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Nov 22, 2021 7:43 AM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE! LOVE!
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE! LOVE!
Nov 22, 2021 7:36 AM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Kitaku-bu Katsudou Kiroku
Kitaku-bu Katsudou Kiroku
Nov 22, 2021 7:36 AM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
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-Hyperion- Jun 7, 2014 1:33 AM

Click on your favourite to Vote
-Hyperion- May 27, 2014 7:26 AM
The Queen’s Blade Tournament

Click on your favourite image to vote!
Ichi-chan Jul 9, 2013 10:30 PM
Happy Birthday
ikuto95 Dec 22, 2011 2:10 PM
Obi-Chan Apr 16, 2011 11:05 AM
Massage from:Way of the Shinobi

Hello everyone i'm sending this massage to tell everyone that the club is back on and if you got a character and your going to r with him or her on the club, Come to the topic name Characters Scroll and post your character info there so it will not be delete ok.

The club is now Under Construction but everything is almost done so if you think you can help in something just sent us the admin a massage ok ^_^
dgirl1997 Feb 6, 2011 3:57 PM

Hello friend of dgirl1997,

First of all you might be wondering what this message is about. Well this message is regarding my friends list. I have way more friends on here than when I started, but that is the problem. I only know a few people on the list because I talked to them.

The whole purpose of this message was to inform you that I will very soon start deleting friends off the list because of lack of communication. I understand for a few of you that you can't get on the computer or you are taking a break from this website due to real life stuff like school stuff or work. So whoever does see this message on their profile, I just wanted to warn you.

You can tell me you want to still be my friend by commenting me. So, I am very sorry to whoever I delete, but I just don't see how I can be friends with people whom I never even spoken a word to. (kindness of my heart for accepting friend requests for so long)

Also, the lack of communication is my fault too. So don't think I blame all of this on my friends.

Good day to you,
PockyLoveLove Aug 10, 2010 9:16 PM
SUMMER 2010 Card Making Competition - VOTING
The voting threads are up for all three themes and their two categories.

Kindly take the time to place your vote on the cards you feel deserve to win the competition :3

Preset Category | Custom Category

Preset Category | Custom Category

Preset Category | Custom Category

Be sure to read the entire post before placing your votes, and good luck to all participants!
Member Cards Mall
PS. Sorry for spamming your profile ^^;
Sayuki74 Aug 9, 2010 2:24 PM

We have 59 Members and I made [late a bit] 50+ LE with Falling Stars. Why with Falling Stars? Because it's August and in August are Perseids! Now about Peresids:
They're the famous Meteor shower. In year 2010 Perseids're active between July 23th - August 24th and peak of shower is August 12 and ZHRmax in this day is 142 and normal ZHR is 100. This Meteor Shower has radiant in Perseus. And in the main club page we have "Quote" with links to Celestia and Stellarium official sites.

Whats is ZHR?
About Perseus
Perseids on Wikipedia
BaKaUsagiXD Aug 1, 2010 5:06 AM
Mass Message from Member Cards Mall As a result of the mass messages being down and pocky being busy, we have not held the member cards competition for the last two months. To make up for it, we are holding 3 Member Card Competitions this month. All three have different themes, there is a custom and preset category for all three, and you may enter as many as you desire.

The Three Themes are:
- Sports
- Silhouette
- Fireworks

The Deadline is Sunday, August 8th, after which voting for each theme will take place.

If you would like to enter the competition, go HERE for both the preset and custom categories.

Be sure to read the Rules and Regulations HERE, and you can also find the pictures for the preset competitions there.

Thanks you for your time and please participate if you would like. The more people who do it the better, and if you don't/can't create member cards remember that everyone can vote next week for their favorites and then buy with MCM Coins the winning cards soon after that. and sorry for making it so long, i bet most people didn't read everything, lol
AngelRin Jul 14, 2010 11:03 AM
Hellu there~ Since PM's are disabled, I have to go to each and one of your profiles. I just want to said to you to visit Anime and Manga Fanclub to see the updates of the club. You can vote too for your anime/manga/charas/OP/ED to be the next "___ of the month".

Your Admin - AngelRin
Vizard Jul 10, 2010 6:44 AM
happy birthday.
RYnky-san Jul 9, 2010 6:59 PM
~ Best wishes ~
kiiratanaka Jul 9, 2010 11:34 AM
Happy Early Birthday!!
kagohe-chan May 31, 2010 6:28 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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