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Hazbyn Oct 2, 2023 9:50 PM
On my side, it started in a very powerful way, let me just say that hahaha; still, I am getting really nervous and my anxiety is reaching new levels since my dad´s surgery is about to come. I have checked a lot of times and is not hard nor invasive, yet I cannot stop feeling agitated; I will just pray everything goes right.
I hope your consultation and surgery go well; I´ll have you in my thoughts and pray. I hope you have a nice recovery.

Oh my god, it turned into one of my favorite books so far; I honestly love the most the interactions between the characters rather than the fight against the demons. Moreover, something I deeply enjoyed is how vampires, werewolves, and fairies were the result of Demon infections, diseases, or kids; it was very nice and clever.
I am not going to lie, I also ship the three main characters together; I like how assertive Tessa is in front of Will, and also how caring Will is towards Jem. I honestly ship Will and Jem a lot, but this is one of the few times really like and ship the main trio.
Hahaha, yeah, you told me about the family tree but even the author said to not trust it. I haven´t been progressing that much because my head is not in the right place, but I will read it as soon as possible once I feel better. By the way, what is the name of the editorial you bought your copies? It would be great to know it for later reference.

Ugh, I hate that feeling; you start looking at the procedure and freak out. Try talking things with the surgeon first to clarify your doubts; that way maybe you can find some ease. In any case, I completely understand how terrifying it is to read about surgeries and illnesses; you try to find some comfort, just to end up distressed and freaked out even more over the smallest details that are too rare to happen. I know it might be too personal to ask, but what is your surgery about? If you want, send me a private message, or if it is too painful to think about it just abstain, I´ll understand.

While I do believe parents need to be involved in their kid's education, and I would like for them sometimes to take the tests applied to their sons and daughters to check why the score wasn´t higher, I consider school needs to have some plans regarding helicopter parents; I have read several stories about people who had helicopter parents following them into college dorms and is completely sad.

I know, especially when there are so many names out to label familiar relationships; what the hell does it mean first/second cousin once removed? I have looked that up on Google and I still don´t understand. I know what you are talking about, so don´t worry; I understand how messy they are and sometimes it is indeed needed to write down names.

I like it when someone points out repetitive tropes since sometimes I don´t recognize them that much; I also love it a lot when cliches and weird inconsistent storylines are stated. Do you know the franchise The Texas Chainsaw Massacre? One of the movies, Texas Chainsaw 3D, showed a baby in 1973 who in 2012 looked like a teenager; I seriously don´t know what the people were thinking, it was a very bad decision of casting.
Okay, you convinced me; I will check their YouTube channel to see which movies they have covered.

That is exactly the issue; there wasn´t any good reason, aside from easy money, to release Scarlet and Violet so soon. The amount of Glitches, some terrifying ones sometimes, was a disappointment, though I think some of them were corrected after a while. Moreover, I am happy that I have found some very good Shiny Pokemon and completed 2 boxes; in Arceus, I completed 3. Back to the topic, I also hope the next games arrive in some more years for the franchise to deliver something good and worth buying; I never played Pokemon Stadium or Battle Revolution, but I have seen some very nice animations that would be worth seeing again.
So far, the DLC doesn´t look so amazing; the Pokemon trio is a bit boring in my opinion, Fezandipiti has to be the worst name ever, and the fact that Kitakami is in Unova yet most Pokemon that appear there were not catchable on Black, White, Black 2, or White 2 shows how little they cared.
I´ll tell you if I find something, but don´t have any hopes at all; as you say, I don´t think the Pokemon Company even knows their own timeline.

Oh my god, those were the days; I played Gold and Silver on an emulator, and I did the Pokemon Cloning Glitch; I seriously love that. I also did the Glitch Island in Pokemon Yellow out of curiosity. The only Glitch I was never able to make happen was the cloning items in Pokemon Emerald; my file got erased and corrupted to the point of the file deleting itself after defeating the league.
I know the Mew from the Glitch is available in the 3DS versions of the game, but it cannot be transferred to Gen 6 and 7 games; moreover, I think I read somewhere that Glitches are still available. There are some I don´t recommend doing though, especially the ones of Glitch Island since I heard once that not only the game but also the console gets glitched; kind of like the X and Y Luminose Glitch.

Again, I want to wish you all the best in your upcoming surgery; I know is scary, but when is done and you are fine you will not even remember how scared you were. I hope to hear from you again, and that everything goes well in your consultation :)
AustinJackson22 Sep 27, 2023 12:33 PM
Agreed, Darling in the Franxx and Tonikawa is a amazing anime. And I was finished watching Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts
AustinJackson22 Sep 27, 2023 10:10 AM
Thanks for friend request. What do you think of Darling in the Franxx and Tonikawa?
Hazbyn Sep 16, 2023 2:12 PM
Sorry for taking quite some time to answer; it has been a very hectic and emotionally unstable month. I am doing a lot better now, and since I am currently on a very long weekend I finally have the time to reply.
I am very sorry to hear you are having health problems, I hope and pray you can get better. I understand if you aren´t feeling well enough to answer, so take your time and heal; I hope you can receive good news. Stay strong.

I used to love going to them when I was a kid; we used to go to a rental cabin in the city next to ours, and we spent a lot of time there. There were playgrounds, a small casino to go and eat, a huge adult pool, a kid's pool that was surprisingly deep, a tennis court we used a lot, and some others. It was a pretty big place in the mountains with several cabins but you had a lot of privacy still.
I am not an expert on the matter, but I think a possible reason is that the ground may need treatment for overuse; yet, my parent's neighbors think is because of overuse of fertilizer. I think anything is possible. I am glad to hear your canning is going great.

It would have been nice to see his games; another thing I always hated was the omission of Katniss's friendship with Madge Undersee, especially since Madge is connected with Haymitch.
By the way, I finally started reading Clockwork Angel; I am liking it a lot so far, and I am eager to see where the story goes. I feel very bad for Tessa, and I like the friendship between Will and Jem.

Thanks, I need 33 correct answers out of 35, but according to some cousins the number is a bit lower; I have some problems with the questions that are more mathematical, yet I have been improving in my theoretical tests. I already decided on the city in which I am planning to do the driving part; I still need to practice more my driving though.

I am the same, I am trying to convince myself that the Internet is true and that surgery is not that big of a deal, but I am still feeling a bit uneasy when I think about it. So far all the tests he needed to have before the surgery have gone well, so I am trying to remain positive. Thanks a lot for the care; I´ve also been praying a lot.

Exactly, he was taken from one world to another basically; as far as I know, the teachers in his former school gave up in my nephew's former classroom. Moreover, parents weren´t involved in a way to talk and solve matters peacefully, but rather as conflictive as possible. In his new school teachers and parents are more involved. The school is currently in is very good, the only problem is that is a bit small, and since my nephew enjoys playing soccer he now sees that as impossible because the only yard is used by students from all classes.

My cat is my baby; she enjoys receiving food, toys, and cuddles a lot, although most of the time just because she wants more food. Oh my god, I swear I have thought of that for a long time; several cousins are older than me and have kids, and I don´t know what type of relationship is that. I don´t know if cousins and nephews are also cousins or nephews and nieces. I can perfectly visualize how annoying that must have been. Honestly, I like spending time with my nephews since they are still affectionate and funny kids, and I am happy when I picture them as teenagers annoying their parents; but, I dislike when I am forced to look after them because their parents want to have a relaxing time or are talking with someone.

Yes, DeadMeat is very interesting; the channel is currently supporting the SAG strike, so their newer kill count videos have been unique. I enjoyed the review on a web series called Don´t Hug Me I am Scared, and the latest video was about Mortal Kombat 2011. I never heard of Cinimasins, what can of Sins do they cover? Like the traditional ones or when they used repetitive tropes?
I am seriously thinking of rewatching The Legend of Korra again, I liked it a lot; as I mentioned, the third book introduces a group of villains who are masters of their respective bending. That group, Red Lotus, was one of the villain groups ever.

Genesect and Phosil Pokemon were also good choices; still, the Swords of Justice trio should have received the paradox versions, I feel they could have worked better and would have avoided some conflicts. At this point I truly believe Pokemon company doesn´t give a damn about the final products, they just want to sell.
Regarding Hisui, I wonder if the original versions of Growlithe, Arcanine, Sneasel, Sligoo, and Goodra meant they were originally from Sinnoh and then emigrated to other regions and then adapted until their current forms. I don´t care what comes after Scarlet and Violet, I want to see more Legends versions; Legends Johto, Legends Kyurem, or whatever, I will take them.

I have only played emulators of the game; the most legal one was when I downloaded it on my Nintendo 3DS, and I was so glad to know the glitch was still available. It was a bit tricky though since you needed to fulfill some requirements exactly or the game froze; nothing serious though, you just needed to close it and open your save file again.
I am the same; I have loved Mew ever since its first appearance in the first movie. I am glad Nintendo has been nice enough to give free Mew´s to everyone hahaha.

I think the same; I pray things go well for you and you don´t have anything serious. Take care :)
Hazbyn Aug 28, 2023 4:55 PM
I can understand you on that; several manga I have enjoyed a lot, and I consider to be very original and entertaining, aren´t that popular nor do they have a big fanbase. I wish A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School and Sakazuki-san Chi no Gikyoudai were a bit more popular, they could turn out to be amazing anime series.
That is all that matters; as long as they keep getting published, then that is all that is important.

I think I mentioned that my parents own a piece of land in the countryside and they built some houses there; we tend to go very often, like twice a week to avoid potential robberies after some incidents. My parents rent the cabin during spring and summer, and since we have a pool is very common to have some clients; now they are building a newer cabin, and although is very hard we have some people to help.
In the end, it seems we are having some very similar circumstances hahaha. I hope the crops turned out well, some neighbors planted potatoes and they ended up having this texture sandpaper.

That was one of the biggest flaws in the second movie, which I think is one of the strongest and most enjoyable out of the four; his games were a huge turning point in the games, and properly explained why he turned into an alcoholic and became an example of what happens when you made the capitol look bad.

I am not going to lie, I cannot live without public transportation; hence, is true I don´t know what it is like not having it near you. I have to ride the train here where I live sometimes, but it is not very common. In the capital city of my country subway is a huge deal and the most used public transportation method selected; yet, due to the huge amount of people who live there, every means of transportation is crowded commonly. I think is cool that you know how to drive; I am studying to achieve my license. I am very curious to ask this, What kind of trains are illegal to ride on?

Believe me, praying has helped me quite sometimes; I mostly do it when my parents need to go to the doctor. My dad is having surgery in a few weeks, and although the internet says is not the most complicated one, and that is relatively easy, I am still praying everything goes well.

The most complex part is that those cousins I mentioned to you are actually very nice and funny to be around, and most of the entitlement they have is because of my aunts and their mom respectively.
My mom and I usually tell my brother that; my oldest nephew, whom I love dearly, has been on a very rebellious and misbeheading streak ever since he changed schools. The kids in his former school were way more mischievous than he was, and his newer classmates are more innocent, so he has been having some problems adapting himself to his new environment. Yet, my brother only knows who to yell at and punish him, and he blames us for that somehow.

Kids and pets are really a bad combination, and that is why I prefer pets; just like Bernie Sanders said Children are canceled; Pets are the new children, and Plants are the new pets. I didn´t understand, were you having a group discussion as well, or was your nephew annoying his sisters as well? If you were studying, I can understand how hard it must have been to try to look after a kid while studying; I have been there in sickness and in health trying to study with a baby next to me either screaming or throwing me toys. I still haven´t had that much luck where somebody replaced me or helped me, I am usually the one who gets the call when my brother and soon-to-be-sister-in-law want to have time for themselves and someone needs to take off their kids.

Maybe I will start watching some more YouTube channels; the one channel I tend to watch sometimes is DeadMeat which does kill counts for horror movies, awarads for the best and lamest kills, and thorough research about how some movie scenes were made. Sometimes there are some short fragments from interviews with the actors from the movies. I am curious to watch this channel about a psychologist playing Omori; I got curious and jumped to the video where she achieved the true ending, and I loved how speechless she was.
I missed The Last Airbender, it was an amazing show; I watched the Legend of Korra on Netflix some time ago, and I don´t understand the hate the fandom has for it. The third book of Korra has to be the biggest masterpiece ever made.

I feel that the term "Legendary Pokemon" has not always been that solid and has even changed the rules from time to time; unlike legendaries like Lugia, Kyoge, or Dialga who have jurisdiction over something, the power to destroy if they want, and the ability to rule, there are some other legendaries who are just legendary in name, like the Legendary birds and beasts. The most recent examples must be Paldea, since Miraidon and Koraidon are only past and future versions of regular Pokemon, while the Ruinous Legends have a deeper story and reasons for being sealed.
Regarding the paradox versions of the Legendary Beasts, I lowkey understand your point; they were stated to be resurrected versions of Pokemon, with most part of the fandom thinking they formerly were Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon, but now these past versions of them changed a lot of what was initially thought, and raise more questions over who were the prior-resurrection forms of Suicune, Raikou, and Entei. Now that I think about it, Swords of Justice would have been better choices for past Paradox versions, since they could have been portrayed as feral versions of themselves who fought in the Unova region.
As far as I remember, the people who arrived in Hisui, later Sinnoh, were inhabitants of Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn, and that positioned them before Sinnoh; hence, in a way, the Paradox versions of Suicune, Raikou, and Entei can be explained.

Don´t worry, I also need to vent from time to time hahaha; Nintendo and the Pokemon Company sometimes give more than enough reasons to complain about their work. Your complaint about Paradox Versions of Legendary Pokemon is completely valid, and just like that, there are many other issues with the franchises that keep expanding.
I already got my Mew, I have always loved him ever since I saw the first Pokemon movie; before the Nintendo 3DS E-shop was closed I bought a copy of Pokemon Yellow and used the Glitch to capture Mew. It was more than worth it.

I need to say I finished watching Zombieland Saga, and it was one of the greatest anime ever made; at first, it was solely comedy, but after connecting some dots the plot became deeper and deeper as time went by. The finale of season 2 was utterly shocking and unexpected. I removed AoT to add Zombieland Saga Revenge hahaha.

Thank you a lot, I have a very fun week and weekend.
Have a nice week, and good luck with the crops :)
Hazbyn Aug 14, 2023 12:14 PM
I hate when that happens; several manga I am currently reading, even the ones of WSJ, are getting very slow updates, or take a week or two to release newer chapters.
Right now is also happening to me with Houseki no Kuni; I swear no manga before left me with such an existential crisis and hatred toward everyone but the main character. And yet, that dislike is not properly directed and justified. I am very conflicted with it, and the chapters are getting very sporadical updates hahaha.

I get you, lately has been a bit hectic here as well; hope you are doing fine, if you want to relieve some stress sent a private message if you want :)

I am not going to lie, that is very weird, but very original and unique in comparison with most common frying until death under the sun. I can understand if it was a secret since it goes against everything people knows about vampires, in that universe and real life, and although a bit weird to want to kill Edward because of that, is still understandable the vampire council would want to kill him since it would have raised a lot of questions hahaha.

In the movie, there were some scenes of Katniss meeting some tributes, such as her watching the training of the Victors from 1, as well as the training scenes of Enobaria, Brutus, and Johanna. Yet, she did form some bonds with Wiress, Beetee, and Wiress like in the books. I am forever in love with the scene in the movie where Katniss shot holograms that represent some of the tributes, and Wiress claps at her at the end; it was very sweet and funny at the same time hahaha.
The movie did a good job of making Katniss feel threatened by the other tributes, and although the omission took some development from the characters, it made the career tributes more threatening. The only scene I am truly annoyed about was with Haymitch Games being omitted; it would have been interesting to see that, as well as the repercussions he suffered from Snow after winning.

I don´t think I could live without public transportation, I´ve traveling like that since childhood, and learning how to travel in them is the first thing to learn for a lot of people where I live. I like walking a lot, but the nearest city is 20-30 minutes by bus is easy to travel in them hahaha.

I know, I became aware of that some years ago, and also by hearing some friends and people talking about losing important people suddenly. Honestly, even though is not very common and I have my doubts sometimes, I usually pray when things get too overwhelming to rationalize in circumstances one cannot handle or control.

Some of my oldest cousins are like that; since two of them are the oldest granddaughter and grandson, my paternal family tend to please them as much as possible, and that has earned them privileges such as even spilling delicate family secrets to other relatives that weren´t aware; such as saying to a cousin that her brother and she were halfsiblings. Or, to even badmouth others, including their parents, and then use the rest of the family to apologize.

I understand you completely on that one, is annoying sometimes to look after the kids of relatives who are having a blast and enjoying their day. One of my aunts is already overwhelmed by having to raise the youngest kids of her son, it came to a point where she needs to sleep during the day due to how tired she is. Moreover, what your aunt did at taking the cake was very rude, I am glad your mom and you are no longer backing down.

Hahaha, don´t worry, we all need our space to relax. Of the channels you mentioned I only know about Trash Taste because someone else here on MAL recommend me to watch it since sometimes animators and people related to the anime industry go there. The only channel I visit from time to time is DeadMeat because it talks about horror movies, which I used to enjoy a lot as a kid and do interesting stuff such as kill counts, awards to the coolest and worst kills, and even some research about how some scenes were made.

Yes, I watched the direct, and I liked the Paradox versions of Raikou and Cobalion, the latter was a great improvement from the Virizion Paradox form which was very boring in my opinion. Moreover, I like that all the initial Pokemon are going to be available again, and free to capture as well. I am with you on that one, I am going to see other people playing the DLC before buying it; mainly because at the moment I am more interested in pre-ordering Super Mario Bros. Wonder.

I hope you are doing fine; have a nice week :)
Hazbyn Aug 2, 2023 8:03 PM
Crazy, messy, and morally ambiguous; I like it hahaha. I am a bit curious about the series, I am not going to lie, although I wonder how many chapters are there since the series is two decades old. Was it on hiatus for a while or something? I kind of like the trope of solving a mess just to get right into a new one.

My parents, who aren´t usually very animal friendly, had a huge change of heart now with our two cats; they never allowed my dog to get on their bed, but now our cats are a very different story. They changed a lot with age hahaha. Still, with that hateful and evil neighbor we have is very hard to leave them alone without intrusive thoughts saying she is going to harm them; I still remember how left a family gathering I was having a great time because I thought she was going to do something bad to my cats.

I mean, that makes sense; during our trip, my nephew and I had a schedule of what we wanted to do and the places we wanted to visit, and we ended up doing completely different things hahaha. Hence, it is probable that they did not go to Universal if something else caught their attention.

A lot of comments I have read say that the Spidermonkey quote on the books wasn´t that cringe, but if you read it then I believe is true hahaha. I honestly think that the Baseball scene was a bit weird and felt out of place a bit, especially because the movies seemed to have this filter that made the uniform look weird hahaha; still, in a way, it was very original. So, was shining under the sun something every vampire was able to do? I mean, the little diamonds part is a bit weird, but I feel it was very a very unique and original idea for a concept, vampires, that is sometimes repetitive. I was curious about the shinning under the sun concept because I thought Edward was going to show his body in front of everyone showing and then the crowd was going to say he was a vampire, which would have felt weird without an explanation; hence, I like that the citizens were not going to make the connection.

The Catching Fire movie did not change that much but removed some twists. Here is a list:
-The tribute's ages of the 6th district were older in the books, and in the movie, they looked younger.
-Haymitch win on the 50th edition of the games was completely omitted, and since Madge was omitted from the first movie I think it would have caught some confusion.
-The story about the couple wanting to go to District 13 just to be captured by the Capitolium was also omitted.
-The first mention of District 13 was at the end of the movie.
-Katniss and Peeta had some time to train and bond with the rest of the tributes, which made Katniss wonder how they were going to kill the rest of them. In the movie, aside from some fast glimpses and small conversations, Katniss and Peeta did not talk that much with them.
-The scene after the tributes holding hands where there was chaos on the underground was also removed.
Those are some scenes I remember were altered or removed, but I know there are several more. I wasn´t a huge fan of Mockingjay, book and movies, either; still, I liked Mockingjay's finale stating how Katniss and Peeta never got better after their Hunger Games, and they live the rest of their lives with the trauma.

That is a tricky question, I mean this horrible town where I live is small but is minutes away from the big city; hence, I don´t know how to answer hahaha.
My school was in front of the bus stops, and we had transportation to every place we wanted to go; hence, the reason why many students skipped afternoon classes. I remember once I skipped classes to attend the cinema with my cousins to watch Annabelle hahaha; I don´t have regrets at all. I feel you are right, especially because in our time and in the city there were several places for students to go and stay all day without repercussions; and because some teachers were already tired of some classrooms they just let things go without an issue.

I can imagine how hard things can get with time, especially since taking care of an elderly person has to be extremely hard; my aunt helped to take of her mother-in-law who was a 100 years old woman. Her MIL for a long time was a bit self-sufficient despite having Alzheimer, but after a fall where she hit her head on the ground she was no longer able to do most of the things she previously did; no talk, no eat by herself, no standing up to go to the bathroom. She died last year after a period of being completely functional and talkative.

I know, yet there are some people who are raised to think they have to do nothing while others treat them like royalty. On my dad's side of the family, his older brother and his wife are entitled to think they are the rulers of the family and their kids need to be pampered as much as possible. I don´t have a bad relationship with any of them, and I have a blast when some of those cousins are around; on the contrary, their dad now is a bit old and he became the grown-up who thinks he is always right, his opinion has the most value, and everyone else is wrong when giving their opinion.

I mean, there is no lie that some relatives can be deadbeats, especially the ones who feel entitled to be served by others; still, it is fun to have people around sometimes telling jokes and breaking the routine. I hope your mom and you can get an agreement about your dad´s side of the family. Are you for real? She took a whole cake and left like nothing? I mean, some people are just so unbelievable; nevertheless, I have more relatives like that, including my brother, who tend to pull stunts like that from time to time. Hence, nothing to feel that shocked about.

I don´t follow YouTubers, they are not my thing, but I will see the videos of CDawgva to see how things turn out hahaha.

If they had good ideas for past games, they need to implement them as well in remakes, not erasing them like what happened in BDSP with the omission of the Distortion World, the Battle Frontier, and the tropical trees. I honestly prefer a Legends of Kyurem game where the region is recently discovered, or maybe a story about how Kyurem became three Pokemon and each one of them became the Pokemon of a powerful king; that way all the destroyed castles in BW and B2W2 would have more meaning. Regardless, I am with you on the no-hope train that Nintendo can handle that task.

I liked the open world, but after completing the first Pokedex of Shiled I realized how small the number of past-generation Pokemon were included; I liked the tournament fights against all the gym leaders and important trainers, but I wish the SwSh DLC was a bit more challenging in terms of battle with trainers being way stronger. I saw that Scarlet and Violet DLC are going to have several trainers as opponents, so I have a little bit of hope the games will be good; still, I am going to wait for a while before buying it while praying for it to get a small discount hahaha.

Thank you; as I mentioned, I did not remember it being so hard to beat. Some YouTube comments said how the PlayStation version was way harder to beat.
Hazbyn Jul 26, 2023 6:26 PM
I get what you mean; I watched My Home Hero until the end even though each new episode gave me a lot of anxiety hahaha. What is the manga about? I know is a BL so that is a good start.

Yeah, side effects and phobias can manifest out of nowhere years later; now I need to get back to therapy and work on the problem. As I mentioned before, that horrible woman I have for a neighbor in the residential area doesn´t make me want to leave my cats behind. My cats were stray, and they used to be outside; I have trained them for a while now to stay inside during the night, some afternoons while visiting relatives. Overall, half a day. Yet, it helps to be with my cats, although they sometimes become very spoiled and pampered, which I love hahaha.

For real? I quickly read some past messages and haven´t been able to find it hahaha; I just remember talking about the LV Magical Girl Raising Project. I am currently reading the second novel of the franchise, which has been very interesting.

I know, some of those flavors are very wild and weird; it wouldn´t surprise me if some people get sick. What does it mean not to be a 100% thing? Were they there for a short while or barely even in the state?

I have always heard that some dialogues and scenes in the books worked perfectly well, but they weren´t adapted properly into the movies; for instance, the Spider Monkey quote. I want to ask, does the baseball scene also happens in the books? I have another huge question I want to ask now that I think about it; I haven´t watched the movies nor I have read the boos, but I want to ask, how does that shining under the sun work? I mean, was Edward supposed to shine in front of a crowd and everyone was immediately going to realize he was a vampire? I am not judging; in fact, I think it is kind of interesting, but I want to know how it works hahaha.
Don´t be ashamed of liking that franchise; we all have our guilty pleasures. Is interesting to hear that Bella was pretentious in the books since in the movies she was portrayed as very melancholic. Nevertheless, it is very common for a book character to have different personalities in the movies; I read The Hunger Games after watching the movies, but I have to say I liked the movie Katniss rather than the book Katniss. Movie Katniss was not afraid of fighting against the top dogs, such as when she defended Wires from Johanna; while in the books that scene was a bit different, with Katniss being more prone to be smacked, such as when she was almost knocked down by Johanna for standing up for Wires. Yet, I feel the innocence of the book Katniss was a bit more realistic somehow.

My school tried for four years to implement rules and be serious; for instance, in my first year, romantic relationships were banned, in my second year you were suspended for arriving late three times, in my third year you needed to stay at school as a punishment, and in my senior year we were force to stay the first module outside of classes is we were late. None of the aforementioned ever worked.
It wasn´t a good school at all, to this day I keep saying that to everyone who asks; the principal was disgusting and lacked any sense of professionalism. Hence, he was not a good role model for morals or rules; I laugh at the few graduates who call him an amazing person when there are pictures of him putting some of the nasties' faces when looking at female students.

I remember how much I disliked the hospital as a kid, but now I am very indifferent towards it; yet, it is weird that some people say they like it, but they may have some reasons for that. I know what you are talking about feeling less pain after it ruptures; I have seen several people, and even animals sometimes, having a sudden recovery when they are about to die. For instance, they look like about to die for several days, and even weeks, then one day they start feeling all better like nothing ever happens, just to die soon after that.

I now understand, what a complicated situation she has, and even harder for your mother and you who had take care of her for such a long time; I think I said it before, but I swear I cannot fathom how much work it must be. Your mom and you are truly amazing and strong people. I have help sometimes to look after elderly people, but they were all functional and were able to say what they wanted, needed, and go to the bathroom by themselves. To sum up, don´t listen to the comments who stare at you with weird looks for not understanding how much you know someone who can communicate.

I know what you mean entirely; it is funny because sometimes those relatives celebrate at home and want everyone to do things for them, like workers. Some of my relatives are like that, they help some people wash dishes for instance, and then in other houses, they just sit without doing a thing.

I love when relatives bring snacks to the family gathering hahaha; I am glad to hear they were self-sufficient and mature enough to do things by themselves. It sucks when relatives think they are going to a free supermarket when visiting you; I have this aunt, on my mom´s many SIL, who once visited us and took a whole cake my dad made to her home, my mom´s younger brother was there and was as speechless as my parents. Moreover, when my parents when to her house she took a small cupcake she had and sliced it up to the smallest form for the guests. Back to the topic, it is nice that your mom listened to you and asked guests to bring different dishes so the job wasn´t just for one person; I agree, preparing food for family members is both, time-consuming and expensive.

Yes, it was expensive, no offense hahaha; yet, you are also right that is a different system from the Switch and is basically a new joystick with a game.

I feel there is going to be a Gen 2 Let´s Go kind of game; it makes a lot of sense to be honest, but I just hope they keep the same places in Pokemon HGSS, such as the Safari Zone and the rematch against all the 16 Gym leaders. One of the biggest rumors so far is that the Gen 5 game is going to be a paradox game in which the player travels between past, present, and future; I feel that sounds way too hard but is one of the most spoken about. I prefer a Legends of Kyurem to be honest.

Right now I don´t think I will be paying for the DLC any time soon; I am going to wait sometime before playing it, I have seen several times how some games receive a huge discount, and I´ll be waiting for that. I wish the Sword and Shield DLC had trainers to fight against, I enjoyed hunting for Max Mushrooms to have Pokemon with G-max factors, but aside from nice places to visit, I cannot say it was worth the price.

By the way, I was able to buy a copy of Crash N.Sane Trilogy, and it is certainly a nice trip to the past; I didn´t remember how hard it was hahaha.
Hazbyn Jul 18, 2023 9:05 PM
I am glad you bought more books because I did the same hahaha; I bought used copies with hardcovers of Chain of Gold and Chain of Iron, alongside a normal copy of Clockwork Princess and American Gods. If I am not wrong, Finder is a manga, right? I think I saw it in your favorites.
I finished Magical Girl Raising Project Vol. 1 a few days ago; it was definitely worth reading. There were some differences with the anime adaptation, such as the addition of some scenes in the anime that did not happen on the LV; nevertheless, a very interesting story. I am currently reading the second book.

I realized recently that I got either tremophobia or a bit of PTSD after an earthquake that hit my country years ago; at first, I did not think it was a big deal, but during this trip, I connect some dots and finally accepted it. It did not help that there was a quake while in another city.
I also enjoy visiting cities I previously went to because I know where I want to go, the places I want to visit, and stuff like that. And this was my first vacation since I think a few years before the pandemic; I cannot say it was that bad, but traveling is not for me, at least for now. I am a lot better now, I like being back home with my cats hahaha.

It was well implemented, and it wasn´t annoying at all; honestly, I like when it happened like that since it gives more chances to develop the world in which the character lives deeper since there are a lot of perspectives and characters are spread throughout different places.

BL Vampire Novel? What is the name of that?

I know, they have a very hard job when you think about it; they have to taste different flavors that be extremely disgusting, but the person who tasted them first to get the recipe is the one who had the worst job ever since from there onwards they just needed to replicate the flavor. Can´t you deposit them money or ask them to buy them for you and then you pay? Maybe there is still a chance.

I remember how crazy everyone was with those movies. I remember a cousin read the books, and they were huge; at the time I don´t think I had the ability to sit straight to read them hahaha. As you say, they may not be the best movie, but if fans enjoy them then that is all that matters; a friend calls those movies her guilty pleasure since she loved them a lot. I read about the gender-bend Twilight book, and I think that seems very interesting; I hope you can read and enjoy it. I am curious since I never watched the movies, what happened in the books that was so different?

We were allowed to leave for an hour a day to go to our homes to eat, and it is safe to say a lot of people skipped afternoon lessons hahaha. Don´t worry, I skipped classes in high school as well sometimes. We all needed a break from that world. What is ISD? It is like detention? I remember that in my high school, there was a whole class that the teacher did not call the attendance because they were already tired of that class; hence, they skipped classes normally.

I think it is possible; since books, movies, and video games can be stored on USB then there shouldn´t be an issue with audiobooks.

I also have some relatives that are reluctant to go to the hospital, including me; on the contrary, my dad and one of my aunts almost enjoy going there hahaha. Even when they are healthy they go to be sure everything is ok. I cannot imagine how painful that must be, and I am aware it must be even worse when it ruptures. I think my therapist friend is fine now but after a lot of time of refusing to go.

Even though I have never been in that situation, I can perfectly understand why she doesn´t want to talk to the guest; I mean, aside from being bedridden, I don´t think it is very comfortable to have a lot of people staring at you and the machines that help you stay alive. It must be pretty uncomfortable for her. I cannot even begin to think how hard it must have been to learn what she wanted by reading her expressions; moreover, since your mom and you are the only one who understands what she wants, I get why there aren´t more relatives that can help with that.

Did she even ask by saying please or thank you? I feel that is the normal courtesy to ask for things, even if you are just a guest who wasn´t invited hahaha. At least when my parents and I are hosts our guests mostly ask for boiled water, an extra spoon, or things like that, nothing that impossible. It is funny because the guests tend to be self-sufficient to go by themselves to the kitchen for what they want, but not enough to take it back to the dishwasher hahaha. I sometimes stay in my room as well, no shame in that hahaha.

I might check if I find it in a store to buy it; it is currently very cold where I live, but I usually start exercising a bit during spring. Moreover, since I finally have a TV that is compatible with my Switch I think I can exercise with a Ring Fit because the game tricks you to keep exercising I think it is a good investment. I just hope it is not that expensive.

I read that the Ring Fit price increased tremendously during the pandemic; a morally shameful move by Nintendo, but still a good business one.

By the way, I have been reading a lot that the Pokemon Gen 5 games are right around the corner; apparently, is going to be between Black 3 and White 3, or a Legends of Kyurem. I hope it is the latter one since I think it would be more interesting to see Unova in ancient times with castles and middle age architecture. I am honestly most invested in the future Gen 5 game than in the Scarlet and Violet DLC hahaha.
Hazbyn Jul 9, 2023 5:35 PM
Hahaha, I understand that waiting for the mailman to bring your books; sometimes I innocently wait for my delivery to arrive even the next day after the purchase hahaha. I have seen that a lot with Bleach, Banana Fish, Shaman King and the story about a vampire hunter which I cannot remember.

Sorry, I haven´t been able to watch what her readathon is like; I got interested a lot in the story of Symphogear, which ended up being way darker than what I initially thought. I was planning something for this weekend but I got into a sudden trip into the city my brother lives, which is 6 hours away from home; my brother asked me to take my nephew for a vacation.
To be honest, I don´t enjoy travelling; I got a lot of anxiety and cannot enjoy a thing. Just the day before taking the bus, which was Thursday, I had an anxiety attack, and then on Friday before taking the bus I almost had two more. I can suppress my anxiety when I am doing activities outside, but as soon as I arrive at my brother´s apartment anxiety comes back; since he lives on the 22nd floor I get anxious over different sounds I hear and I tend to be more alert, which doesn´t help me to sleep. I didn´t want to travel, but my brother was very eager to see us so I couldn´t say no.

I don´t know much about Light Novels, but the one I am reading has an omniscient narrator; it tries not to focus on one single character, explains the backgrounds of most cast members, and explains what they feel during certain moments, like fights for instance. They have some images, but not even close to qualifying it as a manga, so I´d say it is closer to a normal book. Yet, this is only Magical Girl Raising Project, so I don´t know how other franchises are.

My brother is excited for the Slam Dunk movie to arrive in our country hahaha; I never watched the anime, but I know a bit about the story, how they follow the usual pattern of writing the team aces as the dumbest characters, and that the MC is deeply in love with the captain younger sister. It calls my attention a bit, but I don´t see myself watching it anytime soon.
On my end, in the manga I dropped there is a chance I might give a chance to the vampires BL I have there; the other one never. I am a bit disappointed with the anime Gunjou no Magmel, I feel it did not live up to the synopsis; it could have been an amazing story, but it felt like there was never going to be a plot. In other words, too episode centric.

He is thick-headed with everyone, students and teachers alike; he is not even willing to cooperate with other teachers to prepare classes or content. He is too full of himself.

It makes a lot of sense that they were ruined hahaha. It is not that weird for juice, and other beverages, to spoil under different circumstances; for instance, if they are stored in heated places, or that get hot rapidly. Believe me when I am saying this, the taste of spoiled juice is the worst in the world. Are you kidding me? Vomit and ear wax-flavoured candy? That is so bizarre, and it makes me want to taste them hahaha; I have some admiration for the people who went to the extreme to reproduce the taste of disgusting things to add them to candy. I feel that was a very hard job.

It wasn´t like I melted the butter to taste it, I was preparing lemon pie and decided to taste it hahaha. I can feel that the combination between cream cheese and sour cream and onion chips can create a very good sauce, that combining with the already spiced KC chicken can turn into a good mix. I agree, that flavour of the chips is very good; I also love the savour of Jamón Serrano chips.

I know, and unlike Harry Potter, the producers decided to mix some of the books together to make a single one; I haven´t watched the movies, nor I have read the books, but I can understand why readers were angry at that. Anyways, the books and movies came way before I got interested in reading. Split Personality on Kids' book sounds very interesting, to be honest, my interest in the franchise is increasing a bit, but I cannot afford them yet hahaha.
I just remember when the Twilight movies first aired; I never read the books, and the movies did not catch my attention, but there is a video that makes me laugh because of a certain scene. In the movie, there is a scene where a character gets beheaded, and apparently, the viewers were so shocked they were screaming; a boy said he went with his girlfriend and she was sobbing saying - This wasn´t on the books, this wasn´t on the books-.

It happened again a few days ago as I wrote before hahaha; I was able to calm down from one of them, but I am still anxious and calming myself down.

Everything can last for what seems like years if you aren´t having a good day; it happened a lot with the afternoon classes in high school. My school let us go home for lunch, and we needed to go back for the last classes; Tuesdays were so boring and lasted an eternity. One day I was so tired, and it was so hot outside, that I simply skipped that class. The next day I talked with some friends to ask them about the class and what the teacher covered; half of the class skipped lessons that day hahaha.
Can you record audiobooks on a USB Stick and connect it to your car? Maybe that way you can hear as many audiobooks as you want without having to use the app.

I have met so many people who just skip hospital because they think they´ll get better, including me. My therapist told me once that a friend of hers endured for a lot of time a horrible stomachache; it turned out so bad that her brother force her to go to the hospital. Turned out to be appendicitis with an exploded appendix.

I haven´t been in the care of a bedridden relative, but I have a lot of uncles and aunts who were; it requires a lot of strength, thankfully you have your mom to help you with your aunt.

Was your aunt able to participate or talk with the guests? It is nice that you all celebrate her individually. I am glad you were able to help her; I am uncomfortable with large crowds, but not to the level of having panic attacks because of them. My mom, and one of my dad´s SILs, are the same; every time they hosted a party there weren´t too many guests who lent a hand to wash the dishes.

I am praying for things to go well on our trip, that's the only thing I want.

Would you recommend Ring Fit Adventure? I looked up for it, and apparently, it was a hit during the Pandemic.
Hazbyn Jul 1, 2023 8:50 PM
For real? Was it good? I am glad to hear your goal is going as expected, and even more. Are bindup the books that have all the books in just one? I think I have seen that in manga. I am going to check was Orilium Readathon is about.
I finally started reading the first book of the Light Novel series Magical Girl Raising Project; I have to say it had a very weird beginning in chapter 1. It was like, the author was stating how the city in which the story is set was the combination of several districts, and then immediately jumped into Magical Girls. Anyways, I am enjoying it quite a lot; very unique designs, and interesting characters, and is way more complete than the anime adaptation.

I just saw your dropped list and it is indeed short; I can understand why you dropped Diabolik Lovers and Watashi Ga Motete Dousunda, but I have to say this is the first time I see that someone dropped Slam Dunk. In my case I dropped the anime I don´t think I will ever finish such as Gunjou no Magmel and Fairy Gone, HaruChika because I found it utterly bad, and School Days because I just couldn´t. I tried doing the 3 episodes rule but I never stuck to it hahaha.

I always try to give the benefit of the doubt, but he is just a bad teacher who has a small cult of students defending him. Something I just remember was that Teacher H studied at the same university as another teacher, Teacher F; and even in their student days, Teacher H had a bad reputation around campus. He had an admonition from female studies because he constantly claimed he did not want to work pair or group assignments with women because they, and quote "Did not have the same mental capabilities as him".

I hate when my candy ruins; when I was in elementary school my parents bought me these small bottles of juice that I decided to drink immediately. When I finally decided to drink them they tasted like cardboard. I am curious about them, as redundant as this question may seem, what are the flavors of Every Flavor Beans? Thank goodness hahaha; no offense, but I just could not fathom a beer tasting like butter. Out of curiosity, I have tasted melted butter, and it is not nice at all.

Me too, I love those movies with my life; they are some of the only movies I was glad to always watch on TV. I remember the Land Before Times movies used to be streamed regularly on Cartoon Network, and I never missed a single one of them. I check on Netflix and the first one is there; I hope the rest of them also become part of their catalogs.

I like when characters in books have discernible personality traits. That is something I noticed after reading some synopsis; the characters start appearing in books as pre-teens and then grow up book by book. Although I am not the biggest fan of Harry Potter movies; but, since I watched some of the movies when I was even younger than the cast members, it was kind of nice growing up with them. I am very interested in those books about the Roman gods; I have to say that I am very curious about a confrontation between Greek gods and their Roman counterparts.

The one time I had a panic attack was past midnight while I was overthinking about my future in college; it got bad very fast and I was hyperventilating, something that never happened before and hadn´t happened after that. I constantly repeated to myself to calm down, I was able to control my breathing, and after several minutes I was able to calm down. After a while, I realized that the triggers for my anxiety are overthinking and hearing the voices of the neighbors who terrorize the whole residential area.
I mentioned the comic Batman: Wayne Family Adventures before; in one of the chapters a character had a panic attack, and I remember I did the same things as him to calm myself down. It was nice to see a good representation of mental illness in the media.

I feel bad when complaining, to be honest; I know it is not an easy job, and that there is no easy job regardless, but they do have shifts that are lost for very long hours. But it is hard to not complain when you see them laughing as hard as possible when you are waiting.

That is so messed up; discharging a patient because it was not possible to reach the doctor feels like one of the most disturbing and irresponsible things I have ever heard. A fever can be a symptom of a lot of complex diseases, not just from a simple flu or a regular cold. Moreover, of course, they don´t care if a patient dies at home because it is not related to them; what a selfish thing to do, but if it was a member of her family that nurse would have broken as many rules as possible.

I cannot even start thinking how horrible it must have been for your mother and you; especially to the point of not being able to feel safe in a place that should take care of and help you.

I forgot if you mention it, but what was the party for? Your niece's graduation, a wedding, maybe a birthday party? It is so usual for relatives to say they are not going just for them to appear at the last minute; it happens to every family. I feel so bad for your aunt; I also dislike too crowded parties. If it is something with close relatives or close friends I can do just fine, but when it is a party with a lot of people I don´t know I just drink to try to socialize a bit. I know there are people who have it worse than me, so I hope your aunt is doing well.

He is on winter break, so he is at home with his parents; because my brother works from home most of the time he can look after my two nephews. He is doing fine, especially because he doesn´t have to wake up early for school hahaha.
Hazbyn Jun 26, 2023 4:18 PM
Glass Sword, I like the title; I feel it sounds like a very interesting book. I hope you can read the franchise with no interruptions. You know, I hate that a few days ago I watched and saved the cover of a book that called my attention to consider buying it later on, and now every time I go to Instagram I get recommendations of books that also looks interesting.

I read about the rule that some anime viewers have about watching 3 episodes, and to drop it if after that time you don´t engage with the anime. Don´t worry about recommendations, if you did not like it don´t force yourself to end it; I learn that lesson the hard way after someone s suggested and recommended me to watch SKET Dance, and I obligate myself to finish it. The only point I disagree is with the art style; I think it is one of the strongest points, and I commend the studio for replicating the art so accurately. I do remember recommending Jigokuraku; did I really recommend Toilet-Bound Hanako Kun? My memory sucks and I cannot remember.

I don´t know why, but that teacher has a lot of power in the faculty; he does a horrible job, he rarely participates in studies, and yet he has two offices with his name on them. I do believe there have been accusations against him over the years, but nothing has happened.
During 2018 there were massive student strikes in my country; the strikes were mostly influenced by feminism due to the increasing crimes against women throughout the years. Aside from students, several teachers were accused of misconduct and abuse of power against female students; H was one of the teachers accused and whose name appear on a Facebook group where victims were able to anonymously tell the abuse they suffered from teachers.

I feel it is more likely a decision made by the board; it sounds way too overboard which is a sign the decision came by a group who enjoy complaining since I don´t think kids paid attention to that.

Even though I haven´t had the time to start reading the ones I already have, I agree with you since I also have high expectations.

Was the candy good? What is butterbeer like? I know it was a drink created for the books, but it is really made of butter? I really don´t know how to feel about that hahaha; I haven´t read the books, I just commented on what I saw on the video. Nevertheless, it was funny reading comments stating how liberal and strong she was; especially since she was raised in a household full of men.

The movies I remember watching as a kid, that I still rewatch when I see them on TV, are The Land Before Time, the older Scooby Doo movies including the first two live-action, the first 3 X-Men movies, and those live-action Looney Toons movies as well.

They seem pretty organized, and actually enjoyable. I may add them to my wish list to buy the books in later years. I am kind of curious about the Trials of Apollo books since Apollo is the next God´s fighter in Record of Ragnarok hahaha; he is going to fight against Kind Leonidas. I have a fondness for Greek mythology, it is nice to see that so many gods and deities are appearing on the franchise. I even read once that Roman gods were supposed to star in a book.

I feel she tried as much as possible to sympathize with the jury; I feel a little bit sad for her lawyer since she was really trying, but from day 1 she had a hard task to fulfill. The moment I felt the saddest for her was when that TMZ guy told her that she was having her 15 seconds of fame by representing Amber Heard; the faces of the people behind were priceless nonetheless.

Hahaha, how annoying that must be; I have to say I hate needles and shots a lot, but not the level of fighting the doctors hahaha. God bless your sister-in-law for noticing and worrying enough to race you home; I am interested to ask this, how can you pull yourself together after a panic attack? I once had one while trying to sleep, but I was able to calm myself down, any advice?

I still remember the amount of times I was waiting inside the box for the doctor to appear, and outside of it all the doctors and nurses were having a blast; all laughs and stories that lasted for a lot of time. My aunt once was so angry while waiting to be called that she went inside to yell why no one there was doing their job since all the workers there were sitting together at a table talking. I wish I was there that day to see their reactions when someone called them.

The antibiotic was eating her flesh? That is beyond neglectful, how in hell that nurse did not got suspended or investigated? I feel that it was way too irresponsible to be left unpunished. How long was it? I have seen people using it many years after certain incidents or mala praxis. The amount of times my mom has left out the hospital angry is uncountable; we used to attend to same the same hospital for years, and while I did not have bad luck with doctors, aside from the dentist I told you before, my mom always got the ones made her wait for hours and then entered doing a treatment without even asking what was happening.

So it was yesterday, how did it go? Hahaha, I took my time answering several past messages, and because of taking care of my nephew, I did not have too much time on my hands. Hope everything went well.
Hazbyn Jun 20, 2023 9:52 AM
Which book was it? 48 in only the first half of the year is very impressive. If you have time for short anime, I recommend from the season Skip to Loafer which ends today if I am not wrong, or Jigokuraku since it has some very unique monster designs and a good cast of characters.

Hahaha, I know. Just as a small story; the teacher I am talking about, let's call him H, was imparting a lesson. There was this girl, let's call her F, who was asked a question by H and she started crying out of nowhere. When the class was over, she went to his office and talk with him explaining why she broke down in class; apparently, she was having difficulties at home and was not handling things well. H at first said he understood, and then went to another class telling how F, by name and everything apparently, started crying because his classes were too much for her.

My school did not use gowns, since we wore uniforms, and using the uniforms blazer was mandatory to attend the graduation; to be honest, white can be cute, but I cannot see brown being a good color. I would say blue is the most standard one I have seen in videos and shows. Was something the students found offensive? or perhaps the parents who found it to be an offense?

Apparently, using anime terminology, the Eldest Curses are the four arcs of the series; they are set after The Mortal Instruments, and before The Dark Artifices. Yet, the third Eldest Curses book is still not released; furthermore, according to Wikipedia, The Shadowhunters Chronicles is set to end in about 4 books.

I have seen the HP park in some videos, and even in a reality show, so I know how impressive and beautiful it can be; I am not the biggest fand of the franchise, but I have to admit I would like to visit it for the food since it called my attention, and maybe some souvenirs. I laughed at a video called Ginny in the Books vs. Movies from ailaughatmyownjokes on YouTube; the first part was a parody of the shoelaces scene and how she was in the movie. Some scenes were Ginny verbally assaulting Ron, flying into a podium leaving a mess, and flipping the bird towards someone who says salute her.

I have never watched movies since I am not the biggest of watching movies overall; it needs to be something that really calls my attention to make me want to go to the cinema or to watch it by myself at home. I cannot say I am not interested in the Percy Jackson movies, since I like good representation, and after some digging a while ago I found out about Nico and Will's relationship which I found extremely endearing; I saw the cover of the book you mentioned and they look so cute. I don´t want to ask since I will get more into wanting to buy the books but I´ll ask anyways, what is the order of the franchise? I saw that it has several novels, books, spin-offs, and more.

I have to say I agree with you; the case was dragged way too much. I swear I could not have believed the story of the dog stung by a bee if I wasn´t seen the video; I have to say the TMZ guy calling out Amber Heard´s lawyer was an iconic moment hahaha.

I am already buying some of their overly expensive games from time to time; I am not giving them more money for a premium subscription.

On the contrary, I hate shots with my life; there is no way I will ever be able to tolerate them. I remember when a nurse needed blood for some tests, he needed to tell me to relax. I am glad you were able to arrive at your home and fall asleep without feeling any pain; how long did your panic attack last? Did anyone notice you were having one?

I remember when a cousin needed to stay for some weeks in a hospital because she apparently had a very serious and contagious disease; she even had some tubes and needles connected to her. She did not have anything life-threatening, but normal flu that lasted more than expected; my aun needed to sell her car to pay for the medical bills. And then, when they left you waiting for hours for attention they say you can take medicines on your own.
I wish I became a Karen and threatened to sue; wonder what his response would have been. Which is funny, his signature was on the paper that stated he needed to wait for me a little bit if I was late and he did not even remember; I wish I did that hahaha.
Hazbyn Jun 14, 2023 4:12 PM
Hahaha, don´t worry; it could have been worse, you could have already written everything just for your computer to crash at the last second.
I understand, you already set your goal for this year to read as many books as you can; on the contrary, even though I have several books on my shelf, I decided to watch finished anime while waiting for the newer episodes of seasonal anime. I finished SKET Dance a while ago, which was not that good, to be honest, I finished Black Lagoon which was very good, and now I am watching Symphogear.

I won´t say my college was bad, it is even listed as having one of the best pedagogical programs, but some teachers do not live up to the expectations. Believe me that I could write an essay about why he was a scumbag, but I don´t think you have time for another book hahaha.

I have never played Kingdom Hearts before either, but I want to start something new while I have time; plus, video games from DS and 3DS always have an appealing factor on them. We talk and we are meeting next Monday, so I hope things work out.

I hate getting days mixed; it does not happen very often to me, but when it does it is at the most inopportune times. For instance, I took a driver's course where I was allowed to choose the times; I choose most of my driving hours on the latest hours available because I am not a morning person, although I sadly had to reschedule one to be on the morning one day. The thing is that most of my driving hours were at 6:00 pm, aside for one that was at 15:00; I mixed the day and ended up losing the hour.
I am not very aware of how gowns and caps work, but how can they be offensive? Every time I saw them on TV shows they were big blue gowns that were even larger than a dress.
What a pity, I hope they don´t get discouraged, and that they can find a newer and better place to live.

I swear that was a low blow for real, but I blame the college for that since they are the wants demanding the money; the worker was just the mean to gather the money.

That is a very old setting.

I can understand that since the books are published in different years and have different arcs or storylines; so, of course, some fans can get angry when a storyline gets interrupted because a book of another timeline gets published before the ones they were expecting. That can cause some confusion. I just saw that chronologically The Eldest Curses comes before The Dark Artifices, yet the former is not even complete yet. I am joining the fandom very late so I don´t have too much to complain about hahaha.

I have to say I am not the biggest Harry Potter fan; I watched some of the movies when I was bored, but I never read the books. However, I have read some comments and watched some videos stating that the Hermione from the movies greatly differs from one of the books; my favorite quote is that the Hermione of the movies always follows the rules, while the one from the books knows all the rules and how to break them. Moreover, I have always heard fans complaining that Ginny Weasley was a savage in the books.
Another MAL friend is also hyped for the TV show adaptation of the Percy Jackson franchise; I read some opinions about the books and why they were better than the movies. One aspect I enjoyed a lot is how visible is the LGBT representation. I hate Disney since they took the Simpsons away from TV, but I might pay a subscription to watch the show since it really called my attention.
To be fair, I haven´t heard too much about J.K. Rowling for a while; I think people forget about her after the Depp vs Heard trial.

I think only in 3DS you have to pay for a subscription to use Pokemon Home; in the Switch Home is free but you only have one storage box available, for more, you definitely need to pay for a subscription. The part I dislike the most is that, to transfer from 3DS to Switch you have not buy a premium subscription that is very expensive. I like completing the Pokedex, but there is no way in hell I am going to pay to transfer; moreover, I don´t have any interest in VGC, so I am good for now. One of the things I hate the most about the subscription is that you need the premium version to play packages of older videogames; I really wanted to play Pokemon Stadium and Pokemon Emerald, but I need to pay extra money for them and I don´t like giving money for temporal memberships. I am not that much of a fanboy.

Oh My God, I feel so bad for you, even if it happened years ago. I cannot fathom how much you suffered during that time; not being able to properly eat for a month sounds horrible. I remember that for each wisdom tooth taken, I needed to take rest for at least a week; I don´t miss the anxiety feeling that the stitches were going to open in the middle of the night and I would need to rush into the dentist. Thankfully, only my first wisdom tooth removal hurt, the rest of them were a bit bothersome, but nothing I was not able to manage.
I will repeat it again, I cannot even start comprehending how horrible your experience must have been; I felt pain during the anesthesia shots and I was a bit uneasy because I deeply hate needles. Yet, your experience feels like a horror movie, and because of that, I can understand why my dentist said they were not pulling out more than one wisdom tooth in their place. How were you able to calm yourself down? That combination of mouth pain and panic attacks feels like a nightmare.

I feel the Iluminae files are really going to be a different experience.

I wish I could say I don´t understand that level of unprofessionalism, but I do. Aside from teachers acting like bullies or wanting students to do their job, it is funny how doctors like setting the rules for everyone but don´t even follow them; this can receive mixed opinions, but it happened to me during my second wisdom tooth removal surgery. Because of several incidents regarding not finding the medicine I needed and the bus getting in traffic, I arrived 10 minutes late. I needed to sign a form that said that in case of being late, the dentist needed to wait for 30 minutes or I would lose the spot; when I arrived the dentist put a lot of excuses of why he was not going to remove my tooth using that I was 10 minutes late as an impediment. I read the clause of the document I needed to sign about them having to wait 30 min; he was speechless at first trying to answer it just delivering some babbling, but in the end, he said they were not going to do the surgery anyways because of different factors regardless of time. That is more or less my experience
Hazbyn Jun 5, 2023 3:54 PM
Absolutely, and feel way more cleaner than using socks hahaha.

To talk about presidents is understandable since it can be useful to cover different topics regarding laws, history, politics, and even war, but the teacher in question did it in all the courses he was assigned to teach. I was definitely because he did not want to do his job, he was a highly intelligent teacher with zero pedagogical sense; it was funny how he wanted us to create and prepare material on online pages we needed to pay to have full access and he was not even willing to share his PPT´s with us to study. It was taking pictures, writing very fast, or leaving with nothing. I heard his bad disposition to teach continued during virtual lessons.

I slept quite well during the weekend, not going to lie, but I had the worst luck today; a kid on the internet was selling a copy of Kingdom Hearts 3DS and I sent a message to buy it, his mother was supposed to sell it to me today, we are both a little faraway so we met on a city near the two of us. Long story short, she took the wrong game and brought with her Donkey Kong Country Returns. We agreed to meet another day.

How did the graduation go? Was it fun? I am glad to hear they will be able to afford a home after graduating from high school; believe me when I say the houses where I live will have you paying even in the afterlife.
With the loans part you make me remember a time was a girl from my college killed herself due to pressure; and at her funeral, the college sent someone to charge the parents with their daughter's student loans.

That is interesting to hear, there are still some weeks left before I receive my parcel with the books, but I like hearing that; it makes the story seems even more interesting. I think I read somewhere that the first two stories take place in older times, so I am very curious about the steampunk elements that are going to appear. I don´t know a single thing about what is going to appear them anymore, but I am very invested in those families' secrets and possible screw-ups.

It is nice to hear that Cassandra Clare has a good relationship with her fans; moreover, it is also nice that her fans are still active whit the franchise. I hope she does not mess things up like another person we all know; by the way, what do you think about the upcoming Harry Potter series that is set to premiere on HBO? I laugh a lot when I saw the video of a girl swearing while acting like a Hermione-kinf-of-character who was constantly swearing; it was a mix of Harry Potter and Euphoria.

I understand you a lot, I don´t want to pay for Pokemon Home either; I want to complete the Pokedex of Brilliant Diamond and I need Huntail and Gorebyss for that, but I don´t plan to pay Home, especially because I think I need to pay for the premium package and I don´t have the money for that. I don´t have any shinies on HG and SS aside from Gyarados, and if I ever want to erase the file I will send the special ones and the shinies to Black and White.

Oh my, go, I can´t believe they took the four of them out at the same time, that must have been a hell of a recovery. I have heard of people who got two out of the four and needed to survive with only soup, but I never heard of someone so brace to take the four of them immediately. Were you having a panic attack before the removal and one right after everything was over? That sounds horrible.

Hahaha, I think I am going to enjoy them a lot.

It sounds very different and I don´t think I have ever read any book or manga or even watched an anime, in which the story was told from the point of view of some video files, as far as I am aware though. I think the closest thing to that was the movie Saw 2.

Nine Stones seemed like a Webtoon adapted into a book, but I don´t remember if it was or not. Mushroom Judgment Day was something I never say in my life, and I also laugh at the title a bit since I thought the same.

I have to agree with that; I have gotten sick quite a few times this year and I have avoided going to the doctor because they either leave you waiting for hours or stay outside sharing a laugh with their coworkers. There is no way I am trying to discredit the job of doctors at all, they have long shifts and they put themselves every day during the pandemic, but I have had some bad experiences.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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