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- Total Entries39
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- Chapters1,175
- Volumes125
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How was your day?
You like Hanekawa-san too, yey! XD I like her personality the most ^^
But at least from my experience, ppl outside of CD (and even mal as a whole) aren't that bad.
Lol yeah, I gave up on it too. I think its dead though finally.
I just try my best to not take things too personally, take everyone so seriously, or even post seriously like 90% of the time.
Its like, I have better stuff to worry about. I'm not gonna let a bunch of nerds who probably don't even see the light of day drive me away.
I do get irritated, because most people are hardheaded yet dumb as fuck sometimes.
But then I remember, they probably haven't even seen as much sunlight as me.
Is Carnval Phantasm really that good?
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C L I C K || T H E || S P O I L E R || A N D || J O I N... please I'm begging you
(hi CC <3 )
She looks cute in pink and I love her expression in this scan ♥