I'm aliza and I love my life.
I'm fifteen years old and in tenth grade.
I am the luckiest person in the world for all the right reasons < 3
Here for Friends.
It's all about him < 3
His kisses are so very sweet and it shows he will hold me forever < 3
I love you wiff all my heart.
Even if I may have a hard time showing it. Your always on my mind. You brighten my day and each day My feelings grow stronger and much deeper for you.
I see you all through out my future and I see us together and happpy.
You were a gift from god to me and I thank him everyday for you < 3
I never want to lose you, I never want us to grow apart, Or have confusion weather we love each other or not.
I don't know about you Jesse.. But i'm deeply in love with you and nothing or no one in this world can change that < 3
It's six whole months together and still counting. I love you deary.
Remember that because remembering you love me get's me through the tough days. It's getting easier for us. I know it is < 3
I see you alot more now < 3
Just like in ninth grade <33 We were inseperable ;3
I love those long text explaining how you feel or that certain look in your eye when you say 'i love you' and I KNOW you mean it just by that look. I think it's funny on how you overeact on things you don't need to or don't react to things you do need to. I love how you won't let my hand go when I want to and you just hold it tighter. Or when I don't want a hug and you force me to because you love me and care for me and that's you showing it. I love it when you call me 'your girl' because I know you claim me as yours and no one else's. I love hearing from your friends how you love me and you like me alot and I love how you don't care what anyone says about us dating. To you it's me and you and no one else is involved in this relationship. Its us and a long ride ahead of us. There's so much things I can't explain to you in words on how much I feel about you. I really can't explain it all. I feel so much for you that i've never felt for no one else in this lifetime. NO one. You are my boy and I love it. You are my boyfriend. (; I know you love me even if we have doubts about eachother. It happens.
I'm in love with you. Kay ((: Our Song <3
I Love You Too<3
And Actually on:)
And the text I Sent the Other day, Came Straight from My Heart telling Me and My mind what to Say of How Much I Love You<3
All Comments (19) Comments
And Actually on:)
And the text I Sent the Other day, Came Straight from My Heart telling Me and My mind what to Say of How Much I Love You<3
I'm In Love with You Aliza<3