First off, a small explanation of my name cause I know your just dying to know why I used "Bro". It started from my Xbox live name, FakeBr0m0n1028 which is a mix of the first half of my last name and the second half of my first name plus my birthday at the end. I was expecting it be temporary so I added a fake in front. Well I then carried that name over to a game called Spiral Knights where I earned the nickname Bromon Brochacho, the Benevolent Bombing Badass. Well people actually just called me Bro, but I'm sure that's what they were thinking in their minds. Anyway I attempted to integrate Bro with something anime relate. One of my favorite shows is Durarara! so i said "okay, Ill just name myself Bromarara!" It was easy, clean and had a bit of style. But alas, I wasn't allowed to use an "!" and Bromarara! Without the "!" is
I mean Just look at it.
Bromarara <--- (ーー;)
Note for Santa: I'll be updating my profile by friday, which should help out a bit. This current description is pretty old, but I kept it around because, well, Laziness.
Anyway, my only option left was to combine Bro with Bk-201. Hence Bro-K201. Anyway now that is done, on to the rest of my profile...Which I really don't feel like doing now so uh..yea..
All Comments (47) Comments
Today I contemplated the rebirth of SWA and was reminiscing about all the people who have been there and gone, and lo and behold here you are. I know that's probably just the past for you but I just wanted to say hi and stuff and things <3
would you like to join us ?
77,7% Anime compatibility certainly made you the right choice for my wish, and that you have Minori in your Favorite character list only makes you more awesome.
Big Thank You
Youmu is pretty epic, her theme(~Till When?) is kind of meh, but the arranged version for SWR is crazy epic! I still prefer Ancient Temple though. It's so bland and great until Youmu appear out of nowhere throwing all sorts of stuff at you and the song gets more intense.
I decided to play PCB again just for lulz and I got my ass beaten by Youmu, I'm so out of shape~
The easiest character to beat the game was Sakuya A for me, all I had to do was to focus and dodge, and the homing knives did the rest of the job. PCB is considered the easiest because of the border of life and death that happens once you get the pink spring things and it pretty grants an extra life/bomb to the user.
Good luck beating the games! I'll try me hardest to beat Touhou 10 once and for all, I'm coming for you Kanako!
Have a great day!
As far as circles go, I mainly listen to to metal arranges, being Magnum Opus, Demetori and CROW'SCLAW my favorites. I also love the synth/chill-hop arranges from koutaq/Sensitive Heart.
I think PCB is my favorite of the touhou games, and Youmu being my favorite character in the series. They say that PCB is the easiest game in the series, but the first one I finished was Imperishable Night, because the Reimu/Yukari team is pure hax.
Since I'm really bad at the games, I like to watch people playing them~ My favorite youtube channel for that is raak1010's, because he always use arranges of the songs in the stages and in the boss, and they fit really well together. My goal is to beat Kanako(MoF) on normal, it's been 2 years that she gets me on the last card spell~
Do you have any channels on youtube/niconico that you like to listen to touhou arranges? I would like to take a look a them.
About touhou, I play it sometimes, but I'm a total scrub at most of the games. Haven't finished TH10,12 and 13 on NORMAL(total scrub).
But what I love about touhou is the music and the many arranges the community makes everyday~
After reading your profile, looks like you've played waaaaaay more Spiral Knights than I did. I remember that Spiral Knights was releasing the "Bomberman" PvP, august of 2011, when I stopped playing.
I wonder how the game is looking after so much time~
Do you also play touhou?
Nice to meet you, Bro!
Fun Fact: My favorite streamer on Twitch is called ProfessorBroman, a borderlands 2 speedrunner.
I actually almost missed mine too, Thanks bud.
I totally approve your taste xd