I grew up in the village with my 20 brothers and 12 sisters, its the house next to the mud hole, 20km north from the local water source. I then moved to UK for a better education, after failing this I have decided to be the best cow milker in history to make my parents proud. It was a hard journey but Lord Deelepan, my indispensable friend and life partner, helped me through it with raw unconditional love.
My Father Oliver, whom I respect the most in the world, introduced me to the world of anime. After 22 beatings for having such a big head and for being such a disappointment to Father, whom I respect the most in the galaxy, he told me watch Afro Samurai to better understand our African heritage and culture. After saving the galaxy, with his "Father Love Suplex", I was left fatherless and empty inside.
It was then that I met my Step- Father, whom I respect the most in the universe. He told me I was a disappointment to man kind, it was then that I accepted him as my daddy. He taught me the importance of growing Afro's and importance of being black in life. He then died doing what he loved most, playing hide and seek and locking himself in the toilet.
I then met uncle Javed, after he first tried to rape me, I started to understand that he loved me like a nephew. He taught me about Hentai and my special parts, and how to use it. After receiving AIDS from uncle Javed, I met my love of my life Deleepan.
Uncle Javed died to AIDS, HIV, Gonorrhoea and Genital herpes.
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