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Meraki1 Dec 28, 2018 1:53 AM
you seem like an interesting guy and fun to talk to so I said why not add you
Barnald Jan 21, 2017 11:48 AM
Hanasaku Iroha
Orzi Oct 3, 2016 10:20 AM

I just read your recommendation of GochiUsa and Non Non Biyori and one thing is bugging me. You said Renge and Chino are basically the same character but for me they are very different. Both are quiet girls, but the reason for this is totally different. Chino is shy and have social anxiety whether Renge is just calm kid with childlike logic, naivety and weird logic. She has no trouble taking to people.

Well, I guess this bugged me more than it needed to :]
asdfghjk14789632 Sep 1, 2016 5:11 PM
yeah same!! I struggled for a while whether I wanted to finish the VN first or to wait for the HF movies, but I decided to wait. Now I have really high hopes for the movies :'D But the Nasu+Ufotable combo hasn't let me down so far, so im super excited!
asdfghjk14789632 Aug 18, 2016 2:48 PM
Aw thanks ! & omfg looking back I was such a rabid fangirl. Though it is nice to meet another Archer appreciator ^^ Sorry for the late reply!
deleted_User2 Aug 9, 2016 9:39 AM
Lol at Rem and Ram making that dance

The first time i saw this was from Rikka i think, do you know if thats where this started or is it just a reference as well
Barnald Jul 4, 2016 7:42 AM
Yup, it was a good watch. I liked that it seemed different. Refreshing to say at least. Comedy was actually funny too. Oh, and I really liked the artstyle.

It's not bad for sure. It has some issues but I can see why it's so hyped. It's entertaining to watch for sure. Oh, I know. I really avoid watching airing shows but I was feeling a bit burnt out on anime and I wanted to watch something (seemingly) good and easy and that was the only thing that came to my mind at that moment. And now I'm going to catch up in no time and I'm going to be salty about it. Eh.
Darkuszow Jul 3, 2016 4:16 PM
Barnald Apr 25, 2016 11:44 AM
Yeah, it's going to be nice to see Oshino again. Some Senjougahara or Shinobu action will be pretty good as well. But still I'd like to have more seasons :P

Hah, that feeling when average score is around 7.70 :D Seriously, people should stop avoiding scores lower than 7, it's funny that they think that "5" is absolutely horrible show. Then newcomers see averages and adapt that scoring system to their own lists. Vicious circle :s It doesn't seem that bad. Just that kind of anime where you sit back and enjoy moe/comedy. I can only hope that it's not exagerrated in a bad way.
Oh so it might be not my kind of thing :s I really disliked D-Frag. As I mentioned I felt like it was exagerrated. I dislike when comedy anime has to remind me every 5 seconds that it's in fact comedy anime and throws a joke/pun/face deformation at me. That's why I enjoyed Konosuba more. It was more fluid, comedy came from character interactions and story progression.
sdhsdhgjfdhuvfu Apr 20, 2016 6:50 AM
I have never used 4chan by the way. ;)
Barnald Apr 19, 2016 9:47 AM
I've read a chapter or two of this back in the day. It didn't really grip me but to be honest I didn't have that much interest in the manga either. So it might turn out good (as far as I remember it starts differently, with Asuna perspective in the beginning).

Koyomi isn't really relevant to the story. It's just bits and pieces that they didn't adapt from books earlier on. So we'll get a bit of Bake, Nise etc.

Well I seriously got into anime about a year and a half ago so I don't really know about the situation back then. But yeah, anime is slowly but surely growing in popularity in comparisson to for example 10 years ago.

Characters were the biggest issue in Attack on Titan so if they are better then whole show gains alot. But hey, I really hope it turns out great. The more good anime the better after all. Especially with recent tendency of it getting very mediocre.

I haven't heard about both shows :s

Are they really hidden gems? They seem really ecchi/harem oriented and that's rather discouraging.

At least they are not adapting anything that I'm really interested in. But yeah, DBS looked really bad. Especially in comparison to the movie that covered basically the same story. Not talking about earlier adaptations like Z.
Barnald Apr 15, 2016 4:20 PM
I believe episodes like these could be necessary to develop Asuna and Kirito (or their relationship) if they were executed properly and if they were a contrast to the rest of Aincard arc. They were stuck in a game which they had to beat, right? In order to win they had to defeat the bosses and get stronger. That should be the main plot. We got 3 boss figths if I remember correctly and practicaly 0 scenes where they level up. Instead we could watch him getting his new sword (which WOULD be fine if it wasn't a whole plot of single episode) and other non relevant stuff while picking up chicks along the way. Romance wasn't that bad though; I can imagine them get close so quickly in a situation like this. But still I didn't like a sudden drop in Asuna character quality. If I were them I'd skip second arc completely/cut its screentime to 4 episodes and focus on actual content.

Oh, I know that feeling. You can always switch things around and go for Hana first; that way you will have a full 12 episode season left, which you can preserve until Kizu airs. Plus it's short.

It became more popular for sure. From what I know, back in 2005-2008 it wasn't very common to see anime subbed right away, it was thing that you had to wait weeks for. Now every show, no matter how shitty it is gets sub days or hours after it airs in Japan. Well, it's still a long way for anime. It would need to prove that it can tell a mature story to wide audience first.

Hmm, I've heard that opinion a couple of times already to be honest. Which makes me wonder if I'm weird; everytime I browse through seasonal anime I see a bunch of unfamiliar titles :/ Hmm, Re:Zero doesn't look all that bad. But I'll wait for it to finish airing first. Don't want to be disappointed.
This one sounds like a neverending story. And it seems to be able to go wrong in many places. But I guess it can be pretty good. Both shows you mentioned have potential.
DEEN surely adapts a lot of things lately. Maybe they will be able to break out of their normal label as "masters in fuckups". We'll see.
Barnald Apr 11, 2016 11:44 AM
Yeah, most pure SOLs can be hard to marathon beacuse of how little happens in them but on the other hand it's one of the reasons why we love them. And watching couple of eps per day is perfect if you can squeeze it in :3 Very good way to relax

Aincard was decent for like 3 episodes. The rest felt too fillerish. Also I strongly disliked time skips used there. I felt like they cut the good stuff in order to introduce pointless harem. But yeah, Mother's Rosario was good. It has it's problems but with Kirito out of the way and some character development at last it was a better watch. Fairy Dance is a yoke but Dath Gun had its moments. But it was still overreliant on flashy action, PTSD and Sinon's ass shots. And it was cheap with cliffhangers. Well, trying to see SnK in a more objective manner it wasn't that great. It wasted its interesting premise with horrible pacing, that's my opinion at this moment. Wonder how second season will turn out to be.

Either way it's fine. They don't spoil one another and they don't have important plot points that would be required to understand things in the other one. If that makes sense. Hana is also more plot oriented.
I rewatched Bake pretty recently and there were flashbacks of these events that teased me so much. Actually, some things about his past are in fact revealed in Owari. If you are interested in it, then you should consider picking it up soon ;)

Oh, actually there's a really fine rant about anime being a niche hobby made by Gigguk:
I recommend it, if you have a spare while. He made a lot of valid points about it. Also about not many people to discuss it in real. In fact I'm fine with it being more obscure and niche; I prefer to discuss it there, on MAL than seeing it get mainstream and simply shit. Yes, a lot of anime are shit anyways but when it becomes mainstream then it will be the end of many fun things in it.

Not really. I've browsed through seasonal anime but nothing really caught my eye. Lots of sequels. I guess I'll wait for this season to finish airing and I'll pick up good ones, as always. How about you?
Barnald Apr 9, 2016 11:30 AM
I've noticed that I forgot to adress one of the paragraphs of your previous comment after sending mine. Sorry about that.
>Are you like me in that you only watch 1 SOL anime at a time I guess?
Yeah. I like to keep calming SOL on my list. After stressful day, maybe inbetween watching another series that requires more focus, or anything. It's nice to watch something like that. That's why I'm such a big fan of NNB - no slice of life managed to do things above as well as this one. It managed to get my mind off grim things during a bad time for me. And that's impressive. Usually that's a hard thing to do.

For the most part he was evil for the sake of being evil. That 3 minute explaination of his motives is laughable. Just lazy writing, just as on a couple situations in a show.

I wouldn't call it a soft spot in my case. I really think it's bad. But I can appreciate the fact that it got me into anime. It's more this way for me. Well, my history is a bit more rough. Besides obvious ones in my childhood (like you - Yu Gi Oh, DBZ, Shaman King, stuff like that) I had 2 attempts to get into it and both failed miserably. Which is a shame because if the recommendation was good I'd have started watching it sooner. A lot of sooner. I wouldn't waste so much time on some games, maybe. It's not your usual abridged series. Most of them have forced jokes and don't know where they're heading. This one is the best I've seen. Well, I can only agree there. It should be called Wasted Potential: the Anime. Because if it was executed properly it could easily surpass FMA. But it would have to change a whole lot to be even close to that.

Well, that might be a good idea because Owari focuses less on quirky dialogues and more on its plot. Overall arcs invloving Sodachi aren't that great but I liked that they added her because she was something else we haven't seen in the series. Well, Nise was focusing on humor and fanservice so it was a bit easier to get into than usual gatari. If you like this kind of stuff of course.

Not much to add there, I can only agree. I still don't get why so many people hate her so much though. She is just mediocre. Numerous anime use bland characters like her and they aren't hated that much.
My ranking would be pretty identical, I'd just swap Shinobu with Kaiki.
That reminds me that I still haven't watched Koyomimonogatari. FeelsGoodMan. Also I expect great things from Kizu. They always kept things that happend there a mystery.

Sounds good, good for you. Unfortunately I haven't met anyone that was into anime :/ I guess people hide it there as much as I do. The only anime related thing that I've seen was some guy with Akame ga Kill bag that flashed when I was at the train station but that's pretty much it.
Barnald Apr 7, 2016 8:56 AM
My apologies for late response.

Well, it's just less risk for anime studio to adapt something into 12 episodes. Then they have options to completely abandon it if it fails or to announce a second season if it's a success. I can't agree that Erased needed so many extra episodes. In my opinion it needed to fully flesh out antagonist story (so probably half, maybe whole episode) and strech out the finale to 2 episodes. So I think 14 would be all right. It still would suffer from plot holes and things that don't add up like
but it would be a little bit better. Probably. It isn't only about the airing time. Anime sales overall are declining rapidly every year so they're taking less and less risks to at least get their invested money back. As for one cour shows... It's sad but sometimes it's on purpose to attract you to the source material. That's good to hear! Good sales will encourage studio to do more. Maybe they will adapt the whole thing if the author approves ^^ I'd help too if anime weren't so expensive and so hard to get.

I'll admit that SAO was my first anime and I still have sentiment towards it but now I can't see it in any other way. I also rated it very high back then. Have you tried SAO abridged series? They're hilarious and amazingly well done. If you haven't I strongly recommend them. You can find them on youtube. It fixes everything that original lacked. Good characters, development, story. It's really good.
You want to marathon Owari? Well, that would be impressive. Especially that the first ep is 40 (or 60?) minute long :P I usually run out of steam after watching 2-3 episodes of any gatari straight. Marathoning looks impossible to me :s

Nadeko a great character? I'd argue with that. The only redeeming thing about her is her scenes in Second Season (like "Nadeko Snaps"), otherwise she would be one of the blandest characters in anime overall. Also Yotsugi is a little bit off in my opinion. Or maybe because I connect Tsuki with her?

A fine choice. The only thing that's bad about her is the fact that she basically missed out on 1,5 seasons. In Bake she was basically a background and in Nise she didn't have that many scenes either.

I am. I'd really want to forget about Monogatari so I can experience it all over again. Same goes for some other shows. Hana is just amazing for me. After really mediocre Tsuki it comes back strong. It's as good as Monogatari can get, at least in my eyes. Even if there is no Senjougahara. Even if Stutterragi gets one short scene. It's short too, I really recommend it if you have a hour to spare.

Now the main course. A question that you sentenced yourself to when you wrote on my profile. A question that I torment everyone I "meet" on MAL. How do you feel about being an anime fan? You know, in context where it's not very socially acceptable and most people see this hobby as weird. Are you open about it?
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