Hey fellow anime/manga fan! :D
My name's Olivier, I'm 19 and I'm studying Computer Science.
Um. In fact I don't really have the time to write down a presentation right now, so I'll finish it later, OK? ^^
Stay tuned!
Donc , tu peut rentrer dans la catégorie des "métalleux" (ou que je toruve ce mot triste...) que je peut apprécier .
T'façon, rien ne batra les coeurs de l'armée rouge. Oï!
Seigneur, je ne fais que donner mes avis sur la véritable identité de Tintin, Black et Mortimer, voyons!
[ okay, peut être que le "hate" était un peu exageré, parceque le vieux métal je peut écouter sans rigoler.Mais alors là, j'commence à en avoir un peu ras le pinpin-le lapin de ces abrutis de "je suis jeune, je haaaais le moooonde et la populace humaaaine, je dois absoluuument m'en distinguer vite vite vite, formons und e ces enième groupe qui chantent rien pour ne rien dire. " ( oui, tu l'auras compris, les collégiens de nos temps sont des abrutis FINIS TT TT) ]
Ouaip', toujours cette douce forme qui soit disant se sied à la poche, mais alors quelle poche....
J'suppose qu'avant, on ne vendait que la version allemande, le "Sönne", mais depuis peu, ils te refourguent du "sun" partout... Le british, ça fait vendre .
Thank you very much for this wonderful list. There are only a few bands on here that I've already heard so it'll definitely keep me busy for a while.
Also, I'm the kind of guy who doesn't particularly care what genre of music a band is as long as they're good. So hell, feel free to recommend me non metal/hard-rock stuff as well if you'd like. :)
Ahh, sorry. I guess the way I phrased that last comment didn't really make much sense.
Up until a few months ago I never really had any exposure to the music world. I listened to soundtracks, anime openings, and some celtic/new age/celtic stuff that my siblings had, but that was about it. It was only until I found last.fm that I really started caring about actual bands, albums, and the whole culture and cult-like fandom revolving around different bands and such. The metal genre happens to be one of my slightly newer discoveries, so at the moment I'm mainly looking for good metal bands.
Regardless, you're free to recommend me anything you like. Whatever genre or style it may belong to, I'll give everything that's thrown at me a go.
Thanks. I'll be sure to take you up on that offer in the coming months. Contrary to how I may look, I've only been listening to metal for a few months now. So any sort of recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
If I'm not mistaken, the Last.FM compatibility calculator does not just take the amount of similar artists into account, but also the amount of plays each user has scrobbled for them. So if we both have say, 100 plays for Meshuggah then it would increase our compatibility more than if one of us had 100 and the other had 10. (It's also possible that the comparisons are done in percentages rather than base amount of plays.)
Either way, we still have pretty similar taste. Even lots of the artists in the your library that I haven't listened to are actually recommended to me by Last.FM.
I'm also not sure how our compatibility is that high either. Well at least we can agree on one thing, that Cowboy Bebop and Baccano! are awesome.
All Comments (12) Comments
T'façon, rien ne batra les coeurs de l'armée rouge. Oï!
[ okay, peut être que le "hate" était un peu exageré, parceque le vieux métal je peut écouter sans rigoler.Mais alors là, j'commence à en avoir un peu ras le pinpin-le lapin de ces abrutis de "je suis jeune, je haaaais le moooonde et la populace humaaaine, je dois absoluuument m'en distinguer vite vite vite, formons und e ces enième groupe qui chantent rien pour ne rien dire. " ( oui, tu l'auras compris, les collégiens de nos temps sont des abrutis FINIS TT TT) ]
Shootée au crack?Mais voyons, pourquoi donc? (Ce profil a été écrit sous acune possession de drogues ...)O__°
J'suppose qu'avant, on ne vendait que la version allemande, le "Sönne", mais depuis peu, ils te refourguent du "sun" partout... Le british, ça fait vendre .
(Quoicque, "Capri-sonne" c'est la version allemande, 'tention, me dupper pas à ce jeu là!><)
Also, I'm the kind of guy who doesn't particularly care what genre of music a band is as long as they're good. So hell, feel free to recommend me non metal/hard-rock stuff as well if you'd like. :)
Up until a few months ago I never really had any exposure to the music world. I listened to soundtracks, anime openings, and some celtic/new age/celtic stuff that my siblings had, but that was about it. It was only until I found last.fm that I really started caring about actual bands, albums, and the whole culture and cult-like fandom revolving around different bands and such. The metal genre happens to be one of my slightly newer discoveries, so at the moment I'm mainly looking for good metal bands.
Regardless, you're free to recommend me anything you like. Whatever genre or style it may belong to, I'll give everything that's thrown at me a go.
Either way, we still have pretty similar taste. Even lots of the artists in the your library that I haven't listened to are actually recommended to me by Last.FM.
I'm also not sure how our compatibility is that high either. Well at least we can agree on one thing, that Cowboy Bebop and Baccano! are awesome.