I'm not a Korean drama fan, I watch comedy mystery like miss detective, zombie detective, how to sell your haunted house, ghost taxi, catch the ghost, etc...
Last Korean drama I really enjoyed was I've not done my best, but it's based on the japanese manga..
Barakamon, which is currently airing.. Little different from the anime..Police in a pod (joshi koban)
As anime is 23 mins and drams are 45 mins usually...
A new one I saw recently called date, staring Anne Watanabe..
I watched Korean and Chinese dramas which were mystery genre...
I am a mystery fan so almost everything I watch is mystery, police, investigation, journalism etc..
I also watch slice of life drama about neet life and house husband...
Yea obviously, I appreciate you accepting my friend request to talk about Asian dramas, but 90% of what I watch is Japanese since Chinese and Korean dramas have lots of episodes and I don't understand the languages..
It's a craze here , been ever since SL appeared out of nowhere and took the World Cup beating Australia in the final in 1996 xD
Yeah I did xD
How sad is it? I watched I want to eat your pancreas recently (weird name ik) , and it's similar to Fault in your Stars I heard?
even tho I did cry during the movie , It wasn't that bad. It focused more on celebrating life than death I felt.
Oh! same here :D Sinhala is my main language and had English during school too. We don't jave elementary/middle/high schools btw. Just school , then University.
Haha here it's a cricket is the main sport xD , used to world beaters but now declining very quickly sadly :/
I feel ya xD , sometimes I dont take breakfast if I'm too lazy to get up off the bed on holidays 😅 Kitchen is closer than the convenience store :v
(Well we don't have any convenience stores , or any stores in our village. It's pretty small. There's a tiny temple tho. https://www.instagram.com/p/Blx0QybnqL7/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1dt162by4d2nh
I'm not sure you can call it a temple as it's really small 😅
I've been putting off watching Fault in our Stars because I'm scared of sad movies 😅 so not the biggest fan of tragedies.
Oh!! Croat means Croatia? (I heard they did really good at the football world cup recently!)
I don't know much about ethnicities sorry 😅
Umm no that's not how things work here 😅, I have to take care of my parents estate here. There's farms and plantations and stuff too so, its not easy to move out.
Plus I don't really like big cities, its peaceful and nice here.
ah exams >> I see you're majoring history , are the exams tough ?
TV shows ? watchu watching ? xD , I'm going though the new netflix anthology by David Fincher .
I have over 150 anime on my PTW that I know I will never catch up to.
Arrrgghh I have to go to work ;-; , 6 hours of daily travel on the train :( , leave home at 6am and get back at 8pm. It's tiring af
I just count down days to the next friday
Monster is one of my favorite anime ever xD
I don't think anyone liked the last part of Death Note , It was a major screw up to kill off L.
Me too :/ , I wish Kishimoto kept writing the script at least. If you're looking for something similar to Naruto after being done with it then try Hunter x Hunter , They are pretty similar.
Sasuke that ass abandoned Sasuke and Sarada for like 15 years >.>
I watch pretty much any genre if I think it's good but for a favorite ? I think Thrillers? like Monster , Rainbow , Death Note etc.
When Naruto ended me and my friends were like please we want more , when Boruto dropped we all went please stoppp....,
I only watched 19 episodes and well , It's like watching filler. I really wanted to like it but now I just wish this never came into existence.
Naruto deserved better :/
Well I didn't really like the first and didn't even realize there was a second season xD ,
was just wondering if 2nd season was better than the first , been looking for something to watch :3
All Comments (253) Comments
Last Korean drama I really enjoyed was I've not done my best, but it's based on the japanese manga..
As anime is 23 mins and drams are 45 mins usually...
A new one I saw recently called date, staring Anne Watanabe..
I watched Korean and Chinese dramas which were mystery genre...
I am a mystery fan so almost everything I watch is mystery, police, investigation, journalism etc..
I also watch slice of life drama about neet life and house husband...
Yeah I did xD
How sad is it? I watched I want to eat your pancreas recently (weird name ik) , and it's similar to Fault in your Stars I heard?
even tho I did cry during the movie , It wasn't that bad. It focused more on celebrating life than death I felt.
Oh! same here :D Sinhala is my main language and had English during school too. We don't jave elementary/middle/high schools btw. Just school , then University.
I feel ya xD , sometimes I dont take breakfast if I'm too lazy to get up off the bed on holidays 😅 Kitchen is closer than the convenience store :v
(Well we don't have any convenience stores , or any stores in our village. It's pretty small. There's a tiny temple tho.
I'm not sure you can call it a temple as it's really small 😅
I've been putting off watching Fault in our Stars because I'm scared of sad movies 😅 so not the biggest fan of tragedies.
Is English your first language btw ?
Impressive 😁 , not a big follower of football but it was all over the news.😅
I guess 😅 Parents are taking care of them for now so it's fine for the moment. 6 hour train ride is draining tho , I need to find a solution.
I didn't ask if you had a favourite genre ,😅 do you ?
Oh!! Croat means Croatia? (I heard they did really good at the football world cup recently!)
I don't know much about ethnicities sorry 😅
Umm no that's not how things work here 😅, I have to take care of my parents estate here. There's farms and plantations and stuff too so, its not easy to move out.
Plus I don't really like big cities, its peaceful and nice here.
Oh, never watched any Serbian tv series 😅 are you Serbian?
Well it's an internship, I live in a pretty small village away from big cities so I don't think I'll be able to find a job close to my home. ;-;
TV shows ? watchu watching ? xD , I'm going though the new netflix anthology by David Fincher .
I have over 150 anime on my PTW that I know I will never catch up to.
Arrrgghh I have to go to work ;-; , 6 hours of daily travel on the train :( , leave home at 6am and get back at 8pm. It's tiring af
I just count down days to the next friday
I hope soon :v , I have no idea and I don't think any release dates are announced.
Watching anything interesting these days?
Last few hours of the sunday ;-; , time needs to stop ;-;
There are two versions , the 1999 one and the 2011 remake.
Sadly no :( he moved on to his other projects. I think he's working on a new story called Samurai 8
I don't think anyone liked the last part of Death Note , It was a major screw up to kill off L.
Me too :/ , I wish Kishimoto kept writing the script at least. If you're looking for something similar to Naruto after being done with it then try Hunter x Hunter , They are pretty similar.
Sasuke that ass abandoned Sasuke and Sarada for like 15 years >.>
When Naruto ended me and my friends were like please we want more , when Boruto dropped we all went please stoppp....,
I only watched 19 episodes and well , It's like watching filler. I really wanted to like it but now I just wish this never came into existence.
Naruto deserved better :/
was just wondering if 2nd season was better than the first , been looking for something to watch :3