Best couple?
My manga/anime preferences:
Anyone that scrolls through my list will be baffled at my preferences for manga and anime. I do have a few "No-go" areas that I tend to stay away from e,g mecha, fantasy, sci-fi and magic. But on rare occasions I will bend these rules, a recent example being Re:Zero, which I initially avoided due to the "magic/fantasy" aspect, but approached it rather reluctantly after it was recommended a few times. I didn't regret it. But it's not often that I enjoy such genres, it's just such a brilliant anime that it made up for it entirely.
You may also be confused by my list's variety in terms of shoujo, ecchi, yaoi and yuri. As you may be able to tell, I enjoy reading/watching all four of these. This doesn't really reveal anything about my personal preferences as a female as ironically, I am asexual. But I do tend to find something in yaoi and yuri that shoujo/ecchi often misses. I approach shoujo hesitantly, judging it on the depth of the story and unpredictability. Due to my earlier days reading manga, I am immune to most of the common shoujo cliched scenarios, and they put me off quite a lot. Among other things, if a MC female is portrayed as weak then my interest is usually lowered even more. But there are some shoujo that I do like (usually for the reasons that they are realistic/funny/psychological/strong female MC/deep plot) e,g Horimiya, Cat Street and Paradise Kiss. As for ecchi, I find it interesting from a female perspective and tend to enjoy it because the female main characters can be strong and assertive at times.
So I hope that has cleared that up!
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