A long time fan of anime, I grew up watching shows like the original Astroboy, Prince Planet, Eight-Man, StarBlazers and Tranzor Z. At the time I knew many of those shows came from Japan but did not know they were collectively called Anime. Later on, I would learn about many of the show's origins and how they were quite often butchered for American audiences.
After Robotech first aired, a group of friends and myself helped form a college anime club called the SFAC Science Fiction Animation Confederation. We were a local anime club in the greater western NY area, located in Buffalo that met on the U.B. Campus. And I would basically become the organizer of said meetings and the editor/publisher of our monthly newsletter (monthly being whenever we had a meeting on campus) called Buffalo Crisis.
I've watched a lot of good anime and a lot of bad anime over the years. And a lot of the bulk of the anime I have seen runs somewhere in the middle. To score an eight or higher for me, an anime truly has to be exceptional in terms of artwork, story, and sound.
Actually, here is the basis of how I rate anime. For me, a masterpiece is just that, a masterpiece. There is little or no-fault for me to pick at.
A score of nine is near flawless, but maybe one or two things here and there so it is great.
A score of eight, very good, like nine, but just not quite on that same level of detail in the anime or sound or such.
But with a score of 8-10, there is a good chance I might or will rewatch it once or twice in a period of a few years.
A score of six and seven, being good, but if I were to want to rewatch, it might just be certain episodes or fragments of the show.
A score of five is fine, and no fault of the anime, but just doesn't hold my interest enough that I find myself looking at another device (most notably my smartphone) while watching. So I can be somewhat distracted. And there is little to no interest in rewatching the anime again. Though it still could happen.
And that is a sticking point of mine. If you are ever distracted by other devices while watching a show without pausing said show, then it really can't be good enough to hold your undivided attention to rate a 7 to 10.
With four and below, that means they are just eh, it was ok and gets progressively worse as it goes down each level in scoring.
And that is why my mean average score is under a six and holding steady around there.
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Then the special started with a recap (which the original 13-episode series already had one of), which already made me realise that it'd be nearly impossible for the remaining half of the special to somehow conclude everything I'd just mentioned above (and all the other parts I've forgotten about by now - it's been some time since WEP aired in Winter). Now I've seen some people state that they were actually pretty happy with the special, which I just personally can't see how they would be, since pretty much all my (close) friends (myself included) were just pretty disappointed in general.
I was also kind of hoping that the special would maybe end with some kind of announcement about a second season / or maybe some kind of other form of sequel (movie...? whatever), but when that final scene came that just placed a final "THE END" in the center, with the main cast of girls smiling at you, it just doesn't seem very possible (also considering how it's an original work I guess), and I've seen other people just state how it felt "insulting" - though that's a different matter with how watching anime is not something that's naturally given, with people working hard to be able to deliver this form of entertainment for viewers in a pretty rough work environment... (Which CloverWorks apparently had quite a lot of problems with, considering how I read some of the employees had actually been hospitalised throughout production due to stress / overworking).
Anyway, how about you? Do you have any specific thoughts about it? I'd really like to hear any details you'd like to mention! :)
Those are some new titles to me but they do look really cool to be fair. Mechawarrior 5 kind of gives me Star Wars vibes with the way those machines are built. Hope you enjoy your time with them! I’ve been meaning to get into games my self as well though my selection is a bit limited since most games I want to play are on steam while I play on PS4. I’ve always enjoyed watching gameplay videos for games like sally face (which is a very interesting story game I’d recommend)
Good luck on your training! Simulators are pretty fun, what kind did you get?
Small introductory question to get something started: why do you not use your favorites on your profile? I personally think it's a good quick way to see what kind of things people enjoy most, though it's sometimes limiting if people enjoy a broad variety of genres.