Hey I Thought the American version of the digimon The Second Movie Was great, That What I hate About Alot of anime watcher , They're not True fans , You are all closed minded , calling It Horrid , you can't write A review If you Care about What version Or Language It in , I Watch Both version of everything And I Don't See A Problem With Any American Versions Or dubs
wow I did not know you had a cast.
And I got bad news for you. My knees have been consistantly beening weak and have been creaking for the past 4 days and my right knee disclocated yesterday making me fall and hurt my right arm and I had to limp on my left leg all day and now both my knees and my left arm hurt and when I went to the doctor he really didn't seem to give a shit. He didn't even tell me if I should try to not walk for a bit or give me any advice as to not hurt myself further. >.>
yeah. My mom talks nonsence a lot. For example, just a couple of day ago she was bitching to me about how you can't wear black socks while wearing shorts and how it was ugly and only old men do that. XP
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i only saw you once this summer!
And I got bad news for you. My knees have been consistantly beening weak and have been creaking for the past 4 days and my right knee disclocated yesterday making me fall and hurt my right arm and I had to limp on my left leg all day and now both my knees and my left arm hurt and when I went to the doctor he really didn't seem to give a shit. He didn't even tell me if I should try to not walk for a bit or give me any advice as to not hurt myself further. >.>
well you are an unsual character so you see things differently. >.>
*pokes Umagon*
okay then, want me to keep guessing cause i could do that all day
I was actually gonna take that off. >.>
2. cause you are a great fan of Negima and you should care whether or not you have insulted it by accidentally mistaking it for a copy
3. Because I think you are smarter then that
4. Because you need to get off your lazy ass and change it
5-7. Because I said so
8. I'm over 9000
errrr....a government speech >.>