I am an anime loving college student residing in Chicago, Illinois. Besides anime I enjoy reading books/manga, watching movies, playing videogames, hanging with friends, and listening to music, mostly metal and rock of various kinds.
The manga is much better than the anime and does indeed go much further (storywise) than the anime. The way the anime ended never happens in the manga, so the anime quit being faithful 8 or 9(I'm not 100% on those since its been awhile). The manga IMO ended fairly well, nothing like the cliffhanger anime ending. It still however leaves a few questions unanswered. Overall it is worth reading, 8/10.
Thanks for the request, and the pic is from Shinigami no Ballad. Its a pretty decent anime but too short and unfortunately its kind of episodic. (it only follows one character loosely through the show) Definitely worth the time though.
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it's cute...............!