In one word I am oneof the weirdest people I know. My favorite quote is craziness is next to Godliness. My nicknames are The Genius (because I hardly study and still manage to get good grades) and Queen of the Vampires (at least it's better than my sister's nickname which is Demon Child from Hell, DECHELL for short). The anime caracters I want to be like the most are Sunako off of Yamato Nadeshiko and Robin off of Witch Hunter Robin. My favorite male anime character is Moses off of Blood+ (because he's hot). Besides anime my favorite show is Supernatural (I love Sam on that show he's also hot). Besides watching TV I actually have a life. I hang out with friends, play the piano and the bass, go to college classes (yeah, I graduate from college this semester then I get to go to seminary), read actual books not just manga (though I love reading manga), work, go to church, normal stuff like that. It's a good thing that no one I know actually goes on this website or else I think I would never hear the end of calling Sam and Moses hot (I made the mistake of calling one of my guy friends hot when he was not around and my best still hasn't let me live it down). Not to mention I'd probably get killed by my sister Because I revealed her nickname to everyone who ever sees my profile. Okay if you have stayed with me so far it's time for a story. Once upon a time not to long in the student center not far away was packed with all the good little seminary students. When suddenly in stepped DECHELL (my sister), The Vampire mother (my roomate), The Heretic, The Evil Mermaid Queen, and The Queen of All the Vampires (that would be me). In a matter of minutes people were hearing our loud discussion which to us was funny but most other people there did not like our craziness and left. In a matter of about five minutes after we arrived the student center which had been packed now stood empty save for us and one lone straggler who actually got our jokes, stayed, and was trying his hardest not to laugh his head off. The moral of this story is if you act crazy in public most people won't like it and leave and that my friends is the best way to get the whole place to yourself. The End.
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