For me to love an anime, it usually does not have to be perfect. There is, of course, no perfect anime. When you see my ratings, you should be aware that I avoid any sort of objective criteria, because I do not personally believe they exist. If I rate a work a ten, it's because I can argue to myself the point that it need not have done anything else to make me love it - it was sufficient. And any rating less than that indicates that my love for the series just was not as strong.
So, my ratings are dependent on the feelings and thoughts an anime leaves me with. If an ending was thematically perfect, if everything came full circle, if I loved the main character from start to finish, if the philosophical underpinning of the anime was compelling and executed effectively, if the relationships between the characters invigorated me with hope or convinced me love is real, if the series provided me some much-needed soul medicine, or anything of this magnitude, then you can be sure it will rate at least a nine, if not a ten. If it endeared me and has a special place in my heart, but didn't accomplish anything so grandiose, you might see a rating of eight. Seven, six, five, they're all variations of enjoyable, but not heart-altering or soul-shattering. Four indicates disappointment, and, three, heartache. This is how I rate anime so that if you find yourself with similar taste to mine, you can make a qualified judgment about how much you will enjoy the series. Just don't expect ten to mean something like "could not be improved upon," or "objectively perfect."