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cosmokz Dec 30, 2022 5:28 PM
Thank you for telling me. My current level is not good but in the future I can use a jp to jp dictionary. Thanks for the advice
cosmokz Dec 29, 2022 6:57 PM
Thank you for the advice. Do you recommend using a jp to jp dictionary of just a jp to en dictionary?
cosmokz Dec 26, 2022 10:15 PM
Im learning japanese. i found your profile beacuse you read the 夏目礎石こころ manga. Do you have any tips for reading novels in japanese.
ChadAznable0079 Feb 4, 2021 9:51 PM
hi im kurt, i read your bio and though you seemed pretty cool, and a fellow gundam fan to boot.
Mellifluous07 Feb 1, 2018 10:53 AM
Once again sorry for taking forever to respond to your comments, though I am trying my best to reply as soon as possible ^^ And I apologize in advance for my relatively short responses, as I still can’t find enough time to actually sit down and come up with well-written and in-depth comments.

Yes, definitely check out Grant’s blog, personally I very much enjoyed reading her posts, especially the ones about Asuka ^^

Oh my god, you probably won’t believe this, but I do not have even a SINGLE anime merchandise, yet alone any Asuka figure =( While it would be awesome to own a personal anime collection, right now, I need to invest that money in my master’s degree, given the fact that both pursuing a master’s degree at King’s and living/renting a house in the UK are pretty expensive. The other reason is that here there is such a strong social stigma associated with buying anime merchandise at my age (or even at much younger ages), right now I basically live like one of those so-called “closet anime fans”, even though I dislike that label pretty much.

Thanks again for your “virtual tour” through Spain and guidance, it would definitely be a pleasant experience to visit Valencia one day ^^

The pictures of Baku you have posted are absolutely beautiful, I must admit that I am pretty much impressed by your ability to choose the finest things among millions of other stuff. Clearly, you have a good taste ^^

Spanish cuisine sounds very delicious, indeed! As someone who prefers light and healthy meal options, (I do not even remember the last time I ate lamb, beef or any kind of meat >.< Over the past 7 years, I have only been eating chicken and fish) Spanish cuisine sounds like an ideal cuisine for me haha. From your descriptions, as far as I understood, in your cuisine, high quality ingredients are common (seafood and vegetables). And I think the average Spanish diet, then, mainly consists of a lot of foods high in carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, fried potatoes, rice dishes, eggs and so on. Hope, in future, I will get the chance to taste those delicious foods in your home country ^^

Studying Japanese since 2010? This is indeed, amazing. You must have a very good knowledge of Japanese then ^^ Wish you the best of luck with learning it^^ They are planning to open a Japanese language course (which is not a formal one though) at ADA soon, though right now due to my busy schedule, I am unlikely to attend that course, which is quite sad of course =(

Haha, studying in Spain sounds amazing for sure ^^ Well, I have thought of moving to Japan several times as well. But right now my mind is only preoccupied with being accepted into King’s. Who knows, maybe after the UK, my next destination would be Japan or Spain haha

Oh and please don't bother yourself with finding the English translation of “Friendship”. It is totally fine ^^
Mellifluous07 Jan 24, 2018 6:45 AM
As you mentioned in our previous comments, since our conservations revolve around a wide range of interesting topics, I am going to split my comment in spoilers as well (come to think of it, why this idea never occurred to me in our previous comments haha)


Coming to religion first of all let me say that I am not a religious person, so I apologize in advance for my possible ignorant claims regarding the religious landscape in Azerbaijan. The following description is purely based on my own viewpoints and experiences.

Wow, your description of Spain makes me want to go there right now *_* Thank you very much for your broad descriptions of each city, I hope in the near future I will able to get the chance to visit your beautiful country ^^


Thanks for the book recommendations, I am definitely looking forward to reading them in the near future as soon as I can (as well as The Count of Monte-Cristo by Alexandre Dumas) ^^ And wish you an enjoyable and pleasant experience in “diving into Murakami’s literary world”:))
Mellifluous07 Jan 19, 2018 5:56 AM
Yes, I actually would like to see your opinion on that infamous “Kimochi warui” scene. Here a few thoughts I want to reflect on that scene:

Coming to the use of Russian language in Azerbaijan, oh boy, this is such an interesting, yet controversial case here, so I will attempt to give a brief description of the current situation mainly from my personal perspective:

Thanks for you kind invitation ^^ Spain is definitely on my travel-bucket list, I hope I will get the chance to visit there in the near future. For the Azerbaijanis, currently one of the most popular destinations is Ibiza, but personally, I would very much like to visit Barcelona as well. By the way, based on your personal experience, which city would you recommend to feel the local Spanish atmoshphere? ^^

And yes, you are always welcome to inform me on the Spanish culture, I would greatly appreciate it ^^

You have been to Japan?? This is awesome! You have literally seen the “Holy Land” then haha. It would be great if you could write more about your impressions in Japan in the next comments! ^^

The courses you are studying right now are interesting, indeed. The idea of applying for a job in a museum sounds quite appealing to me. With your passion in history, art and literature, I think you can be a great candidate for this position. Wish you the best of luck with it, and hope you will realize your career goals in the near future ^^

Regarding history, well, my interests tend to vary pretty much, but I can say I am mostly interested the Revolution period in France, the Post-industrial era particularly in Britain, “The Roaring Twenties”, and Japan’s Tokugawa period. I must admit that I am pretty fascinated by the art of the Tokugawa era. But of course, I try not limit myself to the aforementioned periods^^ By the way, which period are you most interested in the Japanese history?

Whenever I see 1Q84 or Kafka on the Shore, two of my favorite books by Murakami, I get this urge to start reading them all over again.. Reading his novels is like slowly descending into a spring of dreams and a range of different emotions and states of being. All of them are full of pain and messy human relationships, to reflect and learn upon, and naturally, there's some joy and positivity too, but you have to search them between the lines.

Sorry, I ended up writing a little bit too much, but for me, Murakami is one of those writers where if you love his work you will likely annoy your friends by trying to talk about him every chance you get haha

It seems you are very familiar with the Japanese literature. If possible, could you recommend some of your favorite books by the Japanese authors you had mentioned? I would greatly appreciate it ^^

I have recently finished Yasunari Kawabata’s Thousand Cranes. I must admit Kawabata has a peculiar writing style that not many authors share. This novel seems to be so subtle, so smooth as it advances, but in the end it encloses a philosophy of life.
This novel gets into you slowly, without ever noticing it. When you finish it, I must it doesn't seem to be the a flawless work, but with his calm style and his short sentences Kawabata has the magical formula to get into your mind and keep you thinking about it days after you finish the novel. By the way, you learn a lot about the Japanese tea ceremony in this short novel, from the methodologies to the names of utensils.

I have yet to read his most famous novel, Snow Country though.

Finally, thanks for the sincere wishes, I hope you all the best in pursuing your dream job as well ^^
Mellifluous07 Jan 16, 2018 10:53 AM
It is totally fine, please don’t worry about writing long comments. I am a type of person who very much enjoys engaging in deep conservations just like this one. And let’s admit that only the Baroque style of writing can reinforce an imagistic representation of Asuka’s distinctive and unique character. After all, it is impossible to describe our beloved Asuka in just a few words. So please feel free to write such interesting comments. In fact, I am looking forward to reading more of your opinions and pretty much enjoy reading your comments ^^

First of all, let me express my sincere gratitude for such an extensive and well-written analysis of the final fight scene, as well as, Asuka’s character. It is so kind of you to provide such an in-depth analysis of that particular scene and I must admit that I am very impressed by your critical way of looking at the series and development of characters.

Now coming to the case of Asuka and Shinji, I just read your blog post on their relationship and I could not agree with you more.

Sorry, this comment ended up being loaded with anti-Shinji viewpoints haha.

Thanks for the kind words, I am glad you are interested in the Azerbaijani culture. For the introduction, the following description is my favorite so far (unfortunately, I forgot the author’s name):

“You will find a country where despite the hardships of daily life, people have preserved their ability to be generous and emphatic, where long-standing traditions merge harmoniously with the ultramodern, where family and friends make sure that you are never left to feel lonely... You will acquaint yourself with a fascinating region full of contradictions and rich in history… and experience a genuine warmth and curiosity that is so often lacking in other places… You will come to appreciate the eclectic mix of European and Asian influences that make Baku and its people so fascinating. The flavor of freshly brewed black tea, which will remind of Iran, mixes with the aromas of strong Turkish coffee… the sound of Russian disco music blasting from car windows competes with the latest Western hits and with authentic Azeri jazz emanating from others and the Muslim call to prayer from numerous minarets chimes in with the ringing bells of a Russian Orthodox church”

It seems to me nowadays Baku has started reifying the cosmopolitan center of Azerbaijan. Today it is constantly being staged as the vibrant heart of the country's everyday life, which for me is definitely a positive thing. I hope one day you could perhaps visit here ^^ Even if you might not like everything that you see, you will get the opportunity to acquaint yourself with a country of full contradictions and rich in history, meet people who will make you feel welcome and experience a genuine curiosity. The country’s cultural heritage, music, and fine arts will leave you deeply moved and will take you beyond the clichés proliferating in the international media that focus mainly on its oil reserves, politics and “Muslim culture” (to be honest, nowadays there is hardly any Muslim culture to speak of due to ever-increasing and eclectic mix of European (largely Russian) and Asian influences).

As a side note, did you know that after getting to know us the very first thing all the foreigners, especially Europeans, say is how much we are like the Spanish people? They say you are easygoing, tolerant, talkative and extroverted people just like the Spanish (even though I am an introvert myself haha).

In our future conservations, I will try my best to keep you informed on different aspects of life in our small, yet interesting country ^^ Having read your about me section, I can see how interested you are in history, which is a subject I am quite passionate about as well. If you are interested, in our further comments, perhaps I can provide you with our historical legacy as well ^^ Talking about history, do you pursue a degree or a career in this field?

Sorry, it seems I reply a little bit late, nowadays university is quite a challenge. I am trying my best to meet the entry requirements for my “dream” master’s degree in the field of public policy at King’s College London. So far, it has been pretty challenging, and I am looking for internship opportunities related to my field at the moment.

Again, thanks for your comment, looking forward to more interesting conservations like this one^^
Mellifluous07 Jan 14, 2018 7:14 AM
First of all, thank you for accepting my FR, it is always a great pleasure to meet people like you who appreciate Asuka and understand she is a character who is very in touch with reality.

Haha, yes, you are quite right, as a girl (and in fact, a very introverted one) I can pretty much relate to Asuka. When I watched NGE for the first time, I was very young and admired Asuka for only being a "fiery spirited, hot-tempered, red-headed tsundere goddess ". Now, I understand how wrong I was. She is actually the very definition of a real woman who tries to prove her worthiness by taking pride in her personality and the distinction of herself as the best pilot. Yet, we both know that she is a girl with deep insecurities who constantly tries to escape her loneliness. Because of her lonely childhood and tragic past, she has a desperate desire for attention, at the same time a desperate need for isolation, and a desperate ambition to prove herself independent. As a result, Asuka focuses her efforts on acting like an adult all the time, which in turn predisposes her to more insecurities and emotional turmoil against others and keeps her in a vicious cycle of extreme isolation. In this sense, I definitely agree with you, she is not your typical moe tsundere character. How can she be a simple tsundere character if every single emotion she goes through, pride, suffering, self-hatred, is pretty real?

One thing about the NGE fandom is that they constantly refer to Asuka as being "bitchy, depressed and even narcissistic". In my opinion, what they fail to understand is that Asuka can break down, lash out in anger, fall in despair over and over again and yet still bring a unique dynamic to the series without losing touch with reality. This is what I truly admire about her.

By the way, if it is fine with you (and of course, whenever you have time), can you share your thoughts on the so-called "Asuka's final fight" in The End of Evangelion? It would be interesting to read your opinions on that particular scene ^^

Again, thanks for taking your valuable writing this comment ^^ Muy apreciado tu comentario. (Sorry for my amateurish attempt at writing in Spanish, haha. It is been years since I communicated with someone in Spanish, even at a very basic level. Sadly, here in Baku, unlike Russian and English, we don't get the chance to practice other languages on a daily basis.
Mellifluous07 Jan 13, 2018 8:59 AM
"...Even though Asuka is much more extrovert and vigorous than me, she also has an introverted personality, which she doesn't want to show anyone...We too have a huge pride and try to do things by our own, also trying to do our best not to let people reach our deep feelings and hiding behind our very own A.T. Fields, which protect our vulnerable inner core"

This. Finally someone who can see Asuka's true inner characteristics and introverted personality amid the so-called claims that she is nothing, but an "extraverted mess". To me, Asuka is an introvert who lives in her own mind and is driven by inner feelings other people just can't understand. As you wrote, she appears aggressive only because she acts that way as a defense mechanism. Not being able to run away from her memories of her tragic past, she has a hard time socializing with others, though she pretends to be tough and independent. I agree with you, that is why she projects confidence to hide her very deeply-rooted fears and insecurities.

Just wanted to share my thoughts, and say hi :) You seem to have a very wide range of interests. I would appreciate it if you could accept my request ^^
rypo59 Mar 24, 2017 7:11 PM
I like making fanart, but am a terrible drawer, so I just use photo editing. I don't know how to send pictures on Steam or if you even can, so I'm going to post it here.

rypo59 Mar 24, 2017 5:52 PM
I also thought Budokai 3 and Tenkaichi 3 were that series at its best. I recently got a PS2 emulator (my original console broke) and have been playing some of that on there. I've never played Europa Universalis, but I've logged over 100 hours on Victoria II, which is another game from Paradox Interactive. I assume they're pretty similar, but set in different time periods. I've thought about buying EU or Hearts of Iron on several occasions, but usually I spend my money on things other than video games.

As for visual novels, I'm sure that I would like them and I know some people are obsessed with them and want them added to the MAL database. But I've never actually played one.

I loved Yu-Gi-Oh when I was younger and still played with my best friend into our 20s. I still have a huge collection of cards. I'm not a fan of the anime though, especially not the 4kids dub I grew up with haha. I know you don't have 4kids in Spain but, as the name implies, it was just a company that extensively censored in order to be considered appropriate for children. You may have heard of them though, as they are pretty infamous among American anime fans.
rypo59 Mar 23, 2017 4:37 PM
I'm definitely considering the Asuka coat figure, especially now that I've read the manga. I'm glad you liked the Asuka and Jung comparison. In general, I didn't really like Gunbuster.

Yeah, I thought the Evangelion video games looked pretty bad and really I feel like most anime video games are pretty bad. The only ones I've tried and liked are the Dragon Ball Z Budokai games and one Gundam game.
rypo59 Mar 22, 2017 8:12 PM
By the way, are there any Evangelion video games you recommend? I've been thinking about trying one out, but there are quite a few and most are Japanese only sadly. I know you've mentioned Girlfriend of Steel and one of the Super Robot Wars games
rypo59 Mar 21, 2017 6:28 PM
Here are the similarities I see between Jung and Asuka: as you said, both are redheads, both are the lone Europeans in a Japanese cast, both are supposed to be elite pilots, both don't appear until almost midway through the series. Then at first glance, they have some personality traits in common, but on closer inspection it breaks down. Jung is confident to the point of arrogance. But unlike Asuka, it isn't a coping mechanism for Jung - she really is just arrogant. And then Jung has the tsundere character type, but she just seems to flip randomly between being nice and mean to the rest of the cast. In one episode she'll say they're best friends and then treat them as rivals in the next one, as though she's bipolar. That isn't really like Asuka at all. Also, Jung is basically the equivalent of Mari in terms of her role in the story, whereas obviously Asuka is pretty vital to the NGE plot. Jung also has no established back story other than that she's a great Soviet pilot. The main way I know they don't have that much in common is that I obviously am passionate about Asuka, but I didn't even like Jung Freud.
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