Anime Stats
Days: 78.1
Mean Score:
- Watching29
- Completed283
- On-Hold24
- Dropped40
- Plan to Watch166
- Total Entries542
- Rewatched3
- Episodes4,781
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Manga Stats
Days: 50.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries875
- Reread2
- Chapters6,319
- Volumes898
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All Comments (14) Comments
As for Little Witch Academia, I've only watched the anime and I've to start watching the movies as fast as possible :)
Ya know, I'm not a big fan of harems, the story mostly consists of some irritating girls chasing a boy whose dense as hell and has no idea of what is happening.....and Ecchi, I'm fed up with all the panty and boob shots. Some anime are so boring coz it only focuses on fanservice and the story's just lackluster.
You're welcome!! :D If you need any help regarding recs remember me and I'll come to your aid xD
A boy transforming into a girl, huh? Then I'll have to give it a try. I love watching anime with a unique story, so bring it on xD
Haha, yup I love Super lovers especially Ren. He's so adorable in his own way, also I've read the manga as well ( there's a big twist in chapter 29-30 though and I'm really scared whether what'll happen next 😱😱 )
Hmm... I would recommend Little witch academia coz it's a really cute anime with magic and also Gintama ( have you watched it, yet? ) It's really funny and has some great kickass action. Konosuba is also a good anime to watch, it does comedy really well and finally Kobayashi san, it's about an ordinary girl living with her dragon friend and how she tries to adjust with her current situation :3
Hope this helps~~ 😊😊
I'm doing fine, just watching some TV and chillaxing xD
I just got a break from studying so I'm just enjoying it while it lasts ^^
Watching any good anime? :3
Nice to meet you :)
How are you doing today, Chelsxx? :3
Season 2 better be announced and and start airing soon, I need more in my life x.x
IKR!! If the episode ended without it I would've been very disappointed so I'm glad they added that :3 THEY'RE SO CUTEEE
And the scene where they're all meeting up together in the morning and Yuri's grown his hair out ahhh, it makes me really happy :D
That's completely fine! I hope all your projects and exams went well and that you get to rest up during the break. I've been pretty good overall, I have exams right after my break ends on January 3rd so I kind of feel bad for not studying when I should be ^^'
I hope you have a fantastic time with your favourite people *hugs*
I thought he was talking about their relationship too but then I saw something that said Yuri's doesn't look sad enough for it to be a break up so I have more hope now *screams with you* xD It may be him wanting Viktor back on the ice rink as a competitive skater but who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also saw something else that said the thing Yuri wants to put an end to is his virginity but ehh... idk xP
SAME HERE BUT AT THE SAME TIME I DON'T WANT IT TO END ;-; and flashing the rings ahhh I died x.x
Yurio cheering for Otabek omgg, my smol angry child has grown up *cries*, and JJ unexpectedly broke my heart, poor guy :s
btw, I'm sorry for the late reply ^^'
Same here! I just hope it has a good ending so that it remains in my top favourites where it belongs <3 True, or maybe an OVA or special to hold us for a bit ;)
Aww thank you! I hope it all goes well this year and beyond then :D
Oh ok, I know what you mean tbh it took me quite a bit to finish and it doesn’t help that I’m a bit of perfectionist >.< but I find the sense of accomplishment worth it in the end :3
Hmm, I think they would be psychological, action, comedy, and sports, so we’re very similar in that aspect ^_^
Aww it’s never too early ;3 Happy Holidays to you too! I hope yours are filled with happiness and good people/anime x3
Really?! Same here, I got 3 of my irl friends hooked too xD Oh I bet you’ve actually improved their life by even the smallest percentage with Yuri on Ice, I mean my life has definitely been improved xP
Aww, good luck with school! I’ve had non-stop tests this week so I get it ;-; Thankfully it’s the weekend now so we can chill for a little bit :) I’m doing pretty well, thank you! I finished making a new forum set yesterday that has pictures from episode 10 ED so I feel quite accomplished ;) I hope you’re having a great day <3
Thanks :D
Thanks for the friend request!
May i ask what is the anime in the gif in your profile? I really love to know the title.. :)