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Jack Apr 16, 2017 6:21 PM
First thank you for your comment, I'm not being sarcastic when I say that what you have said is quite insightful and I can see where you are coming from, I do not have issue with them mentioning these other two reviews, what bugged me more so was how it seemed to be implied that their reviews were any less valuable then his, because at the end of the day this website is available to be used by anyone, and really when it comes down to it generally people are going to look at the reviews that have scores similarly to their own.

Now while I personally cannot even give a score to this show yet as I believe it to be too soon, I find it hard to really examine this show as other anime because from my own history of what I've watched I think it's fair to say (perhaps unless I missed a moment) that there does not seem to be many/ or any at all moments so far that encapsulate certain tropes (no boobs grabs, stupid mc's, characters that treat the audience like they can't understand anything on their own, etc...) and I think in terms of the broad appeal of entertainment the one that is most easiest to get into is that of an action show which this show so far, has shown signs of being, and when it comes to action I think shows that have it, are the easiest to critique as they really only need to fill two boxes to be considered good, that being flashy and interesting fight scenes and characters.

So while I think it's hard to say so far if this show has interesting characters there are certainly some that hold more promise then others, the magical girl and the commander girl being the two that stand out to me the most in terms of development in the future. As for fight scenes while it's easy to say they are nothing crazy or tactical it's fair to say that they are flashy and for people who have yet to watch much anime they do not need more then that.

Thank you for your comment though, it was an interesting read (And not in a bad way).
baydim Sep 23, 2016 8:29 AM
It doesnt changes my opinion. Until I watch worse series than Re:Zero, it's still worst.
Zerathus Sep 21, 2016 2:41 AM
I stand behind it. Look at it this way: Yes I agree that it must've been shocking for Subaru but he still has time resets. He got killed before and even commited suicide because he understood that there are ways in which he CAN change the situation. But here he tries only 3 times and pretty much gives up. It makes no sense to me. I would've expected him to be angry and irritated that he cant change the situation based on his previous behavior in the village when he saved Rem. And I would be okay if he was broken after hundreds of tries or even dozens, but he tried 3 times. 3 TIMES.

"No offence but this might be the stupidest thing I've ever heard." yea I am not so sure about that. Have you read other reviews on Re:Zero? I atleast I havent said " Finished Re:Zero. It was really boring and lame. I'd give it a 4." like Digibro


" It’s one of the same crap that plagues modern anime, being nothing more than escapism, goreporn, waifus, and cheap ways to undo bad events. It's the glorification of insanity through shock factor, masquerading as a deep and meaningful show, with a ton of ideas but no substance to keep you interested. You watch it purely for the thrill and not for the theme exploration; it's a casual anime fan's wet dream and definitely doesn’t deserve the praise it gets from the majority of the community." like ThatAnimeSnob.
zal Sep 18, 2016 9:41 AM
The wiki says so because of the manga/light novel/web novel, I don't remember anything about it in the anime. Moreover having 107 age and she still acts like 16? Even being an elf I find that rather weird in-world. I would understand she would be rather naive but not so childish. However if I take it as a show/anime then the reason seems clear to why she behaves like that: waifu material.
The reason Subaru goes crazy is not due to PTSD nor mental disorder but the dissociation between his memories and other people memories, that's how I see it.
Lancehot Jul 7, 2016 2:53 PM
I know he was offered a potential job, but I don't recall it being a significant motivator. On rewatching ep.1 his reason for taking the pill is that he was drunk & Ryou mentions something about it being a programme to rehabilitate NEETs. No explanation given as to why retaking your final year of high school would do that, or what it is in Arata's life that going back to school would help with. Could have been in a later episode, I suppose. I know ReLife were watching him for a time after he quit, but that only seemed to suggest they thought he was fit for the programme because, maybe, he didn't deserve to be in his situation? Could have just given him the details for a local jobs advice centre, but I suppose that's not sci-fi enough. Actually, a Servant x Service type show about employees at whatever the Japanese equivalent of a job's centre is might be a laugh, or terribly depressing. Probably the latter.

If the manga goes into more details, then that's great for the readers. Maybe I'll check out the manga sometime to see for myself. Won't make the anime any better knowing its omissions can be found elsewhere, though.
Subxaero Jun 22, 2016 11:14 PM
Read the review again.I never called SUbaru DUMB because he dies a few times. I called him dumb because he is in a dire situation where he litterally dies with the worst possible ways, and in the mean time he makes jokes tries to flirt with EMilia and gets a job on the mansion.

THats apsolutely ridiculous, i wished the writer kept going with the story before he ends up on the mansion, it was actually interesting back then.
Now every episode is a plot hole by itself. Moreover we have 0 insight on the characters except emilia,and i dont mean character development, there has been a little of it, i mean their role on the story, half way through the anime and we have 0 insight whats everyone's purpose around SUbaru
Rinri_ Jun 16, 2016 4:29 AM
Unlike SAO, I enjoyed Gurren Lagann a lot, of coursed it's a bit biased due to personal enjoyment.
thelectricow May 30, 2016 8:00 AM
I didn't know that, no, but that is one long ass filler!
Simonian May 14, 2016 7:42 PM
No haven't read it. My review was based and about the anime only. The way the titans are introduced in the first 2 episodes gives you the impression of something that is essentially unstoppable. With the introduction of the 3D gear and characters like Levi titans lose all their dread and horror appeal. Nearing the end of the series the only titans that instilled fear and had the aura of being unstoppable were Eren and Annie. All the other ones just seemed hilarious as soon as someone with a machete turned up. And as soon as Levi was on the scene they just turned into giant piñatas.

I'm not talking about the story line per say, that's fine, but the concept of introducing something that's so powerful humans build massive walls to hide from it only to have a couple of seemingly immortal characters make a complete mockery of it. Levi is literally a core problem of the series. I can understand introducing a powerful titan slayer character but not to Levi's extent.
Smartreviews May 8, 2016 7:04 AM
Well I watched Hajime no Ippo 500 times. Can you blame me?
lensaamiranda Apr 29, 2016 4:18 PM
Okay, my bad. I must've mixed it up with other shows. I'll watch Mayoiga in a different light now. Thanks!
Hahaido Apr 11, 2016 8:54 AM
Re-download the code. But it wouldn't work for mangalists
Sonicfanx1 Apr 9, 2016 12:53 AM
That makes sense.
bubblelolz Feb 6, 2016 6:59 AM
Thank you I saw your comment on curosstail's account and I FUCKING AGREE i don't know why people say they are trapped in an RPG, like since when did it announce they were in a game I thought I was missing something since it felt like I was the only one who thought they weren't in a game. But anyway it is a slow anime and too slow to enjoy it :D well that's what i think.
Oh and hello again <3
curosstail Feb 3, 2016 3:53 AM
I guess the clues that they give you are just similar. However, I do agree with you as there are huge differences as well. Both include characters that are trapped in a different world. Once their lives end, that's it, they're dead. The anime starts on a fight with different styled characters which makes you think its very similar to SAO's ALO. In the first episode, we see something that looks like a transition into a game.

Although based on what you said, I rewatched the first episode, and you're right. It's never really stated its an RPG or a game in general, so thank you for your comment :)) I'll revisit my review
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