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Kidou Shinseiki Gundam X
Mar 11, 11:16 AM
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Sentai Red Isekai de Boukensha ni Naru
Mar 9, 3:00 PM
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Sousou no Frieren
Mar 7, 11:36 AM
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Jul 27, 2024 8:05 AM
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[Oshi no Ko]
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One Punch-Man
Dec 10, 2023 3:26 AM
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MechaFanBoy1979 Mar 10, 5:20 AM
Yep, yep. It was classic sonic, however it wasn't the game classic sonic nor did it happen in the spawn comic
But rather in the Archie Sonic Comic's!

This little crossover happened in the 90s between Archie Sonic and Image comics (the company that created spawn and the invincible comics), albeit the image above is the only time sonic meets spawn in the whole crossover. Altho it wasn't the first time a spawn appeared in the archie comics tho...

The Archie comic's were pretty weird, but then again Spawn is no different, hell god is a literal dog in the Spawn universe!
Still, i like to image this was canon, simply cuz it's more funnier to imagine an dark edgy anti hero meeting a blue cartoon hedgehog, lol!
I always was sort familiar with Spawn when i was a kid thanks to that 90s live action movie (which was complete ass, lol). But after the YouTube Algorithm recommend me that first clip, i wanted to know more about the show and well here I'm hahaha.

Oh and BTW, remember i recommend Tsukihime awhile back. I didn't really tell you much about, aside from it being done by the same creators as Fate. That was cuz i wasn't really in good mood at time. However I'm doing much better then how i was in December and i'm in a good pretty mood right now, so I'll tell you about the premise and stuff like that in order to make you a little more interested of reading it. After i'm a pretty big fan of series and i hope it may intrigued even a little bit, kay buddy? :)
MechaFanBoy1979 Mar 10, 2:15 AM
Well that's because it is done by Todd Macrfarlane!!

This batman-like hero is Spawn, originally Al Simmons a CIA assassin, who was caught in an explosion set by his former comrades, was sent to hell. Given a second chance in life he was reborn as hellspawn to act as Satan's agent and participate in the war between Hell and Heaven. Al now Spawn struggles to remember what his past life was, while unknowingly getting involved in a government conspiracy being led by those same comrades who betrayed him long ago....

Anyways, if you're brother wants to watch it, here's a link to watch the entire show:

I only watch season one and it was pretty good!

Now before I leave, which clip stuck out the most to you?
Also weird fact in the comics, Sonic the Hedgehog canonically meets Spawn....i wish i was making this up, lol
MechaFanBoy1979 Mar 9, 10:18 PM
Hi, it's been awhile has it? Hope you're doing fine since our last conversation.

Anyway you wouldn't mind if i show you some clips of an american ''cartoon'' now would you?

I'm just a little curious on you're impress of this show, that's all really, hehehe.
Soap Feb 13, 7:47 PM
Thanks for the kind wishes! Hope you had a good one too.
MechaFanBoy1979 Dec 30, 2024 1:19 AM
Unrelated, but check this out!!!!!

MechaFanBoy1979 Dec 25, 2024 1:38 AM
Wish, i knew what she even thinks in that head. Honestly, I'm convince she actually an NPC, thanks to how she acts and how dumb she is. Anyway, hope you check out Votoms soon. Oh! quick thing, i wanna recommend a series call Tsukihime. It's a series done by same creators of the Fate series and also a parallel universe to the Fate series, where vampires are the main focus. Compare to what i describe about Votoms, there's soooooooooooooooooooooooooo many stuff i wanna talk about Tsukihime, cuz one i'm a big fan of it and two, it's PEAK!!!! But we be here all day, if i told you just how good it is. So if got some time, my friend. I suggest you to read the manga (in case your the type to not read Visual Novels, which is okay). Hope you have a marry Christmas!!! :D

MechaFanBoy1979 Dec 14, 2024 1:34 PM
Thanks for the feedback. The only Persona game i played was strikers, which unfortunately i never got to finish it nor will i ever will. Since all my stuff I own were thrown out thanks to my ''mother''. This also means that the old mech drawing I did back in may is forever lost. Fortunately, I've got new games like Persona 5 Tactica and SMT V Vengeance for Christmas. Soon I'll reclaim what I lost and fill my barren empty room.

I agree that Seed was better than Destiny, despite that i enjoyed watching GSD, there were a lot of flaws that can be found throughout the anime. It's quite the shame how Shinn was treated in the show, I won't lie that he is one of my favorite Gundam characters. But, man they did him dirty and worse he gets replaced by the second coming of Jesus Yamato as the protagonist! Obviously he wasn't the only character that had wasted potential. But if GSD didn't went through a production hell, then he would have been a great mc! Well at least, SRW and Seed Freedom redeem him of being a better character.

Votoms, yeah it's good, like really really good. Prior to watching it, the only Votoms anime I saw was Armored Hunter Mellowlink (which is also really good). The main reason I watched it was to get some inspiration from an old fanfic idea I was constructing and I wanted to get back to watching mecha anime again. Picking Votoms was definitely the right choice, cuz it's one of few anime I binge watch and I only binge watch a series if I'm fully invested. Anyway, there’s a ton of things I love about the series! The characters, the music, the mechs, there’s so many things I could talk about the series! To answer your question, yes Votoms really is good and that more mecha fans like you should definitely watch it!

Side Note: Sorry this took awhile, originally i was going to post this after i finished Votoms, but i got lazy and hasn’t really treated me any kindest ever that ‘’incident’’ in July. But then again, considering my childhood, life never was that great anyway.

I only have two announcements, my younger brother recently created an MAL, he goes by SilkyBaryonyxuta. He’s still adding stuff to his profile, but you can say hi to him if you want to. Altho compared to me, he’s waaaaaaay more into manga than me, like he red so many manga that he doesn’t even know how many manga he read. The 2nd announcement is that I did a bunch of new drawings on my deviantart page, so feel free to see my art.
Soap Nov 24, 2024 3:53 PM
Yeah, I watched the 1974 version last year and am curious to see how this one holds up. So far so good.
MechaFanBoy1979 Oct 30, 2024 9:48 PM
Hey, long time no see, i just wanna to drop in to say hi.

I just wanna share my new drawing (a persona 3 fanart) on my old deviantart account!

Also, what were your thoughts on Gundam Seed Destiny BTW?
MechaFanBoy1979 Jun 23, 2024 5:26 AM
MechaFanBoy1979 May 30, 2024 8:49 PM
Thanks for the feedback!
MechaFanBoy1979 May 30, 2024 11:28 AM
Hello! I'm just here to share a sketch I made today. I posted it on my old deviantart account and I'm hoping on your thoughts of my drawing:)
MechaFanBoy1979 May 18, 2024 12:56 AM
Thanks for the friend request! And looks like we were born on the same year!
Soap May 11, 2024 7:28 AM
I found Fate/Zero to be little overrated, but still very enjoyable. Battle royal type contests have always appealed to me. Maybe if I had some context from its novel or other entries like Fate/Stay Night, I would've appreciated it more.
Soap Mar 28, 2024 1:26 PM
Yeah, he just so happened to be Joe's last opponent before the final boss.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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