^_^ you know i prefer japanese voices, but to each their own. (actually i thought in the original Yugiou series.. the one before Duel Monsters, Yugi's and Atem's seiyuu was amazing, she is in my favorites - Ogata Megumi.. but i didn't like the one in Duel Monsters as much, maybe because i got too used to Ogata-san.. i don't like when they change the cast. but in Duel Monsters Bakura's seiyuu is much better, she has the most natural evil laugh ever XD)
The problem with them is that since you're just following instructions, you'll never get any enjoyment out of it anyway.
I hear you. it's like you don't really make any choices, which is what dating games are all about -- making right choices. But if you don't understand what you're choosing from, then you're not really making choices either ^^; i wish some games would get translated already (subbed).
Now Vampire Knight might actually get a chance of being officially translated, since it's pretty popular. I wouldn't mind a Zero x Yuuki ending either >.>
Ehh you're rewatching dubbed censored Duel Monsters? D: booo... i couldn't stand it much longer and had to drop what the tv had to offer. it's not even about the innocence; they just changed it into a child show =/ nobody is dying, everyone is happy and playing card games like there is no tomorrow >.> lol not my thing. You should consider watching the original, so much better. Both the story and the voices.
as for the game (late reply is late lol), i don't really think it's possible to play it without knowing the language. I mean it's a dating simulator, and your ending depends on what choices you make, what you choose to say to the character, etc. i don't see how it's possible without knowing the language, unless you're super lucky and can click on the best choice without reading it XDDD also in dating games the main character (the female one that you play as) is usually not voiced, so all her words will be in kanji only. Even if you understand what the characters are saying, if you can't reply the right way, you're pretty much screwed o_o' But then of course, for popular games, there are walkthroughs online, which pretty much tell you what to click depending on what ending you're trying to get. *sigh* the only dating game for girls that officially has english subtitles is Yo-Jin-Bo =/ we're the minority *nod nod*
ahah interestingly enough, i dropped the U.S. yugioh before it even got to be cancelled. I was fed up with it XD So i watched everything after the Battle City in Japanese (actually i rewatched the whole thing in Japanese later as well), and the Egyptian arc is my absolute favorite *_*
oh that's awesome, good for you! :D big gaps are good, they give me more hope that some of my favorite anime will get another season >.> like Mononoke or Mushishi.. <3
i want to watch La Corda D'Oro, but i want to play it too ;_; dating games for girls just don't get translated ><
haha that sounds like a fun idea for fanart. i actually never drew Seto before, although i did tons of fanart. Yugioh style proved to be very difficult for me *only drew Bakura(s) before*.. just like most shounen styles *sigh*
i have to take screenshots XD i like to look at them later, or make stuff out of them -- icons and banners and other things. i don't feel complete if i don't have a folder of screenshots after watching an anime, weird i know XDDD
Ahh well aren't shounen and seinen really close?
They're really only close in that they're both aiming at male audience. but shounen is for young and teenage boys while seinen is for older male audience. roughly speaking, seinen is more mature (not necessarily in being more violent or have more nudity, more mature story and idea-wise). Come to think of it, Death Note is probably seinen too, but there is a debate going on because it was published in Shounen Jump. (but it was also published in a seinen magazine, so i don't know.. but i personally consider it seinen).
awww thank you!! haha blue-eyes instead of a reindeer, i can totally see that happening XD i love it <3
yeah i agree with all that you said. i love Kelpie's eyes! <3
and i have a thing for darker-skin characters >.> Raven is just so cute, both looks and personality-wise >.< he is like a little brother type of character, i want to hug him XD
i took a bunch of Kelpie screenshots as well, might upload them into the picture thread in the club, if i'm not too lazy :P
i need to make myself a "I will not accept Kaibaman" t-shirt LOL i suddenly like how that sounds XD
if i make top 6 (and include Le Chevalier D'Eon with the already listed top 5), then it'll make 2 shounen and 4 seinen XD isn't Code Geass seinen? i'm pretty sure it is.
All Comments (24) Comments
I'm well too. Hanging in there with classes, only 1 month left and i'm free until September *_*
are you gonna watch 18 soon? Kyoko in fury = win XD i loved this episode so much.
I hear you. it's like you don't really make any choices, which is what dating games are all about -- making right choices. But if you don't understand what you're choosing from, then you're not really making choices either ^^; i wish some games would get translated already (subbed).
Now Vampire Knight might actually get a chance of being officially translated, since it's pretty popular. I wouldn't mind a Zero x Yuuki ending either >.>
Ehh you're rewatching dubbed censored Duel Monsters? D: booo... i couldn't stand it much longer and had to drop what the tv had to offer. it's not even about the innocence; they just changed it into a child show =/ nobody is dying, everyone is happy and playing card games like there is no tomorrow >.> lol not my thing. You should consider watching the original, so much better. Both the story and the voices.
as for the game (late reply is late lol), i don't really think it's possible to play it without knowing the language. I mean it's a dating simulator, and your ending depends on what choices you make, what you choose to say to the character, etc. i don't see how it's possible without knowing the language, unless you're super lucky and can click on the best choice without reading it XDDD also in dating games the main character (the female one that you play as) is usually not voiced, so all her words will be in kanji only. Even if you understand what the characters are saying, if you can't reply the right way, you're pretty much screwed o_o' But then of course, for popular games, there are walkthroughs online, which pretty much tell you what to click depending on what ending you're trying to get. *sigh* the only dating game for girls that officially has english subtitles is Yo-Jin-Bo =/ we're the minority *nod nod*
ahah interestingly enough, i dropped the U.S. yugioh before it even got to be cancelled. I was fed up with it XD So i watched everything after the Battle City in Japanese (actually i rewatched the whole thing in Japanese later as well), and the Egyptian arc is my absolute favorite *_*
i want to watch La Corda D'Oro, but i want to play it too ;_; dating games for girls just don't get translated ><
excited? what's going on? :D
i have to take screenshots XD i like to look at them later, or make stuff out of them -- icons and banners and other things. i don't feel complete if i don't have a folder of screenshots after watching an anime, weird i know XDDD
Ahh well aren't shounen and seinen really close?
They're really only close in that they're both aiming at male audience. but shounen is for young and teenage boys while seinen is for older male audience. roughly speaking, seinen is more mature (not necessarily in being more violent or have more nudity, more mature story and idea-wise). Come to think of it, Death Note is probably seinen too, but there is a debate going on because it was published in Shounen Jump. (but it was also published in a seinen magazine, so i don't know.. but i personally consider it seinen).
yeah i agree with all that you said. i love Kelpie's eyes! <3
and i have a thing for darker-skin characters >.> Raven is just so cute, both looks and personality-wise >.< he is like a little brother type of character, i want to hug him XD
i took a bunch of Kelpie screenshots as well, might upload them into the picture thread in the club, if i'm not too lazy :P
i need to make myself a "I will not accept Kaibaman" t-shirt LOL i suddenly like how that sounds XD
if i make top 6 (and include Le Chevalier D'Eon with the already listed top 5), then it'll make 2 shounen and 4 seinen XD isn't Code Geass seinen? i'm pretty sure it is.