Hello there handsome, I see you clicked on my profile. You definitely made the right choice as I have exquisite tastes that I'm sure you'll enjoy, and if you don't then, well, your opinions are just wrong. Stick around for unhinged and pretentious rants.
Note: I used to watch a lot of anime, but now I almost exclusively read manga.
My ratings:
1-3: Toxic waste, not worth your time
4-5: Frustratingly flawed, but still readable/watchable
6-7: Brainless entertainment, fun to indulge as long as you don't poke holes and just enjoy the ride
8-9: Good shit, these are the type of shows/books that make you glad that you took the time to consume them
10: Classics, they're so good that they leave you with a hole in your heart after you finish
I feel like we've all had this evolution on our weeb journeys:
Watching anime dubbed -> watching anime subbed -> reading manga
Free floating Hostility (RIP George Carlin):
A list of minor inconveniences that I'm bored with, tired of, and pissed at.
- People who take friend requests and chats too seriously - You're on a semi-anonymous site for people who are into Asian cartoons and comics, it's not that deep so take that stick out of your butt lmao
- Main characters with rapey tendencies - How can you root for a hero who belongs on the sex offender registry? Some authors are actually cracked
- Yukiteru, Amano - I hate this bitch of a character so much it's unreal
- Updating things on your lists is still annoying - How can a site that rakes in millions of dollars annually and has millions of users not have an auto refresh feature for it's primary feature, the lists, after so many years? I'm a software developer, I KNOW this shit is easy to implement they just choose not to do it.
- Clannad - This has to be the most overrated show in existence, it has NO redeeming qualities, and this goes for both seasons.
- MAL reviews that try too hard - This is a chronic issue on this site. I don't give a shit about the author's life story or some niche cultural background, did you enjoy the series or not? Stop trying to be deep and philosophical, you're just coming off as pretentious and it's obvious you're just trying to farm likes.
- Incest baiting - Why is this so common? Who's into this and why? If you're one of those people, plz get help
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