All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 118.1
Mean Score:
- Watching22
- Completed314
- On-Hold86
- Dropped39
- Plan to Watch15
- Total Entries476
- Rewatched44
- Episodes6,984
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 15.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries38
- Reread0
- Chapters2,632
- Volumes236
All Comments (46) Comments
And well, of course, you have to make room for the washed up ex-WWE 40+ year olds, right? Where's Styles going to fit in?
tanahashi's better
As usual and as expected (since he does this to everyone else), he responded to you by not trying to debunk your criticism with evidence but by saying that you didn't have any evidence against him (basically attacking you for doing exactly what he's doing to you). Seriously, it's so entertaining watching him flail about trying to keep up his "bad boy anime watcher" persona.
Anyhow, I see you've completed the first season of Hidamari Sketch and have the 2nd on hold. You should really finish the series (there are 4 seasons, a bunch of specials, and a new special coming out soon). It gets drastically better as it continues (especially season 3) and is vastly superior to the manga (which I own) in every possible way.
I like your scores by the way (but a 5 for Chuunibyou?! Damn you...). Cheers!