Making my parents proud with my horrible life decisions since 2012.
Building my own waifu harem.
I'm a Linux Sys. Admin aka irl 5up4 H4x0r
2 1337 2 b b34t
1337 5p34k is an old meme but new memes suck. Normiefags killed them like they are currently killing anime, internet culture, and everything else.
- Power level: regular /a/ and /g/ poster, edge lord.
- Fav music: Prog-rock and psychedelic since Araki got me into King Crimson and Yes, I fell down the rabbit hole after that.
- Hobbies: Anime, Computers and HiFi Audio
- Real big fan of cyberpunk especially stuff that focuses on uncontrollable technology/the regresssion of society a la Serial Experiments Lain, Akira, and Eva. And also Psychological stuff like Perfect Blue and Welcome to the NHK.
I'm an audiophile, pirate and libre software nut.
I spend way too much time obsessing over/researching the best fansub groups and getting obscure/nearly impossible to find anime with my super autism.
I also """play""" guitar and run my own website and home server lab.
What is it that come and go in those dried sorrowful eyes?
things lost
things gained
And what is it that he saw in the crevice of the vast Internet?
Among the illusions, the existing, and the symbols, what is he thinking now?
tfw The Matrix was a better GITS adaptation
ywn hug your 2D waifu, why live?
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I live
All I watch now it moe harem shit and currently airing anime.
My waifu still loves me though what a time to be alive!