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Bocchi the Rock! 2nd Season
Mar 2, 12:34 PM
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Kidou Senshi Gundam: GQuuuuuuX
Kidou Senshi Gundam: GQuuuuuuX
Dec 5, 2024 3:55 AM
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Gakuen Handsome
Gakuen Handsome
Nov 27, 2024 10:36 AM
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KingCrucible Dec 21, 2023 8:40 PM
aye broooo i'm back (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
NorthmostIsle Jul 17, 2023 1:58 AM
Sorry to hear you're having a tough go at school. I can sympathize with that sentiment of feeling like its all just a waste of time. Just do your best and everything will work itself out I'm sure.

How's Ocarina of time? I've only ever played like 4 hours of Breath of the Wild but I've been meaning to pick it back up.
Ashhk Jul 12, 2023 2:49 AM
Happy birthday! :D
Kishbokai May 21, 2023 6:15 PM
Thank you, I'm glad it came across as that instead of creepy lol. I hold human connections very dearly to my heart.

I'm sure you will if you put the effort and time into it. Oddly enough, there's an anime that can help you out a bit called, "Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki" which gives some advice on how to socialise better.
But I wish you the best of luck when it comes to making friends. I'm sure you'll be able to do it!
Gween_Gween Apr 14, 2023 9:45 PM
DreamWindow Apr 13, 2023 4:15 PM
That's what I love to hear! Glad you enjoyed it! And it's great that you are spreading the word too lol. Jordan Underneath was the one who really made me want to play it. He was an old YouTuber from around 2016 or so.

Funny enough I only actually started playing it in 2020, but it's one of those games that never left the back of my mind,so I knew I had to play it for myself.

And oh wow I guess it really has been that long! It doesn't feel like it, probably because I didn't start using the forums until a couple years ago
NorthmostIsle Mar 29, 2023 2:13 AM
Well life update, school and work and everything has been killing me but I just got done with the second wave of mid terms and have been doing pretty well so it looks like smooth sailing from here on out.

I put kare kano on hold because i really loved it which I know sounds paradoxical, but as you mentioned theres a huge dip in quality in the next episode i decided to just leave it there as permanently on hold. Anno didn't direct them anyway since he had some kind of falling out with the Mangaka so it's not like i feel super compelled to watch them anyway. This way I'll have nothing but fond memories of the show. Magical things can happen when studios run out of budget like with NGE, but everything i've heard about kare kano doesn't make me think that applies here...

what have you been up to otherwise? also done mid terms?
Gween_Gween Mar 27, 2023 8:23 PM
Huh, maybe

It is a small server to keep up with each other, we have a music channel and we discuss whatever
Gween_Gween Mar 27, 2023 6:00 PM
I also didn't feel too much the leading singles, I felt they were all over the place. Somehow, the second half is SO good, Burfict is just magnificent and the Kingdom Hearts Key beat is vibes, I love when JPEG goes to that type of production. Overall another W for JPEG, this guy can't miss

Bro this year is crazy in terms of music, we eating good. I have not tracked anything from anyone, I just keep getting new music.

Wanna join my discord btw?
Gween_Gween Mar 25, 2023 10:35 PM
Im doing fine, did you listen to the new JPEG?
Fatephile Feb 28, 2023 10:06 AM
The Elder Scrolls series wasn't really interesting to me. I played Oblivion on PC but it was just too... plain? I lack the word to describe it; maybe it was just too old school for my taste.
I think that's just better. Longer game and a slow pace, it's just the recipe to enjoying games. Like, I've playing RDR2 for the past 2 months; I never even knew a game could be so enjoyable. I only play it for 2-3 hours a day, I think that's just enough.

Youtube thumbnails, forum posts, classmates back in 2019... it just never ends.
Haha you know what? This conversation with you actually reminds me of another used who was a hard-line Elder Scrolls fans. I used to have many conversation with him back in 2020, but now I barely even remember the fact that they ever happened.

It's not. My favorite JoJo part is actually 3. I'm guessing you said that because I had SO on my manga favorites list; and that'd be because it was the part I liked the most among the JoJo mangas that I've read, something that unfortunately I can't say for the anime.
Fatephile Feb 25, 2023 1:16 PM
Game or games?
For game, that'd certainly be Skyrim. I install it every once in a while on my computer(if it works) and play it again. Sometimes I'd just open it and listen to the nature at it; if only I could buy it on PSN and experience the console satisfaction again.
Another game I'm very fond of is Red Dead Redemption 2, which I've been playing for the past 2 months. It doesn't even feel like a game to me, it's a novel, a story, a life advice. My only sadness is that the plot was spoiled to me long ago.
Sometimes I install Neighbors from Hell again too and enjoy the childhood nostalgia.

Now, games: Probably... Call of Duty? I've only played 2 games(AW and BO2) from that series, but oh well it's a good game to just mindlessly play. I think I'll like the AC series once I play the other games as well(I've only played Origins)
NorthmostIsle Feb 18, 2023 1:28 PM
It's alright, reply at your own pleasure

I myself am notoriously slow to reply so it's not like I'll be offended or anything. I appreciate the thorough replies but again don't feel any pressure. Just a hey, how you doing is perfectly acceptable. Nothing much as really happened with me. I started listening to some radiohead, by some I mean just no surprises, and I like it. But who hurt this poor man, is he ok? D: but that's about it.

Having worries about the future is perfectly normal. My dad tells me if you aren't sure what you want to do, just pick a path and walk in it. Hope you're doing well and the semester hasn't stressed you out too much.
Gween_Gween Jan 30, 2023 3:31 PM
SAME, they are teasing us so hard it is fucking hard with those pics lmao I think my fav from LP! is between Hazard Duty Pay, Rebound and What Kind if Rappin is This?, the later is amazing live, like the build-up is so good. Honestly Jpeg has been growing so hard on me it is not even funny. Danny Brown is so good too, Atrocity Exhibition was my jam when it released

Did you listen to Lil Yachty? It is extremely unconventional but it it is a fun listen haha
NorthmostIsle Jan 11, 2023 7:57 PM
Yeah the second rebuild movie is a good place to stop. After that it gets a lil confusing, even by Evangelion standards.

If you want more fidget stuff I might suggest balisong flipping. I picked it up a year or so back and have amassed quite the nice collection. Those kind of knives are illegal in my state so I only have training ones. Good thing too cuz I would probably be missing a couple digits if I tried any of that stuff with a real knife. There's a thumb flipping over maneuver called the Y2k that took me a solid week to get down. I recommend getting the squiddy from squid industries if you're looking to get into it and want my suggestion on hobbies to get into.

I get what you mean about getting back into the swing of things. I dicked around in academics in the past and recently made a last minute decision to go back. It's a lot of anxiety and I've been studying a lot because I don't want to repeat my mistakes. I never thought much about the future when I was younger and now I need to get serious before it's too late. Having an end goal and a dream of a happier future is a good motivator for me tho.

Personally I think I have too many hobbies and I'm gonna back off on some of them as the year goes forwards probably starting with Anime sadly. I have a hard time controlling myself from bingeing tho few things have come by recently that have made me want to watch it straight through. I think i mentioned the burn out before but well see how things go.
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