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Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly
Sep 17, 2019 10:31 AM
· Scored

Uchiage Hanabi, Shita kara Miru ka? Yoko kara Miru ka?
Sep 16, 2018 6:05 PM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 23.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries43
- Reread0
- Chapters3,115
- Volumes361
All Comments (750) Comments
damn dude STILL? gg, repsect the hustle
thinking of coming back but not 100% on it.
(uh sorry late but it seems that you also don't go on mal anymore too LOL)
I don't even have an account.
Really what's up with life? Been reading any things? Like long boring Russian things or something?
That's some _ultimate_ level of screaming. (I will not misspell on purpose, puns are bad anyways. Even Carroll can't get past editors with misspellings.)
fk man, I really hope you're doing well compared to me. Your profile doesn't give that impression
tbh i do drop more than just a hi, but the last few months have been.....stressful to say the least
my exams just got over a couple of hours back and i agree i shouldn't be writing this but here goes nothing
"What do you enjoy about gintama? "
interesting question
well both comedy and interest in samurai-aliens could be good reasons to pass off
but gintama is just one of those kind of shows which hits you like a truck then leaves you to comprehend just what happened
the bonds that people form over the course of the shows are just pleasing to watch and when those bonds break in the recent arcs it's just too painful
plus there's always the comedy ( the poop jokes) to rely on X"DD
"What do you enjoy about anime in general?"
a lot of things and at the same time nothing at all
anime has turned in both a medium worthy of people analyzing and dissecting it as well as a fun way to pass time when you're alone
and that's same for me as well
i'll watch anything as long as it leaves an impact on me, and that impact can be anything - crying, laughing
i watch anime mostly to invoke the dead emotions i have inside me
also all the anime/manga in my favs are in no particular order, except a few cases
each and every anime there is on that list had a positive impact on me and something i deeply treasure
yes some have some elements i love more than the other and i obviously tend to like some over the other as well ( gintama, sangatsu, hxh, one piece)
yea i'm a teen, still, sadly
i'll start uni in a year
seeing you're 1998 born i believe you're already 3rd year in uni
thanks for writing all that
it was a fun read and i gained a lot of experience from it
if i have to describe the current state i'm rn it'd be that i'm lost
i hardly know why i do a thing i don't even enjoy
about socializing tho i'm ok at it but again why do i talk with others when i have nothing to talk about
my problem lies elsewhere
i really really want to feel something
i've been like this since the past some years - dead
dead from the inside
i barely laugh, cry or even smile
maybe it's cause i've alone lived since a kid or maybe cause i'm a wacko idk
but emotions are something i'd like to have and that's what i look for in a anime as well - something that can me laugh, something that can me cry, make me feel something for someone something anything
tho there's only 3 anime i believe that've accomplished this so far - 3-gatsu, gintama, one piece
all there of them i hold quite dear to me
i too would like to change myself but the thing is i don't the world around me to change nor myself
i just want to find out more about myself as i go on
find a reason to wake up every morning and reason to be happy, feel people and things and
ok ok ok lemme take a breather
usually i never talk right after coming home nor do i talk with such topics with a complete stranger but you caught me completely off guard with your comment
also if possible let's talk something much more cheerful next time as well
to start off an acquaintanceship knowing me by just my lowest points would be bad for my image ( the already trashed one i have X"D )
but hey i'm looking forward to talking more and i'll see you soon