Well , i'm a 15 y.o. normal teenager(not an otaku ) and interests in several things .
I am a (you can call it) new anime watcher . But ,i'm interested in it , because animes always give me a special refreshment after insane Hollywood things .
I always like anime which is not really anime or what i mean is not a super-pure one , i love a not cliche anime . I like Seiji Mizushima's directing ways , it's simply enjoyable. Maybe , you can say that i am a Moviegoers anime watcher ,so i simply reviewed anime with Movie Reviewing way .
I prefer anime with simple comedy and serving it in unique way . But , i never resist anime with pshycotic issues and unpredictable theme .
I have a big interest in entertainment world include movies , tv series , music , anime and manga , i sometimes also read novels and graphic novels . But , until now , i never read Harry Potter neither Twilight .
Some of my favorite :
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