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Days: 66.5
Mean Score:
- Watching17
- Completed330
- On-Hold9
- Dropped13
- Plan to Watch252
- Total Entries621
- Rewatched32
- Episodes3,926
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 121.7
Mean Score:
- Reading48
- Completed362
- On-Hold10
- Dropped23
- Plan to Read717
- Total Entries1,160
- Reread2
- Chapters17,029
- Volumes2,034
All Comments (98) Comments
So this is what I thought ahah, it's not like there's any real different culture, independentists or anything like that because Canada has Quebec that feels like a totally different country and a lot of people there want it independent obviously we're kinda linked to them and we hear about them in details since it's the only part of America that is speaking french except French Guyana but it's part of the country.
I guess that's also how impressive China's power can be on the populations since you always hear about Mexico or other south America countries but never about China I mean I had no idea that there were Chinese gangs or special force members coming illegally there. I don't know how things will change with Trump though but now it won't be the same regarding the illegal immigrants and all.
Sorry for the late reply I came back from a one week trip and I didn't bother with internet or anime at all during that time I just wanted to enjoy the thing lol
I checked the map and indeed, it's impressive, I guess that's another difference between the West and the East, I was also wondering what's the relationship between mainland USA and Alaska? I mean does it feels like a different country like how Hawai can be I imagine or is it often just forgotten?
Yeah I mean what would be the point of getting even bigger guns when the ones you can legally get are already pretty lethal lol. Gangs really have this much power in the USA compared to how is it in South America? We often hear about shootings but I don't know much about these gangs except for the very famous, almost meme stuff like Bloods vs Crips etc
Okay makes sense, well you can't stop them from consuming alcohol if the parents agree they'll buy it themselves anyway.
But what should they do in this case?
I genuinely thought that guns were cheaper than that just because of the prices they're being illegally sold here, a group used to sell AK-47 for ~500€ in some dangerous area of the city. Though the price doesn't surprise me for the Barrett M82 lol, but AR15 are pretty common and a lot of people bought at least one so I thought it was cheaper.
I hope you had a good Christmas and I wish you a happy new year in advance!
Well technically speaking alcohol is way more dangerous than weed and is perfectly legal, at least in the US they allow you to drink at 21 instead of 18 here, I don't know how strict they are when it comes to selling alcohol to a minor though, here in most cases they don't care, it's just like for cigarettes.
I mean, they obviously do this to ease their conscience about gun regulation and make it seem like they're doing something, even though it doesn't change anything and just makes it even more confusing than it already is. And anyway, if they want a real gun regulation/ban, it's impossible at this point, so what's the point of making minimal changes?
How expensive these guns are though?
I believe it's caused by how big is the difference in wealth between people in some cities where the poorest parts and neighborhoods are completely abandoned by politics so even the drugs that people use have to be the cheapest but worst ones I guess? But I don't really know how reprehensive the USA is regarding drugs because even in this case weed can be allowed in some states and absolutely illegal in other ones so I also guess that the "seriousness" of the act of consuming illegal drugs is perceived differently between the different states?
I genuinely don't understand why they would allow some guns and not others ones I mean if you allow guns just allow all of them it's not like you would be unable to kill someone with the legal ones in Washington for example anyway. Though regarding guns yeah that's a whole different culture, I don't think I've ever seen a real gun in my life except rifles used by the army
Yeah I've seen pictures of people acting like zombies in the streets in California, I guess it's only some parts of some cities just like we have that in Paris as well even though it's probably not on the same level I believe.
Life sounds so different between a rural state and an urban one, this is kinda contrary to China where the most inequalities are towards people who live in the rural parts of the country (for example you have a much weaker social security if you live in the countryside from what I read)
To be honest I would like to live in an environment like that, it must be really chill compared to the rest of the country especially the west coast, and I believe it has barely any criminality or other similar issues.
Are American people used to eating out usually? In don't really know the prices in the US compared to here, while when I was in Japan eating out is so cheap that they usually just do that every day.
Yeah I imagine it would mostly affect most of the big cities, I'm surprised to hear there weren't any riots(?), but don't know if it will be fine in the next months.
It must feel very empty I can't imagine since even driving here you end up in a lot of empty rural areas but the size of the country is the same as one big state, here it isn't states but regions that are divided into 102 departments, and obviously they are much much smaller than states, mine has 1.2 million people which is pretty big for a department especially considering that the region has 3.3 million people overall
At least now most shops are also online so it's easier to get things when you live in a rural area, but of course it will never be as good as going to a physical store
So it's not fake news regarding Chicago I see xD It's surprising because in most cases (at least here) the metro area is where things are bad and the city itself is often good compared to that. With how populated the USA I didn't even know that there was a state with that little population, even my city has 110k which isn't bad for my country but this is pretty small compared to most US cities I would say, I wish I lived in the countryside though.
Eh I'm surprised because as an outsider I only heard good things about Seattle compared to some cities like Chicago which is 95% known here for its issues, I thought it was pretty chill because of its location but guess it isn't then, which city in the US would you recommend then? Also it must feel weird to have friends in the country who have a different timezone because of the distance, here it can be the case but between people who live in overseas territories like French Guyana or whatever so it's different
In what field are you trying to apply?