All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 86.0
Mean Score:
- Watching18
- Completed320
- On-Hold20
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch192
- Total Entries550
- Rewatched35
- Episodes5,075
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 29.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries112
- Reread1
- Chapters4,163
- Volumes442
All Comments (485) Comments
As far as pursuing a different experience, watching anime I enjoy while intoxicated/tripping was never really my bag personally as I tend to go a little bit too introspective to really focus my attention on the task at hand.
Happy birthday for you too (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
Also i was just finished rewatching the movie to see some of the details I missed and oh man, the details in second part is awesome. All the letters from the fans,the critics,the death threat, and photos of the studio getting vandalized. I originally gave the movie an 8,but after seeing those,of course I have to change it.
Well, that was a lot. sorry I talked a bit much but watching EVA is truly an experience. Btw i totally forgot we have the same birthday, silly me =_=
Super late but Happy Birthday to you too 🎉
Yeah! My discord is Ai#1996 (I'm pretty active when I have free time, a little less now)
That's nice to hear! I definitely have heard it's easier to watch, will let u know what I think when I get to it
Oh for Angel Beats and Charlotte, I realized I watched them a while back (before I made a mal) and never put them on my list. But yes haha, it was very boring and just wack. Had a bit of potential with the premise but didn't go anywhere with it
Sorry for the late response btw, school and work stuff are keeping me busy these days
Edit: Noticed you watched Sarazanmai, how was it?
I really liked it! It was so cute and funny, I can't wait so see where the anime goes.
Yes! I really like reading, but seems I have so little time these days :(. I'm currently reading Dune, gotten midway and it's becoming a new favorite. Last one I read was the 7 husbands of Evelyn Hugo, which I also loved and it ended on my favorites. My other favorites are: Demian, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Crime and Punishment, No Longer Human, Parable of the Sower. After Dune I have a lot of sci-fi books I wanna read, some historical ones. I'm having a bit of trouble getting into fantasy recently, tho it was my favorite back in middle school LMAO (harry potter, percy jackson). Wbu? I like to read a few pages in between school work or at the end of the day, sometimes I read slowly because of that
Enjoy ur summer break! I have a while until mine starts sadly.
Oh that's fine, 10 days isn't that much anyways. Hope your classes are going well
Have you been watching anything else interesting lately?
Thanks! I wanted to update it to match the new pfp! I really like Lain so far (the music and message, as well as Lain are great), tho the plot can be messy it seems. How was it rewatching?
It's alright, school is starting to get really busy these coming weeks for me too so I'll probably be less active for a bit. Anyways, take ur time, I like hearing from u when u do reply! Hope u got to enjoy ur holiday, and good luck with classes!