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Days: 164.2
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VR Eroge Yattetara Isekai ni Tensei shita node, Bishoujo Maou wo Dorei-ka suru: Cloth Out Saber
Mar 5, 2024 10:36 AM
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Mannen D-Rank no Chuunen Boukensha, Yotta Ikioi de Densetsu no Ken wo Hikkonuku
Dec 27, 2023 5:29 PM
· Scored
All Comments (350) Comments
hello all we are having our first anime art CONTEST so please check it out.
Contest for Anime Art check it out
this is just a update on the page for in the next week i plan to do some changes
thing that are going to happen
renaming the club (still an art club just looking for a better name also member will get a same in the new name)
a new Club dissucion Art pages (this has aleady happen so if you have like a deviant art page or something like that and u want people to check it out visit the page )
adding admin ( this will only happen if we increase our activity for at the moment there is none so please visit the page or even seen you friends and invite to join)
thanx for reading that all for now
oh and merry christmas to everyone and a happy new year :)
February 2012 Edition
January 2012 Edition
How have you been?
Hello all members
This is our very first newsletter. Ok I know what ur thinking what a s**t newsletter but it the best I can do at the moment.
It been a long time since I have been active and I am sorry about that and I will be making it but to every one.
At the current time I am looking for two people to become admin if u are interested in it please pm me. Over the next week the club will be going undercontruction for I have new planes for it if u have any ideas please pm me and I will take ur ideas into account
Thanx for read talk to u all in the club
Love ur created strange