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- Episodes3,628
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Days: 7.5
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- Total Entries86
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- Chapters1,016
- Volumes149
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All Comments (971) Comments
also im a teacher now... so i'm going to have you refer to me as fate-sensei from now on
Congrats on fucking up twice
Nice, if you ever feel like it I'd appreciate if you could send me something for me to see, I won't judge since I draw at a 1st grader's skill level.
It's fineeee I won't die, this has been going on for some time and I feel fine. Wouldn't say expert swimmer, I haven't practiced for real in a long time, there isn't a good place for me to swim at now so I've gotten quite rusty.
4.9 isn't nice :C How is being bellow average nice? Politics are really interesting, you just need to find the side of politics that appeals to you, most things are politics related by nature, songs themed after politics can also be equally as interesting as long as you find something that suits you . I called you missy once and I'll keep calling ya missy, I like the word and I don't get the chance to use it often :3. I bet a lot of things look silly when mixed with the things you listed yes x)
You should, it's a fun language :3
Aww man this is pretty sweet. I like the paintings in the second row, specially the one with the old lady on the street, the top left pasta thingy also looks cute.
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? O: But what was the good food you ate? Or you just ate everything that looked good and didnt asked what it was. xD You were just sitting there? Making fake moves with the violin? xD
I can give you a hug. (>^^)> Its cold here too. :C
How is your festival going? What kinds of delicious food you ate? Its kinda common to get nervous in front of people. So ansious. Well good luck playing, hopefully i said it in time. x)
That just might work :^). Considering I also found dead bugs in the bottom of the pool I don't think constant complaining will solve anything.
How good are ya?
Getting up and walking to the doctor seems like time I could spend reading instead. I didn't really mind it... since doing so many laps every week kinda became a routine after a while :C
Babbling is the engine that keeps conversations going, on top of making them fun. 4.9 is literally below average. Actual politics, songs with lyrics related to politics are fun no matter how good or bad they are. "Wild Portuguese" watch it missy >:3. *Exception, I'm assuming it's something he wrote. Yes they are :3. Being addicted to good songs is perfectly fine. This type of song isn't really my style, I can listen to them while playing Osu! but I don't really listen to them otherwise. I guess dabbing goes well with a large ammount of dancers.
Awww, I understand, well once you have french down Portuguese won't be that hard I guess. They're pretty similar.
I was going to make a joke about potatoes when i asked about foody. Is actually that common to eat potatoes? xD Free! Free food is always the best food. :D You play cello, right? My memory is not that good. xD Are you training a lot? Do you feel nervour playing in public?
I dont like going wild and stuff. I prefer staying home. with my cartoons. And its cold. Outside and cold are not gud. :p
O_O that is a lot of people you are gonna be gettting to got there dayme, im rating there are going to be atleast 500 volenteers there cos 4000 people is a lot.
ahahah yeah yeah, if you remember this correctly thne we talked about it through camping and stuff, XD lol im actually curious to wwhat you talked about with the magic wands, did you go all harry potter style with them XD
OH YEA, i like chess a lot, ill play it with you if you want too lol
XD what when you say games you mean like video games or like group games?
also hows school and stuff going?