday if you wanted!ohhh thats really cool!is she per chance SDA? :D
Zal ik doen. Toch zal het wel een tijdje duren voordat ik een game heb gerealiseerd haha Pas wanneer ik op mijn volgende opleiding zit waarschijnlijk!
Jah klopt ik heb indd veel gekeken. Helaas nu niet meer zoveel tijd vanwege stage en school projecten die ik op stage moet doen. Bij applicatie ontwikkelaar heb ik hiervoor ook al 10 weken stagen moeten lopen. Nu 23 en straks weer een keer 10. Dus intotaal rond de 40 weken stage.
Achja voor deze stage hoef ik nog maar 2 weken!!! Daarna weer lekker veel tijd voor Anime en andere dingen! :DDD