If there is no watched date, don't take my rating too seriously. Most shows I've seen years ago rated based on memory, they deserve an honest rewatch. ...But, I probably won't give it to them.
Regardless, I'm new to rating shows, so even then, I'm getting a feel for how I should be rating shows.
I don't like farts who give pretentious, long-winded babyrages on pieces of media, and you shouldn't either.
Here's my ranking system, but at the end of the day, there is more gray area. The first season of DanMachi ended so badly that I knew it even before I had a taste, but I LOVED that minotaur fight so much, I just couldn't stand giving it a low rating.
10. Beauty and meaning combined. A childhood friend who is gorgeous and secretly has a crush on you, who laughs at your jokes and is also funny. Things in here are probably going to be what I'm biased for, and have accepted into my personality. Media that has changed me in some way, for the better.
9-8. A lot of aspects I enjoyed, most likely felt inspired by. These are the shows that I recommend to other people.
7. Neat. PROBABLY has a part that makes people who show this show to others say "yeah, nobody likes this bit," but regardless of that, overall it's a fine show.
6-4. Average. Replaceable among each other. Typically 6's and 4's here would take on the littlest amount of qualities from how I rank the next numbers near them, just not enough to escape the "this was a meh show". I wouldn't say any show in this category is worth skipping, but if you just look at one in this genre, you kinda get the idea.
3-2. Shows that have enough error in them that it's not worth revisiting in my opinion. Maybe there was a massive let-down that overshadowed everything, or a big event occurred that made zero sense.
1. I pray I'll never see anything that'll make me give it a one. It would have to be something unabridgeable, I guess.
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