The 4th writers contest is underway and all details can be found here. The contest closes on 29th of August so don’t forget to get your entries in before then. Voting for the contest entries will commence on the 30th of August.
As usual, don’t forget to check out the club page for new stories from our members and don’t be afraid to post stories of your own.
As summer (or winter) is coming into its final month, Writers and all kinds of artists is celebrating with it's 4th writers contest, this time being hosted by Furanku.
Preparation for the contest is still happening, so stay tuned for more info.
If you would like to help out with ideas for the contest, please check out the forum here.
As always, don't be afraid to come and post new material; we all love seeing what everyone puts up :)
Yes, I used to think that school was really boring but since I started the gymnasium school has been freakish fun to attend. The best thing is the people in my class, e're both art students and media students and everyone have some odd but fun personalities. :) How's your school? Have it become any funnier than before? ^^
Yeah, the worst part is how empty it is.
The fair was so freaking awesome and I met so many interesting people there so I really look forward to next year and everyone dressed up as vikings of cours. :D I do some acrobatics but I'm a... I'm not sure what it's called in english but in Sweden we call it a under-man... Well at least it means I'm at the bottom so people are climbing on me and not the other way around since I'm not that agile (or whatever it's called xp). ^_^
It's actually a play about an old bridge so the story revolves around historical events that happened there and might've happened . And again there is some acrobatics and also alot of music, dance and juggling. :)
No it's actually not that much work and a lot of the homeworks are homeworks that I like since it is individual for the "program" that you attend. My program is esthete-media so it's alot of filming, photo and sound we work with. :)
He was almost 11 so he was quite old but it still kinda sucks that he's dead. :(
Well I'm struggeling to finish this school year and this weekend we're having a viking fair in our town so I'm part of it so I'm doing some acting and acrobatic there. :) I'm also preparing for a play I'm gonna be in, in august. ^_^
It was great :')
This was the first show i've ever seen that got me attached to it so quickly. And there are two characters, whom i LOVE. ;{
What wig did you buy? And for what cosplay?;o
Haha it's okay I could've sent one more answer or something but I totally forgot about it. XD But I've been doing quite well, I've started the gymnasium now (though I don't know if you know what that is) ?:o But it's school that is not obligatory to enter though you probably won't get a job if you don't attend. >.< Maybe I've already told you...
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Yeah, the worst part is how empty it is.
The fair was so freaking awesome and I met so many interesting people there so I really look forward to next year and everyone dressed up as vikings of cours. :D I do some acrobatics but I'm a... I'm not sure what it's called in english but in Sweden we call it a under-man... Well at least it means I'm at the bottom so people are climbing on me and not the other way around since I'm not that agile (or whatever it's called xp). ^_^
It's actually a play about an old bridge so the story revolves around historical events that happened there and might've happened . And again there is some acrobatics and also alot of music, dance and juggling. :)
He was almost 11 so he was quite old but it still kinda sucks that he's dead. :(
Well I'm struggeling to finish this school year and this weekend we're having a viking fair in our town so I'm part of it so I'm doing some acting and acrobatic there. :) I'm also preparing for a play I'm gonna be in, in august. ^_^
I've been very good though our dog died yesterday. TT^TT
So what have you been up to? ^___^
This was the first show i've ever seen that got me attached to it so quickly. And there are two characters, whom i LOVE. ;{
What wig did you buy? And for what cosplay?;o
Wig hunting sounds fun!
Keeping up on manga and anime? ;D
How have you been btw? ^_^